Japanese Dick Size

Japanese Dick Size


Japanese Dick Size
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May 4, 2016, 05:51 PM EDT | Updated May 5, 2016
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What's the ideal penis length? Depends where you live.
A new survey conducted by British online medical website Dr. Ed asked women and men from Europe and North America about their sexual health and happiness. Respondents had to guess the length of the average erect penis and also answer what an ideal penis is, length-wise.
No matter what people thought the average penis length was, everyone's ideal length was always bigger. Some things really are universal.
Of the 2,121 respondents , between the ages of 18 and 75, 1,148 identified as male and 973 identified as female. Almost half of the survey pool was from the United States (1,055) while the rest lived in nine different countries throughout Europe. The survey did not account for sexual identity or ethnicity of respondents. And because Dr. Ed is a UK-based website, the results are measured in centimeters (1 centimeter = .4 inches).
While the study's results were intriguing, you might want to take the findings with a grain of salt. Because the researchers didn't account for sexuality, the definition of "ideal" is in the eye of the beholder. Is "ideal" in the context of a sexual relationship or in the context of self-confidence? And if you're a lesbian? Well, just take a wild guess about penis size!
We can assume that the survey was measuring heterosexual preferences because the conclusion reveals how important penis size is to women , but not how important penis size is to men. (It did, however, ask men how size affected their confidence .)
The research revealed that men believe both the average and ideal penis sizes are larger than what women thought.
On average, women perceived the average male penis length to be 5.5 inches (13.8 cm) and the ideal penis size to be 6.3 inches (15.8 cm). Men, on the other hand, thought the average penis length on average is 5.6 inches (14.1 cm) and the ideal length is 6.6 inches (16.6 cm).
When comparing what people believe to be the ideal vs. average penis sizes by country, Poland had one of the the highest bids. On average, the Polish respondents assumed the average penis size is 6.3 inches (15.7 cm) and the ideal penis size is 6.9 inches (17.3 cm).
The U.S. fell somewhere in the middle with American respondents reporting the perceived average penis size as 5.7 inches (14.3 cm) and the ideal length as 6.8 inches (17 cm). American respondents were pretty spot-on with their assumptions considering it's been reported that the average American man's penis length is 5.6 inches .
According to the data, only 10 percent of men are dissatisfied with their penis sizes, while 45 percent are perfectly content. The majority of women (67.4 percent) reported that penis size is "somewhat important" while 21.4 percent said it's "not important" and only 11.2 percent said it's "very important."
As researchers wrote in their explanation of the survey , perceptions of penis size are very different from actual penis lengths. "Men's worries about size occur in the context of many social pressures," the article reads. "Perceptions of penis size have become so distorted in the popular imagination that the reality is often ignored and exceeded by exaggerated notions of an ideal size... Is it any wonder that men often struggle with anxiety about this very personal issue?"
But penis size is only one small (or large?) piece of the sexual puzzle. "At the end of the day, there's much more to satisfying relationships and sexual confidence than this one simple measure," the Dr. Ed article reads .
So, when does the penis girth study come out?
Head over to Dr. Ed to read more about the survey.

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Another day, another strange trend to do with people’s genitals.
This time around we’re not (thankfully) talking about putting something in vaginas that shouldn’t be there.
Instead people are putting their penises in places they probably shouldn’t be. Makes a nice change, at least.
Over in Japan men are getting wise to a seemingly handy way to evaluate the size of one’s penis: sticking said penis in the cardboard inner tube of a toilet roll.
This technique isn’t new – a quick Google search reveals that men have been wedging their dicks inside toilet roll tubes for quite some time. But it’s suddenly boomed in popularity thanks to a tweet from @urasahou, who shared diagrams of the method and a guide on how to do it.
The idea of sticking your penis in a toilet roll tube is that it’s a way to judge the size of your penis without the use of a ruler or tape measure.
You put your penis in the tube, so says the guide, and can judge the size of your penis depending on how much emerges from the other end.
If the head of the penis does not protrude from the far end of the core, you have a small penis, explains the guide. If two centimetres or less of the penis protrudes, you have an average size penis. If more of the head of the penis protrudes, you have a ‘huge cock’ and if the entire head protrudes you have an ‘irregularly large’ peen.
In terms of girth, it’s all about the amount of wiggle room.
If there’s plenty of room inside the tube, that indicates a smaller girth. If it’s snug, that’s average. If you can’t physically insert your penis in the tube without tearing it, again, that’s a ‘giant cock’.
We assume that said test should be done with an erect penis, so that growers not showers will get a more accurate assessment, and it’s worth noting that this particular guide was written with a standard consumer-size Japanese toilet roll in mind, which are apparently longer than the toilet rolls we get in the UK. So it’s really not a universal assessment.
There are also large discrepancies in toilet roll dimensions between brands. If your household happens to buy slimline toilet paper from Sainsbury’s, for example, you’re going to get a shock.
But that’s not our main issue with this little trick.
These kind of tests are made to make you feel rubbish, making you fit into rigid categories that are either ‘too small’ or ‘too big’. The reality is that there’s no concrete guide to the ‘right’ size of a penis, and if you’re feeling insecure about your genitals, doing this kind of test won’t help.
You can measure your penis and compare it to averages if you feel like that will help you feel more confident.
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But if your concerns are to do with sexual performance, it’s likely a better plan to learn that size really doesn’t matter when it comes to giving another person pleasure. It’s not what you have, it’s how you use it, and all that, and anyone who would judge you because your penis doesn’t meet a strict measurement probably isn’t worth your time.
If you do have genuine concerns about your penis, you’ll feel a lot more reassured after a visit to a doctor than you will after the cardboard tube test.
Oh, and you could get a nasty paper cut. Be careful out there.

Less than 3 inches

Less than 3 inches
811 ( 2.04 % )

3 to 4 inches

3 to 4 inches
1539 ( 3.88 % )

4 to 5 inches

4 to 5 inches
4813 ( 12.13 % )

5 to 6 inches

5 to 6 inches
12292 ( 30.98 % )

6 to 7 inches

6 to 7 inches
11776 ( 29.68 % )

7 to 8 inches

7 to 8 inches
5942 ( 14.97 % )

More than 8 inches

More than 8 inches
2509 ( 6.32 % )

Our articles are written by health experts and qualified contributors.
Lucas Owenby (the CEO) and Marko Hallinan (the Editor) review and edit all the submitted content to meet our quality guidelines.
Here is a more detailed breakdown of the average length and girth (circumference) , worldwide, of an erect and flaccid penis shown in the table below:
These measurements are according to a study done by BJUI (British Journal of Urology International) and several other studies. [1] [2]
Currently, the countries with the largest average penis size , 7.1”, are Congo and Sudan.
The country with the smallest average size, 3.7”, is South Korea.
The United States (and other Caucasian-population countries), on the other hand, have a modest average, which is around 5.1”.
Surprisingly, despite the typical racial slurs, the Japanese has a greater stat compared to Americans: 5.2” average.
The largest and longest erect human penis is 13.5” (34.3 cm) long, and it is Jonah Falcon who holds that record. In its flaccid state, it is 8” (20.3 cm.) long. His penis was so long that the TSA (Transportation Security Administration) has mistaken it for a bomb. If you want to visualize how long it is, imagine three iPhone 4s stacked upright. [3]
Read our complete guide on how to measure your penis .
There are two ways to measure a penis:
The results of both approaches may have a few millimeters difference – but the erect measurement will generally be larger.
The most common method is the BPEL (Bone-Pressed Erect Length) measurement – read more here .
To know the length of a penis, get a ruler. Then, place one end of the ruler on your pelvic bone area — it is the hard and somewhat bony area above your penis. Be sure to put some pressure on the ruler until you feel your pelvic bone: This is to make sure that your pubic hair and layer of fat will not mess around with the measurement. Measure from the pelvic bone to the tip of your penis.
To get the girth , you can use a tape measure. Wrap the tape measure around the thickest part of your penis; it can be the shaft, base, or tip.
If you do not have a tape measure but you have a ruler, what you can do is get a strip of paper. Use that paper as a tape measure and check your penis’ girth. Mark the part of the paper that overlapped, and then measure the strip using the ruler.
Recommended tools: Girth Measurement Tape ( amazon.com ).
If penis sizes were as clear as bra sizes, the dating world would be very different.
Fortunately, for those who are within or a bit below their national averages, there is no need to worry.
According to a research review journal from BJUI, women are more focused on a man’s looks and personality: penis size is not a priority.
Many men whose penis size is 5 inches or less begin to doubt their size . This is common but can lead to self-esteem issues and a feeling of insecurity. 5 inches is definitely average and nothing to be ashamed of.
Penis pumps and extenders are commonly used to increase the penis size. It is ideal to use both concurrently, along with manual penile exercises. They can work wonders if used correctly over a long period of time.
If ever you want to make your partner more satisfied with your penis, it is recommended that you focus on improving girth rather than length. According to two studies, almost 80% of women prefer penis with a larger girth than having a longer one. [4] [5]
However, 67% of women who are with men with penis sizes below the global and national average wish that their partners have larger penises, according to a graduate study from UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles) Department of Psychology. [6] [7]
On the flip side, most of the female respondents in the study (85%) said that they were satisfied with their partner’s penis size.
In the same study, men were asked to rate their penis size:
Those who rated their penises as large tend to rate their appearance higher compared to other respondents, which might imply that penis size affects a man’s confidence in his looks.
Watch girls’ reactions when they see a huge penis outline in tight shorts:

In the previous section, it seems that BJUI studies implied that most women are not that worried about their partners’ penile size. However, many studies and polls have generated a different conclusion.
For example, according to a Mister Poll survey, 81% of more than a thousand female respondents would turn down a very attractive male with a small penis for an average-looking man with a bigger package.
In the same poll, 75% of the respondents believe that penis girth and length matter a lot. Also, 61% of them have confided that they have dumped or refused intercourse with males with penis sizes below their expectations.
The poll also had male respondents (also more than a thousand), and they were asked how they felt after reading the women’s responses regarding penis size. Here is the breakdown of that poll:
Despite being heavily studied, there is still a huge margin of error when measuring penis size, especially if the collection of data relies on letting the respondents perform the measurement.
Also, multiple factors can affect a penis’ erection: ambient temperature, mood, age, and self-esteem.
It has been a common saying that you can predict a man’s penis length by just looking at his feet, ear, height, and even the nose.
However, according to a 2013 study, there is no connection to one’s physique and penis size. [8]
Nonetheless, a few other studies have noticed a pattern, correlation of buttocks size to penis size, but it is still inconclusive.

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To be honest, I’m probably a bit above average, but everything depends on the woman’s vagina size.

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I’m 68 years old – is that too old to grow an extra inch? I am 5 3/4″ long and 5″ around.

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Earl, I’ll trade. Having 8.1” is a pain for the woman and not all that great for the man.

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Your chart for women’s pleasure preference has been modified to reflect smaller penises being ideal from the one that is available on many other sites. Losers.

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You’re retarded. The chart of women preferences that you see on other sites is complete bullshit for so many obvious reasons. And then there’s the part where 11×7 is somehow still called enjoyable. The vast majority of women find that painful. Yes there’s such a thing as too big. On top of that, according to a study conducted in 2015, the preferred penis size by women is 6.4×5.0. If you look at the other chart, 6.4×5.0 barely hits enjoyable. This chart is
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