Japanese Bdsm Teen

Japanese Bdsm Teen


Japanese Bdsm Teen
Watch : "Dating #NoFilter" Goes BDSM With a Spanking Class
Dating #NoFilter returns early 2020, only on E!
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In this clip from Tuesday's new Dating #No Filter , enthusiastic blind dater Abby dabbles in BDSM for the first time. The problem is, Abby isn't totally sure she's into BDSM. In fact, when her match Jewel reveals their debut date activity—a lesson on "how to give a good old-fashioned spanking," proctored by a professional who informs the pair right away that "one's gonna take it and one's gonna receive it" during the course of their rendezvous—she looks downright terrified.
"Poor Abby, get her outside!" shouts comedian Cara Connors , before co-commentator Nina Parker chimes in. "Abby is like, 'I did not know this is what I was gonna do today when I woke up and put on my little purple t-shirt,'" cracks the Nightly Pop co-host.
And pan back to Abby, who's already admitted she's never really done this before but is moseying on over to the "spank bench" nonetheless, where Jewel (a BDSM fan who's loving this right now) is about to show her how it's done. 
"You will receive 10 on each cheek and you will endure it," she instructs, to which Abby—bent over the apparatus already, t-shirt, denim jacket and all—solemnly says, "OK." They do agree on a safe word though! Per Abby's suggestion, it's "mercy".
"I'm saying 'mercy' for her," Nina interjects, as Jewel counts, "Three, four, five…"
Cara points out that "they haven't even asked each other their favorite color yet," and her partner agrees this is quite the installation of introductory foreplay. "Like, let me at least get an appetizer first!" Nina exclaims.
Think these two make it to dinner? Evaluate the spanks, uh, sparks, for yourself in the full clip above! 
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Home News Asia Sexual Assault on Japanese School Girls is So Bad, It’s Seen as ‘Normal’

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For the longest time, the phenomenon called “chikan”, or groping, has been acceptable in most of Japan, especially in public transportation. Frequent victims of this extremely revolting practice include schoolgirls, who have unfortunately been objectified as stress-release outlets by overworked corporate employees .
Now, the gut-wrenching cultural norm may see its long-sought end thanks to courageous girls and women who have started speaking out about their grim experiences.
Tamaka Ogawa, 36, shared her story to Al Jazeera . She was first assaulted at the age of 10 while riding on a subway . She recalled a man pulling her culottes and underwear down before pressing himself against her bare bottom.
In another incident, a man placed his hand inside her underwear and touched her aggressively. The offender grabbed her when she tried to get off at a stop, but thankfully, she escaped.
Ogawa suffered more sexual assaults, but at the time, she simply couldn’t speak up. She thought it was improper to get mad at adults and did not want to cause a stir.
Now, Ogawa writes for Press Labo, a digital content company she co-founded. There, she tackles issues on gender inequality and sexual violence.
Thankfully, help is within reach for other girls currently on Ogawa’s shoes. In 2015, Yayoi Matsunaga established an organization called Groping Prevention Activities Center in Osaka.
Matsunaga helps spread awareness through anti-groping badges, the crowdfunding of which kicked off in November 2015. She successfully raised $19,000 and called for the best designs through a crowdsourcing contest.
Matsunaga now sells the badges online for $3.70 each. Apparently, a 2016 survey found that they are actually working — 61.4% of 70 students said nobody touched them after using the badges. Only 4.3% cited no changes.
“Chikan” appears to have a long history influenced by multiple factors, one of which includes Japan’s highly patriarchal society and the confusion over its umbrella of sexually-related crimes. But at the end of the day, what appears to sustain the disgusting phenomenon is society’s oblivious stance, which only discourages victims further from opening up.
Ogawa explained, “The reason they can’t say [anything] is because they’re ashamed. And sometimes, if they talk about it, some people think they are just bragging: I’ve been groped.”
Unfortunately, victims are told that it’s their fault, and worse, that “it happens to everyone” anyway, Ogawa said.
Feature Image via Wikimedia Commons / Brian Adler

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