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Japan Kinky

Home All Articles Top 8 Japanese Fetishes
We’ve picked out some of the weird and wonderful fetishes to come out of Japan – ranging from some fairly well know on ones – to a few we’ve no doubt you’ll be scratching your heads at for a long time to come!
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Tired of looking at photos of nurses, maids, robots and those other ‘normal’ fetishes of yours? Do you need something more obscure? Then let me introduce you to the fascinating world of obscure Japanese Photo albums – where some of the most bizarre fetishes come alive!
As fans of Japanese culture, I’m sure you have come across the Zettai Ryouiki before. Also known as the “Absolute territory”, Zettai Ryouiki refers to the area of flesh showing between a girls’ skirt and her high knee socks. The rules determining this area are very strict and photographer Yuki Aoyama states that the golden ratio of skirt length: thigh on show: knee sock length is 2.5 : 1 : 4. For those of you preparing your cosplays, whether you are male or female, please stick to this ratio to achieve maximum attractiveness.
Yaeba means canine teeth and that’s what this photo album is all about. Its a collection of girls with pointy canine teeth. I’m sure you’ve seen them in anime’s before and to some, the pointy canines x girls combination is very attractive. Why? I have no idea…
If I tell you that the ? in the title refers to a woman’s bosoms (taking the “pai” from oppai in Japanese) and the “/” is read slash, would you be able to tell what this photo album is about? No?
?/ aims to depict the beauty of how the handle of a carrier bag or guitar (can be anything), slung across the shoulder, “slashes” through the gap between a woman’s bosoms making them look more prominent and visible. As this phenomenon only occurs with clothing on, the photo album is surprisingly clean with no nudity what so ever.
Tommy is a genius and understands that reality can be ugly and that imagination is where true perfection can be achieved. Unlike conventional glamour photos Tommy’s photos take people in their normal state. He then tears away one section of their clothes revealing what’s underneath. The viewer is then left to imagine what the rest looks like.
Amongst Japanese otaku culture, entering a girl’s bedroom is a feat in itself. It’s seen as a sign that the girl is comfortable enough with you to share something more private and personal to them. Their room gives you a glimpse of the life they live and interests that they might not have shared with you otherwise. Shiori Kawamoto knows this and she’s collected photos of the rarest kind. Photos of otaku girls. Being able to see rooms of people who are often too shy to even leave their rooms is nothing but an honour!
Getting excited? No? …doesn’t really work for me either. Next!
Bisho bisho is a phrase used by the Japanese to describe something that is soaking wet. Bijyo means beautiful lady. Combine the two words and you have a play on words that beautifully describes what this album is about. It’s about beautiful wet ladies…but be warned these ladies are much wetter than you would ever expect.
7. Door Knob Shoujyo by Ryuko Azuma and Ai Ehara
Replacing one knob for another… these girls like nothing more than liking door-handles. It’s a miracle these girls aren’t running some kind of high fever. Do you know the ratio of men who do, and don’t wash their hands after they’ve been to the bathroom?! Sorry love, but keep that dirty mouth of yours FAR away from me – thank you very much.
8. Kaopan Jyoshi Kousei Panty Kamen
Sorry guys, I’ve tried to understand the appeal of this, but I just can’t see it. Ever since I did an impromptu Spiderman impression in P.E class – with a pair of pants that turned out to not be my own – I’ve had nothing but nightmares since.
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Pink film is one of the most important genres that Japan has given to world cinema. Generally all types of feature films that include erotic elements are known as pink films.
However, they can’t be compared to those base and two-bit B-grade films from other countries, and that is the main element that specializes and distinguishes them from those sexploitation and erotic mainstream films from those other countries. They aren’t only erotic but also highly artistic and aesthetic as well. Japanese filmmakers have made some of the greatest films of the world in this genre. Pink films dominated the Japanese film market through 1960s to the 1980s.
This list tried to include many classic pink films, which can be Nikkatsu Roman Porno, Toei Pinky Violence, or other Japanese erotic films. But it has excluded many such films consisting of erotic elements which aren’t very much pinky but usually fall into other genres. Generally, films from Japanese New Wave are excluded except the works of Nagisa Oshima, whose films are actually very erotic and pinky.
For example, Akio Jissoji’s two masterpieces “Mujo” and “Mandala”, and Yoshishige Yoshida’s masterpiece “Eros Plus Massacre” are more philosophical and aesthetic films rather than erotic. Seijun Suzuki’s “Branded to Kill” is more of a Yakuza film rather than pink. Shohei Imamura’s “Unholy Desire”, “The Insect Woman”, and “The Pornographers” aren’t pinky; they are realistic films that are generally hailed as classics of Japanese New Wave. Kaneto Shindo’s “Onibaba” is erotic but it’s also a horror classic.
This list has included those films whose primary substance is sex, eroticism, sadomasochism, geishas or prostitutes, and which generally don’t fall into other genres. Of course, the main aim of this list is to throw light on many classic pink films that aren’t very well known. Here is the list of 30 Classic Pink Films.
1. In the Realm of the Senses (Nagisa Oshima, 1976)
Possibly one of the greatest erotic films of all time, Nagisa Oshima’s incredible masterpiece “In the Realm of the Senses” focuses mainly on the erotic life of Sada Abe, a real woman of Japan who later became a folk hero in her country. The film itself is based on real incidents from her life. It has many powerful and immensely erotic scenes that make audiences feel as if they aren’t watching a film but are making love with a lusty geisha. It has many unsimulated sex scenes which prevented it from being widely released.
This film’s main theme is lust and jealousy, and of course, it is possibly the greatest example of that. It’s even a sort of a parable in that theme. Oshima is particularly focused on these themes rather than Sada Abe’s love for her lover. He shows how lust can lead people to death. This film is famous as well as infamous all over the world and doesn’t need further explanation. Those who haven’t seen and enjoyed it are surely unfortunate people.
2. A Snake of June (Shinya Tsukamoto, 2002)
Shinya Tsukamoto is generally known as the cult director of such bizarre films like “Tetsuo: The Iron Man” and “Tokyo Fist”, among others. His typical style has surely been mastered in his masterpiece “A Snake of June”, a bizarre, disturbing, voyeuristic and surrealist erotic film.
The continuous rain through many scenes of the film and its stunning blue monochrome cinematography have been used to connect the characters, locations, and cinematography with the film’s theme of voyeurism and a sort of revenge. Due to its surreal and nightmarish imagery, it’s hard to identify the real and imagined.
The film can be understood simply if you concentrate on the characters, mainly its good, shy, tortured and stalked protagonist. Its story is somehow similar to “Tokyo Fist”, which is very violent and that seems to be just a warm-up to “A Snake of June”.
3. Go, Go Second Time Virgin (Koji Wakamatsu, 1969)
Koji Wakamatsu is probably the most important director when it comes to pink genre. He has made many films in this genre and his avant-garde film “Go, Go Second Time Virgin” is certainly his masterpiece, which is set in only one location: an apartment rooftop.
The simple plot, philosophical dialogues, stylistic cinematography, messy and disturbed characters, political messages, revolting rape and murder scenes, and the very intriguing scenes in just one location are some of the great things about this film. It is undoubtedly one of the greatest films in pink film history.
4. A Woman Called Sada Abe (Noboru Tanaka, 1975)
This is another great film based on the folk hero Sada Abe, which is actually greater and more comprehensive film than Oshima’s “In the Realm of the Senses” when it comes to the life of Abe. Oshima’s version was actually focused on the erotic life and activities of Abe, but this one shows her life on a whole and primarily her love for her lover. Thus, it is not only erotic but also romantic which makes audiences show pity for Abe.
Many critics reckon that “A Woman Called Sada Abe” is greater than Oshima’s version, which was released one year after this film. It isn’t as explicit and erotic as Oshima’s version but has many beautiful sexual and romantic scenes. Noboru Tanaka is other important pink film director and this one is the first film of his Showa Trilogy; two films of this trilogy are also included in this list.
5. Blind Beast (Yasuzo Masumura, 1969)
Yasuzo Masumura is one of the most important directors of Japanese cinema, who has directed many classics and has made some great pink films. “Blind Beast” tells a fascinating story of a blind sculptor who kidnaps a girl to make his masterpiece. He actually sculpts statues of naked women and their genitals, and he thinks he can make his masterpiece through that girl.
His mother fully helps him but a psychological twist of jealousy comes between his mother and that girl when the girl tries to lure him to escape from his trap. Thus, this pink ends up as a sort of an allegory of the relationship between daughter-in-law and mother-in-law.
Apart from that, this film includes sadomasochistic elements. This type of story is found in many pink films but its characters, plot twist, message, and mysterious and strange scenes of nude sculpting have made it unique and beautiful.
6. Wife to be Sacrificed (Masaru Konuma, 1974)
Masaru Konuma is a renowned for primarily Roman Porno films. Seijun Suzuki impressed him when he used to work for Nikkatsu Studio. “Wife to be Sacrificed” is a great film based on sadomasochistic themes.
A wife is kidnapped by her husband, who she had deserted years ago; he takes her to a remote place where he tortures her. That is the whole story, a simple story that shows only the things that are important. Beautiful cinematography, excessive and revolting torture, and a strange story makes this film very interesting. It is possibly the greatest film of Nikkatsu Roman Porno films.
7. Nanami, The Inferno of First Love (Susumu Hani, 1968)
Susumu Hani is renowned for his Japanese New Wave films and “Nanami, The Inferno of First Love” is his best, which is co-scripted by another avant-garde director of Japanese New Wave, Shuji Terayama. This film is also an experimental piece which shows the romantic life of a boy who falls in love with a model. But its story is irrelevant because there are a lot of gimmicks shown in a very absurd and abstract style.
Conversations between its characters are philosophical and ideal like in many other Japanese New Wave films. Camera movement, different romantic gimmicks, the dialogue, beautiful cinematography, and absurd characters are the most interesting things about this film. It’s also unmissable Japanese New Wave film.
8. Empire of Passion (Nagisa Oshima, 1978)
A companion film to Oshima’s “In the Realm of the Senses”, which he made two years prior, “Empire of Passion” contains fewer explicit sex scenes but is very powerful and beautiful. Even though the story is somehow similar to “Senses”, it is actually a ghost story and sort of a folk tale.
It tells the revenge story of a man, who is murdered by his wife and her lover. His suffered spirit ultimately becomes a ghost and takes revenge on them. Even though there’s a ghost involved, the main cause of fear of those two lovers is actually psychological rather than supernatural. It is a beautiful erotic and ghost folk tale that is based on themes of lust, infidelity and revenge.
9. Tokyo Decadence (Ryu Murakami, 1992)
Ryu Murakami is a famous Japanese writer and he has proved that he is also a very good filmmaker. He has made four films, from which “Tokyo Decadence” is the best. It tells the story of a call girl who had to go through S&M hell. But that is not only the main part here. Love, drugs, the sex industry and prostitution are shown in a very subtle presentation.
Slow camera movement during S&M scenes, the beautiful and dark streets of Tokyo, the bizarre life of drug dealers and prostitutes, very weird sexual practices and many other elements, are shown very interestingly.
“Manji” is one of the greatest lesbian films ever made and you will find the unique Japanese savor in it. It is a film adaptation of the Japanese novel “Quicksand” written by Junichiro Tanizaki. Many directors have adapted it to film, but Yasuzo Masumura has possibly achieved the finest art with it. Its script is written by another famous director, Kaneto Shindo, who directed classics like “Onibaba”, “The Naked Island” and “Kuroneko”.
Its story shows the complexity of a relationship between its characters, a married woman who falls in love with a beautiful model. The complexity occurs when her husband finds out the truth. Another twist comes when the model tells the married woman that she had another love before her. Psychologically, erotically and aesthetically, this film is highly powerful and remarkable.

A few oddly specific kinks by country
Jason Brick is a voracious reader, heroic drinker, and super-cool dad (not necessarily in that order of importance). When not testing the theoretical limits of coolness, he practices martial arts so he can beat people up for teasing him about how much he likes playing Dungeons & Dragons. Find out more at BrickCommaJason.com .
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Sure, you won the geography bee in seventh grade because you were the only American in the room who knew there wasn't an Old Zealand. But we've got some geographic knowledge you can use : which countries are the freakiest between the sheets.
Different countries have their own sexual tastes , mores, and definitions of what's normal . So go do as the Romans do -- in the filthiest-minded countries of the whole damn world.

Of all the kinks to measure, this might be the easiest. Trend website ExtremeTech analyzed data from Google to determine Iraq and Egypt are the two countries with the highest rate of porn-viewing. If this raises an eyebrow for you, it should: These are two of the most socially conservative nations in the world, where women aren't allowed to go out in public showing their necks.
By another definition (countries that had the longest average session per visit to a porn site), conservative countries still came in at the top with Kuwait and Singapore ruling the rankings.

Data-mining from Match.com and TheRichest uncovered the countries where the most adults have committed… adultery. You might be thinking of France, but the Country of Love came in fifth place. The winner was actually Thailand, with 56% (that's right, most of ) the adults having cheated on a spouse at least once. Denmark and Germany came in second and third, with 46% and 45%, respectively.

Whiplr bills itself as "Tinder for Kinksters," and got downloaded a whopping 120,000 times during its first three months. This already proves that way more people are into handcuffs and schoolgirl skirts than they are letting on. It also gives them statistically significant sample sizes based on who's looking for what. According to its own analysis, the US has the most people into BDSM pursuits per capita -- 70% of searches. For spanking specifically, the title went to the UK. The Brits searched for spanking more than any other country, and more than any other kink within its own borders.

Dirty can mean kinky, but it can also just mean the most amorous in general. There are a couple of ways to measure this, so we looked into both. In terms of raw numbers, the country that has the most sex is Greece . Those democratic horndogs clock in at 164 sexual interactions per person, per year according to a survey run by an international condom manufacturer. That's almost 20 times more annually than the second-place Brazil, and more than 20 more times than Russia and Poland, tied for third and fourth.
In terms of the nationality most likely to have sex on a first date, that's been Australia for decades , currently reporting at 13% of the population putting it out before their first kiss goodbye.

That Whiplr survey found that Germans were the most into talking dirty to each other, which we found strange for two reasons. If you look at German porn, you would assume they were the kings of poop and bondage (maybe fighting Japan for either title), but nope. They like the dirty talk. Second, have you ever
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