Japanese Incest Game Show

Japanese Incest Game Show


Japanese Incest Game Show

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It must be fun to pitch ideas for TV shows in Japan. You can literally take two completely unrelated things, throw them together and BOOM!—you're on the air. For instance: "cooking" and "balancing a live cat on your head"; "Playing naked Twister" and "your grandparents"; "Re-enacting episodes of Law & Order" and "swimming in a tank of pinching crabs". You get the idea. This literally must be how Japanese game show Sing What Happens , where male contestants have to sing karaoke while getting a hand job from attractive, semi-naked women, who often use their hands but also sometimes use their feet to give sexual pleasure. TV is officially too much to handle.
Here's how the game (porno?) is played: The contestants must remember all the words to the song they're singing while being jacked off, and in order to win, must also hit all the correct notes. It seems really hard (haw, haw). The aim is to not be distracted by the hand job, and sing flawlessly through to ejaculation, which brings whole new meaning to the phrase "belting it out". Welp! It looks like the Japanese have once again raised the bar for absurd game show premises, and also given Internet writing folks like me ample opportunity to really work in some erection puns. Thanks, Japan!
Watch a weird segment from the show below. There's no nudity but I still don't think it's safe for work if you're in a professional work environment:
Meanwhile, the Japanese aren't the only ones with weird karaoke shows. Of course, we have our quirks too. Here are some more hilariously odd karaoke shows from Japan, America and elsewhere:

· Supervising Producer, Yahoo Entertainment
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On The Late Late Show With James Corden , Corden was playing a fun game of Face Your Mother. The idea of the game was James would ask the two young gentlemen a question, and they would have to guess what they think their mothers would answer. A fairly innocent game that took a super awkward turn when their sex lives became the focus.
It all started when Corden asked one of the guys, Merrick, what he thought was the biggest lie his mom ever told him. Merrick said it had to do with when he walked in on his mom having sex. When he asked what they were doing, they, apparently, responded, “Oh, we’re playing the sandwich game.” Merrick then added, “And the worst part is that they tried to hold up this lie. So what they would do is they would have me sit in the middle of the sandwich.” That last part, obviously, got a big reaction out of Corden and the crowd — but the awkwardness was just beginning.
The next question Corden asked was whether Merrick thought his mom had snooped in his room, to which he immediately replied, “I don’t know, but if she has, she found some crazy s***.” Corden, clearly, had to follow up on that, asking what Merrick was hiding in his room. Merrick hesitated to answer, but eventually, admitted to having collars and fuzzy handcuffs. When Corden asked Merrick’s mom what she thought when she found those items, she said, “I thought the collars were for the dog. And then the fuzzy handcuffs — I actually borrowed those for the weekend in Yosemite.”
The awkward sex talk ended when Corden asked Merrick which one of them had more notches on their bedpost. Merrick responded, “Mom … 200%.”
The Late Late Show With James Corden airs weeknights at 12:37 a.m. on CBS.
Watch: ‘Bull’ star Michael Weatherly boarded the wrong flight and didn’t notice until landing
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After Biden announced up to $20,000 in student-loan forgiveness, McConnell called the relief "astonishingly unfair." Sen. Warren pushed back.
Heather Deen Locklear is an American actress famous for her role as Amanda Woodward on Melrose Place
The day after the raid, Trump was angriest about the fact that FBI agents targeted his family, Politico reported.
The grandfather went to the bedroom after thinking it was “too quiet,” according to court documents.
Barr said on Bari Weiss' podcast that he "underestimated" how far Trump would go in his quest to overturn the 2020 election and stay in office.
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"One would think that an executive would have a better idea how to operate with people and manage people, and he's a poor manager of people," Barr said.
Obama must be very proud of him right now!” the former president said of Bruce Reinhart, who has been harassed by Trump's supporters and now has a security detail.
The affidavit is damning for Trump and throws a wrench into his claim that he's innocent because "it was all declassified," national security vets said.
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An autopsy report in the death of country singer Naomi Judd that was obtained Friday by The Associated Press confirmed what family members have already said about how she died. Judd, 76, killed herself with a gun on April 30 at her home in Tennessee. “She was treated for PTSD and bipolar disorder, to which millions of Americans can relate.”
The actors describe their unconventional love scene in George Miller's new romantic drama.
Biden's Education Department rescinded Trump's memo stating there's no authority for broad-student-loan forgiveness prior to announcing relief.
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One economist says it could encourage people to borrow even more for school, keeping the wheels of student debt turning.
Movie star Sylvester Stallone has revealed the real reason behind his divorce from his long-term partner Jennifer Flavin. Before the former model filed for divorce, the pair had been married for 25 years and recently celebrated their anniversary in May. When the divorce news made the rounds, the duo were speculated to have split due […]
A woman on TikTok has sparked some confusion after bashing Drew Barrymore for frolicking in the rain.
I was all set for my trip, or so I thought. That's when my friend told me to always keep a bread clip when traveling. The reason is quite clever.
"President Biden and his puppets in the media eagerly lie to the American people because the truth isn't popular," Rubio wrote of student-loan relief.
Fox NewsFox News contributor and former Trump campaign adviser Karl Rove wasn’t buying what Fox was trying to sell on Friday when it came to the redacted affidavit used to justify the FBI’s search for classified documents at former President Donald Trump’s estate.Nearly three weeks after the feds first executed a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago for evidence of Trump’s potential violation of the Espionage Act, the Justice Department unsealed the 38-page affidavit behind it. Judge Bruce E. Reinhart a
"She walks in the room and she said, 'By a show of hands if there are any Virgos in the room, can you just raise your hand?'" Morris claimed.
Stunning photos showed water levels dropping to entirely reveal the massive ancient complex.
The White House is taking on Republican critics of the recently announced loan forgiveness plan by noting how much they themselves received in PPP debt cancellation.
"I actually joked with Ed about this," Ruffalo tells EW. "I was like, 'It's like our generation's Hamlet. Everyone's going to get a shot at it.'"
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"You and I both know the reasons for my exit," LaBeouf told director Wilde, claiming that he quit the movie due to inadequate rehearsal time.

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