Japan Ponr

Japan Ponr


Japan Ponr


Japan Today










Oct. 9, 2012
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The Japanese AV (adult video) industry, whose revenue comprised more than 20% of worldwide sales according to a 2006 survey, continues to grow every year. And with that growth comes an increasing number of young women who aspire to work in the industry.
But with so many girls taking a shot at being AV stars and entering into this seemingly glamorous but equally shady profession, how do they go about their daily lives unnoticed? And what becomes of AV stars who leave the industry?
In an interview with Atsuhiko Nakamura, author of books such as “The Nameless Women” and interviewer of literally hundreds of AV actresses, Shuplay News uncovered some startling facts about the sex industry in Japan, in particular the life of the women who become involved in making adult movies.
“Many girls enter the AV industry each year, but not necessarily all for the same reasons,” Nakamura comments. “Some do it entirely for the money, while others are just comfortable with the idea of having sex in front of people and see it as any easy job. It just works for them.”
The Japanese AV industry reportedly sees an astounding 6,000 newcomers each year. But surely the risk of being seen on a video would be enough to dissuade any self-respecting young woman from doing such a thing?
“With the huge number of girls working in the industry, cases of AV actresses being recognised while going about their daily lives are quite rare,” says Nakamura, adding “there are plenty of cases of former AV girls who are now happily married and enjoying normal lives.”
In many cases, girls do a short spell making XXX videos, and then, perhaps having earned enough to support themselves financially, or simply deciding that they have had enough, choose to leave and pursue a more orthodox lifestyle. After all, few people actively working in the porn industry are seen out shopping with their kids or taking part in PTA meetings without those around them raising a few eyebrows.
But it is here that many retired AV models hit a wall, says Nakamura, describing what he calls the “AV-no” (literally Adult Video brain”); the “AV Mindset” that many girls find themselves unable to shake off.
“A lot of girls find themselves unable to return to regular jobs after working as an AV model,” explains Nakamura. “They have worked in an often lucrative business, some for many years, so to go back to a standard job for a much smaller salary is not easy. Around two thirds of retired AV models end up in the sex industry, working in hostess bars or even working as prostitutes in ‘soap-land’ bath houses.”
It would seem that, of those thousands of girls initially seeking an easy, well-paid life as a porn-star, literally thousands of them become trapped in the sex industry afterwards.
The “AV Mindset” that Nakamura speaks of has two distinct sides to it; while there are some retired AV models who lack the skills required to work in regular jobs, and who find themselves in the strange position of feeling more comfortable in environments like hostess bars, there are also women who, despite wanting to stop making sex tapes, are unwilling to return to an everyday lifestyle and lose all the trappings and relative glamour that came from their wealthy AV lifestyle.
Nakamura compares this way of thinking to writers who, at the peak of their game being paid hundreds of dollars for articles, suddenly have the rug pulled out from under them and are forced to work for just $20 or $30 per piece.
“Some writers refuse to do it out of pride or shock. Some, on the other hand, simply can’t afford to go back to that and look for more lucrative work elsewhere.”
Just over two years ago, former AKB48 idol Rina Nakanishi was reported to have become an AV model after her sudden departure from the popular group. While some suggested that, with such a huge existing fan-base, she would see incredible success, others - perhaps more reasonably - argued that, once the novelty of seeing a former pop star perform sexual acts had worn off, Nakanishi would be left out in the cold, disgraced and jobless.
The Japanese sex industry may well be one of the biggest in the world, but it’s clearly very dangerous ground to play in.
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Oh boy, I have been waiting for this to hit JT forever. Let the comments roll. Basically it is the supply and demand and the easy money... My guess is most of these girls and boys come from broken homes. Mind you we also have 25% of the magazine rack devoted to this racket in every conbini. This will always be a part of their culture and perhaps the population would go up if you had less guys wan.....g - you get the picture. The guys in their porn look like every dude on the street....lol.
the answer to the headline... nothing. Japanese tend to close chapters of their own book.
btw, what did happen to former AKB48 Rika Nakanishi, a.k.a. Rico Yamaguchi?
Yes, they're a minority, but I'll bet that some popular girls are able to find willing husbands or at least become a mistress for a wealthy guy. Considering the number of worshipers out there, this wouldn't seem too difficult to accomplish.
"It would seem that, of those thousands of girls initially seeking an easy, well-paid life as a porn-star, literally thousands of them become trapped in the sex industry afterwards."
Which is yet another reason why most people wouldn't want their daughters to start in the first place.
“there are plenty of cases of former AV girls who are now happily married and enjoying normal lives.”
I can't believe anyone would want to marry some slut who has had all kinds of guys bits in them and/or covered in man-milk. It's gross even to think of.
I think a greater concern is STDs. Doesn't every AV star end up with herpes?
The article doesn't mention it but another option for AV stars is to simply never stop.
Jyuku-jyo (mature woman) movies are a bigger and bigger part of JAV these days and some jyuku-stars are very popular and have long running careers.
They are fantastic looking women IMHO.
It's not just in Japan, here in America and around the world there has been a rise in girls and even older women entering the adult business. Some as porn stars, escorts, strippers, even more as webcam models. I'm sure their are a lot of dudes out there that don't even know that their girlfriends or wives is or used to be in the porn business!
Any healthy women will have a history of sexual relationships. What's wrong with that?
I'd willingly marry an ex-AV star... imagine the skills she could bring to the marriage!
You seem to be looking for a vestal virgin as a wife. Good luck with that.
The world's oldest profession never dies, going stronger than ever
Any healthy women will have a history of sexual relationships. What's wrong with that?
I'd willingly marry an ex-AV star... imagine the skills she could bring to the marriage!
You seem to be looking for a vestal virgin as a wife. Good luck with that.
No, I'm not looking for a vestal virgin for a wife, and I know most women have a history of sexual relationships. What I find gross is that these women got paid to have sex with strangers, on film, and probably did some nasty stuff. Some guys are fine with that, great; I'm not. I'm no prude either for the record. I guess it's a matter of taste. And I don't want any girl I'm seeing to taste like 50 guys.
Doctor's sometime's prescribe porn for erectile dysfunction, so maybe there is a need. I always choose modern medicine over old wives tell's. I believe in doctor's recommendation's and trust their opinnion. But the lifestyle change has got to be dramatic, but some people change, some people never change, Maybe make medical film's? before calling it quit's...work as a hostess or escort....?
that many girls find themselves unable to shake off.
literally thousands of them become trapped in the sex industry afterwards.
who find themselves in the strange position of feeling more comfortable in environments like hostess bars
The language here is compelling. It paints women as passive dupes who "happen" to fall into some victimizing lifestyle. The writing gives no agency to the women and uses turns of phrase like "self-respecting women" and the "trappings" of the lifestyle.
Also, by omitting male AV stars from the equation, but implying them as the puppet masters, the writer is adding to the perceived victimization of women. He compensates for it weakly with a halfway inclusionary "stay in school, girls and boys " but really he just means "girls".
Why do we constantly imbue women with this quality of purity? And why are we so puritanical that we judge women based on getting paid to have sex? Nobody thinks men are victims when they get paid to have sex, so why with "innocent doe-eyed wobbly fawns"? Most women like sex, and I'm pretty sure that the more leeway society gives them to get paid to have sex, the more they'll do it, despite increasing equality in the workplace and better status in society.
if you can still taste the fifty guys, then she has bigger problems than her sexual past.
I think it's awesome that the Japanese don't have the same sexual hang-ups as the country that I grew up in has. However, as the writer points out, any girl thinking to enter the industry should be aware of the risks that come with such work, and of course there are some. But if mentally prepared for it, then go for it! If it's that popular a job to do, then perhaps schools should educate the girls more on the industry. job hunting tutorials.
it will keep going as long as people around still love enjoying it........
you got one life and you'll die eventually and its their life. people are allowed to do whatever they want n i have no problem with that and i respect em.
Pornography degrades and harms our society by spreading immoral values and because it destroys virtue. It harms our basic respect for other human being, degrades women and undermines family values. At times, it can lead to criminal acts that are harmful to other people. Ideas of disrespect and immorality are then brought into other realms, such as the family unit and the workplace and eventually corrodes our entire system. Generally it is hard to find redeeming qualities in pornography when taken to extreme and reduces the beauty of the human body to merely one aspect of life. It has often partnered with pseudo-violence or even utilize symbols of childhood to excite the real disturbed people out there. All in all it does add to the degradation of society again creating a bad image for women. But people will continue to buy porn as reality instead of fantasy. But for most people there is nothing like the real thing because you can share the experience with another person and also let your partner know your needs and what turns you on. So sorry guys but you can't take the porn star out to dinner.
Shuplay News uncovered some startling facts
So where are these "startling facts"? Not in the story. There isn't a single example in the article of a post-retirement AV star and what she is doing now. It's just filled with vague generalizations.
Sola Aoi for Ambassador in China (^_^)/
It's funny how being an AV is considered a career choice in Japan, when in actual fact, it is just smutting themselves for money and usually, it is done under the cohersion of even smuttier deviated little men.
One of the worst "articles" I have ever read. Asks what happens to porn stars after they retire but then doesnt tell us what happens to them. Oh wait some of them work in sex clubs, some of them work in bars, but some of them get married and settle into normal life and some of them dont. Yeah ok then......that happens to anybody, not just ex-porn stars.
The one example they gave by name, they didnt even tell us what has happened to her. She could have seen incredible success or she could be disgraced and jobless. So which one actually happened????? Author couldnt be bothered to do ANY research whatsoever? If there are 6000 newcomers per year, that means there are people out there you can talk to, right?
I'd do porn if they paid middle ages overweight white guys what they did young girls.
I remember being at a Show Pub (I was invited by a friend cough-cough) and floor manager brought over an AV or former AV girl for a chat. She was cute, but I thought that this is where many end up as the money earned becomes like a drug and some cannot stay away.
Novenachama...Hope we never meet and it is sad you have such conservative, Puritamistic ideas.
Really what is the big deal here with girls doing porn....it is THEIR life and not mine. They have the right to make their own choice.
And Probie...they are not sluts and it is sad you think so....you must be a real winner too....please stay away from me!
Remember that Japan has never been Christianized, so there is not the strong moral stigma there is in the west. Sex is just something fun and natural. Ultra famous Ai Iijima could retire from AV and go mainstream, and producers loved it because of all the guys who would follow her post-AV career. She was a regular on lots of prime time TV shows. Several others have done the same, including that soft porn director (forgot his name) who is now a cinema comentator on NHK (public TV). Last year there was an ad in a gay mag for a foreigner 60 or above, to star in gay porn (it is called fuke-sen - people who like gandpas, I don't understant it either). This seems to be a lifetime career. Japan is different.
I have an ex-AV star who brings her kid to the Eikaiwa I work at.
Ok at the risk of offending the bible thumpers , what gives you or anyone else the right to judge? Porn like prostitution will never go away, so someone has to do it. If you don't like it don't watch. People have to make money. I don't agree with people being forced to do porn but those who choose to do it know what they are doing. They are like everyone else, they have families and friends who love them. Don't push your idea of values onto others. I would take a porn actress to dinner or a movie. Who gets to decide who is a slut and who is not? Crawl back into your cave and take your scarlet letters with you. ... If there are any porn actresses reading this.... yoroshiku: )
corner-of-my-eyeOct. 09, 2012 - 10:40AM JST
I think it's awesome that the Japanese don't have the same sexual hang-ups as the country that I grew up in has.
Did you grow up in Saudi Arabia or in Pakistan?
I can't think of any many other countries with more sexual hang ups than Japan. Of course you're welcome to your dreams of Japanica eroticus from shores afar, but don't confuse them with reality of Japan.
Japanese men have an incredible amount of hang ups concerning sex and women. A deep loathing and fear of a real woman and woman being mother or prostitute, with no shades of gray, are just a few that can be named.
Japanese porn with its emphasis on violence and child like female participants, squealing non-stop for 45 minutes is the celluloid realization of them.
Dennis 711...what give YOU the right to judge?
There is just as much stigma as in the west. Do you think guys take a girl to see their parents and introduce them as the one who starred in last years hit porn film?. Do you think the parents say "Oh, that's lovely dear - I saw that one. Jolly golly good we're Buddhists"
"Last year there was an ad in a gay mag for a foreigner 60 ...."
And? Because of that you think Japan is different? lol Firstly, this may surprise you but there is only a small percentage of people who buy "gay mags", and an even smaller percentage of people who could honestly say "My ojiichan is a gay porn actor".
Gaijin get really mixed up ideas about Japan.
Japanese on the other hand think that western countries have no moral stigmas because they don't even have mosaics.
btw, I'm not saying their work is evil, just that gaijin are incredibly naive to think there is no stigma in normal Japanese society for women or men who have done porn.
Probie, you don't want any girl you're seeing to taste like 50 guys?
Is that the voice of experience? I mean...you know what 50 guys TASTE like? What kind of movies were you in? Broke-Bake Mountain Goalie?
I am GM for a company that owns some 60+ clubs, and we pay ex-AV (and future AV girls) much higher than their inexperienced, non-performing counterparts; they earn more revenue. They know what men like...and they are not squimish about providing it. Even old ones are very skilled at what pleases a man.
Yasukuni is absolutely right, though...well said. But many people in Japan don't care about their parent's stigmas. Like America...
I have some experience in the industry, and there are as many possible things that happen to girls after they retire as you can imagine. Paulinusa is correct that a certain number end up as "kept women" and often live in a paid for luxury apartment on their few million yen a month stipend in exchange for being available at a moment's notice. But this is rare - you're talking about someone on the level of a Mirai or Natsuki Iijima. Many others go back to soapland-type work. In many cases it pays better and they can establish a list of regular clients. There are some who manage to break away entirely and attempt a "normal" life. Many of the "gyaru" types end up back cycling through pink salons, hostess clubs and part-time retail. There just isn't a cookie-cutter answer to what happens when girls leave the industry.
"I would take a porn actress to dinner or a movie."
Reminds me of the character from Clerks who finds out that although his girlfriend has only slept with two guys, she's given oral to 36 others. Not what you want to hear. Probably best not to ask these days.
They're just aren't that many boys or girls who'll be proud to show their friends and future partners and their own kids the movies that their mothers made.
Some of you really think that Japan is different in that respect?
Anyway, hate to burst your fantasized views of the world, but you might also be surprised to know that not many people who are porn stars/prostitutes who encourage their kids to follow in their footsteps either.
But like I said, not saying it's bad, evil or wrong - just that some of you have picked up some weird ideas. Maybe you thought the mother/daughter combo in the latest porn you watched was a true story?
Lots of prejudice here. Don't forget that these girls are just like you and me: humans with plusses
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