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Home | Culture | Hot Sexy Photos | Janet Leigh: Hottest Sexiest Photo Collection

Adrian Halen

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Actress / Model Janet Leigh left behind a legacy that will always remain close to horror fans hearts. Known as the poster lady for 1960’s movie Psycho, it is remarkable seeing that her role in that film was very brief (but yet still impactful). Janet Leigh would live a life of countless movie releases adding to her contribution to the film world.
She would also bring a striking beauty to the screen that was unmatched for her era. I first fell in love with this lady in 1953’s film “Houdini”, a film that would lead to her off screen romance with other lead, Tony Curtis. Often toting one of the pointiest bras on screen (no really, check out the shots), Janet was hard not to notice. She of course would grant us another gift in horror with her offspring actress/daughter, Jamie Lee Curtis.
Over the years Janet Leigh practiced diversity through a range of film styles that include: drama, comedy, musical, horror, and even the occasional action movie.
The photos we have gathered take us decades back ranging from the 1920’s to present. Janet would of course leave us in 2004 at the age of 77, however we have her work and photography sessions to remember her by. A remarkably stunning talented lady, Janet Leigh was among the greats! I had a great time drumming up these shots.
I hope you enjoy the sessions of images we have gathered. Enjoy our Janet Leigh Hottest Sexiest Photo Collection and throw on a few older Leigh starred films while you are at it!

Let’s Talk About Janet Leigh’s Pointy Boobs
Arnie on April 26, 2020 at 4:18 pm
John w on November 30, 2020 at 2:20 am
Stephen b cook on February 2, 2022 at 9:36 pm
Dixie Laite on February 3, 2022 at 7:42 am
Stephen b cook on May 11, 2022 at 10:55 pm
Dixie Laite on May 11, 2022 at 11:38 pm
When I was ten-years-old boobs weren’t yet a thing, but they were still a thing. No one talked about them, but everyone talked about them. Or rather, talked around them. When I eavesdropped on grown-ups, I heard snickers about them. They were an unspoken but important thing. I could tell, because on TV and naughty drinking glasses, in movies and remarks that came with a wink about Playboy bunnies and stewardesses and secretaries and girls and women…I could tell they were a thing.
I didn’t have any yet, but I knew I needed them. When I was 10 I thought girls could grow up to be nurses, movie stars, teachers*, wives, or run an underground railroad. (The Civil War was over, and I cringe at the sight of blood, so my options were limited.) But it was clear to me, crystal clear, that any future needed boobs. Like anyone, I wanted to be loved; I wanted to matter . It was clear that if I were going to be a librarian no one felt sorry for, hirable as a stewardess or secretary, marriable as a wife, not invisible as an adult, I needed boobs. To matter, I would need to have boobs.
But not just any ole boobs. Big ones, the kind they smirked about on Laugh-In , the stuff of double entendres on Johnny Carson. But I could see big boobs weren’t enough. You had to have lots of flesh on the chest, but be skinny everywhere else. Not at all easy to find in nature, but possible. Take Janet Leigh.
The real-life woman that came closest to my Barbie’s improbable shape was the star of Holiday Affair .  Ms. Leigh had that startlingly beautiful face – big eyes, slim nose, perfect mouth. But what made my Christmas List were those magic boobs. Entering rooms several seconds before the rest of her slim body were those outsized pointy boobs. Hell, you could put someone’s eyes out with those double lattes. Her character in Holiday Affair may have had stick up her butt, but it was the way her supporting characters stick out that likely made Robert Mitchum overlook how priggish she was. (Isn’t it amazing how men will overlook how stuffy you are if you’re Oreos are double-stuffed?)
I was mesmerized by Janet’s Comet and Cupid in that holiday classic, and I couldn’t wait to be old enough to get my own bullet bra. I was too young to really understand the role secondary sexual characteristics play in attraction, and too naïve to understand how arbitrary and culturally determined these beauty metrics can be. Sure, now I know how these standards are overly constructed (not to mention the bras). But as a young girl, torpedo boobage just seemed like a powerful accessory, as covetable to me as a pellet gun would have been to my brothers. (And, I hoped, as lethal.) While not as literally puncturing as a vampire slayer’s stake, my Mr. Bigs would stick in the mind. In a world where the second sex had little power, I figured a girl must rely on cleavage’s clout. While my intellect and value might be undervalued, a projectile chest would be hard to ignore. Memorable mammaries might give me a protective potency that could intimidate as well as attract.
The original meaning of glamour was magical, enchanting, a spell. And that’s how I viewed grown-up glamour – the means by which a woman might have some agency in a world not built for her. King Arthur had his sword, Robin Hood had his bow, Batman had a Batmobile, Janet had her bra. Johnny got his gun, Janet got her Maidenform. When Erin Brokovich’s boss can’t understand her effectiveness, she condescends with the explanation, “They’re called boobs, Ed.”
I’m grown-up now, and my frontal lobes have often proved to be more wounds than wounders. Still, my bras are as close to armaments as I’ve ever come, and my cleavage has been enchanting on more than one occasion. And I still can’t help but recognize that Marion Crane was unarmed without her bra in that infamous shower. A psychopathic killer is daunting, but to my mind, Janet Leigh’s bra was pretty damn formidable.
*I grew up to be a National Merit Scholar, and graduated Cum Laude from an Ivy League university. After I graduated I become a second-grade teacher. Had someone wanted to marry me, I would have become a wife instead.
What a wonderful, Witty, Loving,cool, neat read.
About the ‘Author’, I noticed you speak off whom you live with. Birds, dogs etc…. I see you left out the husband.?? Bust column. Is he still around?
How funny…i was just watching Janet in My Sister Eileen and her pointed titties drove me to the internet to see if i could get a peek @ some more of her breasts in profile and i came across this . Well done I say..I like the cut of your jib.
Being a male from around the same time frame you described I to had the same desire as you , but from a different perspective. I also knew I wanted boobs ,but they needed to be on somebody else. I just wanted engage with them on occaision (often). Like you I loved the Torpedo Tits look…sure wish it would come back in vogue.
Thank you so much, Stephen! Please let me know what dames I should profile next!
Took me a few months to wander back here( ,but who wouldnt with all the Hot Dames from the past) and found your reply by chance.
Since you asked..I must admit to having had a pretty big crush on Heddy Lamar . What a name ..right ? It just rolls off the tounge and is drenched in exotic allure.
I discoverd her by chance one nite 40 years ago when I got home after working 2nd shift and saw her in an old B&W from the 30’s. “Hot Cargo” . Even though it was 1 am, and I knew she was long gone. I had to exclaim “where you been all my life gorgeous.?” A profile on her would be nice if you get around to it.
And while I have your attention , and since this all began with a convo about breasts, I have to make mention that back in the day…the 30’s thru the 40’s and early 50’s there was a dearth of bososmy women in the movie industry , damn few I might ad . No shortge now-a-days ,both real and fake, but the female figure is definitely evolving . I have heard it is related to hormones in milk…but what do I know . Love the site , love the articles but then again I have alwasy been drawn to quirky “entertainment” that is off the beaten path so this meeting was inevitable .
I also have a parrot,under duress I might add…24 yrs ..I am either a saint or a moron. I might be walking the line .
Good luck in your endevours . Stay kinky…it suits you.
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