Janet Mason Stepson

Janet Mason Stepson


Janet Mason Stepson
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Time is ------------
too slow for those who wait
too swift for those who fear
too long for those who grieve
too short for those who rejoice
But for those who love -------------
Time is not.

Henry Van Dyke

Posted by Michael Mason on July 10, 2022

I was just thinking of you today, now 8 yrs since you went to be with the Lord. I miss eating subway together and watching your court shows. Love you mom -Mikey

Posted by Jenny Brandt on July 10, 2022


Posted by Krista Mason on November 7, 2021

Hi mom, Happy birthday ….I hope you know how much we love and miss you!!! I still miss you like your funeral was yesterday :(. We’re all doing good, went to the Renaissance festival and got baptized again today. Going to the festival brought back memories of when we all went together. Just wanted to tell you I love you. I think you would have liked Byron. Tell dad hi! I love y’all so much. Love Kristi

Posted by Michael Mason on November 7, 2021

Remembering you on your birthday mom. So much is going on in the world these days but I do my best to stay positive. Your granddaughter Kinsley is almost two! Missing you. Love, -Mikey

Posted by Michael Mason on November 7, 2020

Happy heavenly birthday mom! It has been a crazy year in 2020. A lot of bad things going on and so much unknown. Their have been a few good things tho. Our family continues to grow! Me, Cheyenne and Sierra all having our first child this year! I wish you were here to meet Kinsley. Anywho.... things could be better for us right now but we will get by. We will continue to trust in God. Happy birthday again! -Love you Mikey

Posted by Krista Mason on July 10, 2020

Hi mom....I know it’s been a while since I wrote you ...there’s so much I want to tell you ...can’t believe today it’s been 6 years...hard not to think of you on my birthday ...and I met someone who is really good to me...and I want to tell you but I’m sure you already know! Miss you and dad so much!!!! Wish we can all be together now...I love y’all so much!

Posted by Jenny Brandt on July 10, 2020

Hey mom I miss you there’s SO much to tell you. So I’ll save it for the rapture VERY SOON!! When Jesus comes! See ya! Love you!

Posted by Toni Crimaldi on July 10, 2020

what a beautiful family. God bless you all

Posted by Michael Mason on July 10, 2020

Remembering you on this day mom. So much has happened since you passed, some good things some bad. I included a pic of my family including baby Kinsley who is almost 6 months already! I miss you so much!   Love -Mikey

Posted by gregory kalata on November 10, 2019

Happy birthday sis you would be 69yrs. old see you soon love Greg

Posted by Michael Mason on November 8, 2019

Happy birthday mom! Remembering you on what would have been your 69th. Ashley is 7 months now, her and the baby are doing just fine. Miss you and love you. -Mikey

Posted by Jeff Kalata on July 14, 2019

Hey Jan, Drop a message on this website some time to let us know whats happening in the next dimension . Just a thumbs up will do. Thanks, Jeff,K

Posted by gregory kalata on July 13, 2019

Well sis its been 5 yrs. now we will soon be together when he shouts will all be together. Just lay and get some rest for the thousand yr. reign. love Greg

Posted by Jenny Brandt on July 10, 2019

WE MISS YOU MOM!!!!!!! Jesus please tell my mom and dad, Sparky, and pop tart, we miss them!!!!!! Love, Jenny, Mikey, Kristy and Vikki!!! Thank you Jesus!!!!

Posted by VICTORIA HANSON on July 10, 2019

I miss you mom!!! Remembering you are with Jesus today!! I can’t wait to get there too! I know you are having so much fun with dad too. So much has happened recently! I know you KNOW about them, but just wish you could have been physically here for....Mikey got married! Justin got married! Justin & Serena had a baby! First great grand child for you! Mikey & Ashley are expecting a child now too!! I know yall must be THRILLED! Cheyenne got married on 4th of July to a military man! I know dad would be proud of that! We placed a picture of you & dad in a chair in the front row at the wedding... a reminder that you & dad are still watching on & here with us! Today is Kristi’s birthday so we now have 2 celebrations for it each year! Love you very much mom!!! Miss you!!! Give dad a big hug from me too!! Tell Jesus to hurry up and come get us!!!

Posted by Michael Mason on July 10, 2019

5 years already :( I miss you mom. We are in San Antonio now, on a lil vacation. We are expecting our (Ashley) first child! Everything is going fine right now. Love you. -Mikey

Posted by Jeff Kalata on November 28, 2018

Ummmm , This is getting too creepy talking to a web site. It was nice in the beginning but now its a little weird. Have a good one jan wherever you are. Dang I did it again ! Love , Jeff

Posted by gregory kalata on November 10, 2018

my sis just hit the big 68 see you soon get ready for the thousand year reign I will be there love Greg

Posted by VICTORIA HANSON on November 7, 2018

A song for you today on your Birthday Mom!!! https://youtu.be/fOjZomB6Mio

Posted by VICTORIA HANSON on November 7, 2018

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!!!!! In my prayertime this morning I asked Jesus to tell you Happy Birthday!! Hope I was the FIRST ONE!!! Ha! I miss you and love you!! Tell dad we will see y’all soon!!

Posted by Michael Mason on November 7, 2018

Remembering you today on what would have been your 68th birthday mom. Poptart is still here with us trucking along. He gives me so many memories of you. We will celebrate your memory later tonight with a cake. Happy birthday, love you. -Mikey

Posted by Michael Mason on July 10, 2018

Wow it has been 4 years already. I still think about you all the time mom and always pray for you and dad. A lot has happened over the last few years, some good some bad but overall we are doing ok. I wish you were here to see me and Ashley's house and to help clean it (kidding lol). Love you -Mikey

Posted by Michael Mason on May 13, 2018

Remembering you on Mother's Day mom! I miss you and love you! -Mikey

Posted by Michael Mason on November 7, 2017

Happy birthday mom! So much happened this year. Me and Ashley bought our first house, I wish you were here to see it and help clean it. Just kidding lol. Love you -Mikey

Posted by Jeff Kalata on November 7, 2017

Happy birthday Jan ! Have a great 67th .

Posted by gregory kalata on November 7, 2017


Posted by gregory kalata on July 10, 2017

Its been three years now it wont be much longer now the world cant last much longer. America must REPENT or nothing is going to change its gonna keep getting worse.See you on the last day sis.

Posted by Michael Mason on May 14, 2017

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY MOM!! I miss you so much! It makes me sad when i see people today spending time with their moms and you're not here :( We had a scare with Poptart last month but he is better now and all the other family pets are just fine. Love you - Mikey

Posted by Jenny Brandt on November 7, 2016

I LOVE YOU!!!! GOD, Thankyou, SO much for taking care of my mom and dad, we miss them but, what's getting us through this is we're going to see you VERY soon!!!!! This election is VERY prophetic!!!! We hope THIS IS the last TRUMP!!!! And, well be changed in the twinkling of an eye!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!!!!! GIVE JESUS A HUG FOR ME!!!!!!!

Posted by Krista Mason on November 7, 2016

Hi mom, Happy Birthday...oh mom so much has changed since you were here, you and dad would be so pissed at all the changes. This world has really gone nuts! I miss you all the time! We all keep your sayings going and laugh... we will all be together soon! Love and miss you and dad always!!! ;) Krista ;)

Posted by gregory kalata on November 7, 2016

Hey sis happy birthday you will be 66 better hope Trump wins or down goes the country. Jesus will be back soon I will see you on the last day. LOVE GREG

Posted by Jenny Brandt on November 7, 2016

GOD, Thankyou, SO much for taking care of my mom and dad, we miss them but, what's getting us through this is we're going to see you VERY soon!!!!! This election is VERY prophetic!!!! We hope THIS IS the last TRUMP!!!! And, well be changed in the twinkling of an eye!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!!!!! GIVE JESUS A HUG FOR ME!!!!!!!

Posted by Michael Mason on November 7, 2016

Happy Birthday mom!!! You would have been 66 today. I still think about you all the time. I miss talking to you and watching court shows with you. I'm doing fine, still with Ashley. We had a big scare with Poptart but turned out it was only an ear infection and he's doing just fine, Sparky and the rest of the gang as well. Tomorrow is the big election day! I know you wouldn't like Trump but I'm sure you would hate Hillary even more lol. Sad thing is she has a really good chance of winning because people are stupid :( We shall see tomorrow. Anyways happy birthday mom! Love you. - Mikey

Posted by VICTORIA HANSON on November 7, 2016

Happy Birthday Mom!!!! I agree with Jeff about the election!!! (PLEASE!!!)...lol. Last night I told Jesus to tell you Happy Birthday right before midnight, and to ask you if I was the first one! hahaha! Mom I am so jealous of where you are. You wouldn't recognize the world anymore the way it is now. So much has changed just since you were here. We remember & celebrate you every day, but especially today!! I know that you are still here with us and I love you so much! Little Sammy says he knows that are proud of him playing golf. Not "would be proud" ....no.... he said you "are proud"! =) It makes me happy! The kids miss you & think of you often too!! Say Hi to dad for me!! I love you both so much & we will be seeing you soon!! BIG BIRTHDAY HUG!!!!!

Posted by Jeff Kalata on November 7, 2016

Happy birthday Jan ! Hope all is well ! If ya have any connections in that dimension please try to have Hillary lose the election ! See ya later , Love, Jeff

Posted by Jenny Brandt on July 18, 2016


Posted by gregory kalata on July 11, 2016

Hi sis its hard to believe its been 2 yrs. Hope to see you soon Greg. Get ready for the thousand yr. reign.

Posted by Krista Mason on July 10, 2016

Oh mom, it's still hard without you...I think of you and dad so much! We had a good 4th of July and y'alls anniversary just happened..happy anniversary! I love you both so much...wish I was with y'all! We are all still close...see you soon! Xxooo

Posted by Michael Mason on July 10, 2016

I can't believe it's been 2 years already. I still feel your presence sometimes and I mention you and dad in my prayers every day. I also pray for your babies (the family pets) that they stay healthy and strong. Poptart and Sparky are still doing fine. I miss you - Mikey

Posted by Michael Mason on May 8, 2016

Hello Mom. I still think about you every day and I'm thinking about you a lot today on Mother's Day. Love you - Mikey

Posted by Krista Mason on November 7, 2015

Mom, Happy Birthday! I miss you so much, you were in my dream a night ago...and I was so happy to talk to you and hug you!!! I think about you and dad all the time ...love you guys with everything I have !!!! Kenna still cries too sometimes for y'all, admits she misses your m&m's most...lol Lord come quickly! See you guys soon :)

Posted by Michael Mason on November 7, 2015

Happy birthday mom! I miss you so much! Poptart, Sparky and gang are doing fine. Love you

Posted by Jeff Kalata on November 7, 2015

Hey Jan, Happy birthday.By now I know you realize there isn't a heaven or hell just the next dimension. Say hi to all the other lost relatives and folks there. Have a great 65th where ever you're at.

Posted by VICTORIA HANSON on November 7, 2015

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!!!! I know you'll be having chocolate cake with white icing!! We'll be seeing you real soon. So I'll tell you everything when we get there!! Come Lord Jesus!! Love you & miss you much!!! =)

Posted by gregory kalata on November 7, 2015

Happy birthday sis the big 65 hope to see you soon LOVE GREG

Posted by gregory kalata on July 11, 2015

I cant believe it been a year already I surely miss you very much I wished i could have seen you before you left. but you are sleeping now get some rest for the thousand year reign see you on the last day. love you sis . Just a note you don't go to heaven when you die you lay in your grave waiting to be resurrected. that's what the bible says. love uncle greg

Posted by VICTORIA HANSON on July 10, 2015

Mom I've been hearing your favorite song all day today!!! =) Hope that's a sign you stopped by! Miss you so much!! 4th of July was not the same without you. But I heard Jesus does the best fireworks displays ever!!! I know it must be AMAZING! Mom...Pastor Sandy Champion from Sparrows Barn died recently. It was unexpected. I hope you found him there and showed him around while you entertained Candy as well!!! Cheyenne & Justin just graduated high school. I just know you & dad were there too! It was a huge moment for our family! Anyway I love you so much and miss you!!! Tell Jesus to hurry!!...lol. We'll see you very soon!!

Posted by Jenny Brandt on July 10, 2015

Jesus, please tell my mom I was hoping we would be gone before I leave you another massage. Unfortunately were still here. But, the next few days are going to be VERY INTERESTING! Glorified bodies ARE NEXT!!!! You can stop giving Jesus a hard time. were almost at the FINISH LINE!!!

Posted by Michael Mason on July 10, 2015

I can't believe it's been 1 year already :( Still miss you so much! Love you, Mikey

Posted by Jeff Kalata on July 10, 2015

Hey jan,Its been one year since you left for the next dimension. I hope your at peace. I lost Candy april 30th of this year and she always said when she dies she'l look you guys up when she passes. I hope your all together, Candy will keep you's laughing she had the same sense of humor. If its possible stop by every so often and say hi. I'l see ya when I kick the bucket some day. Its strange when we were kids we never thought of death yet the older we get it seems when people we know keep dyeing you never know when your number will be pulled.See ya ,Love , Jeff

Posted by Michael Mason on July 10, 2022

I was just thinking of you today, now 8 yrs since you went to be with the Lord. I miss eating subway together and watching your court shows. Love you mom -Mikey

Posted by Jenny Brandt on July 10, 2022


Posted by Krista Mason on November 7, 2021

Hi mom, Happy birthday ….I hope you know how much we love and miss you!!! I still miss you like your funeral was yesterday :(. We’re all doing good, went to the Renaissance festival and got baptized again today. Going to the festival brought back memories of when we all went together. Just wanted to tell you I love you. I think you would have liked Byron. Tell dad hi! I love y’all so much. Love Kristi

Shared by Toni Crimaldi on December 27, 2017

Shared by Krista Mason on July 10, 2015

Shared by VICTORIA HANSON on July 21, 2014

Recent updates:

Michael Mason
left a tribute.
July 10, 2022

Jenny Brandt
left a tribute.
July 10, 2022

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 WE LOVE YOU MOM!! This memorial website was created in the memory of our mother, Janet Mason. We will never forget you!! 
NOTE: My mom & dad’s anniversary was July 1. So, now they are both together in Heaven! …close to the same age they were first married. A beautiful thought! 
Please feel free to leave a special message in the "Tribute" section below for Janet or her family. You can view her obituary and leave personal stories on the tabs above as well. Thank you for visiting the website!
The family of Janet Mason wishes to express our sincere thanks for any flowers or other expressions of love during our time of bereavement. God Bless you! Condolences m ay be sent to the home of Victoria Hanson: 18939 Atascocita Forest Dr., Humble, TX 77346 
11:00am Thursday, July 24, 2014 Houston National Cemetery 10410 Veterans Memorial Drive Houston, TX 77038 We ask that any floral arrangements/gifts/cards be sent to Victoria's home address. TheVA cemetery restricts items left at grave sight.        AFTER SERVICE CELEBRATION     
We will be sharing fond memories and food, celebrating Janet’s new journey at Victoria’s house. Please join us. Everyone is invited: 
Victoria Hanson, 18939 Atascocita Forest Dr., Humble, TX 77346
 (Please use “Google" for directions, Mapquest gives the wrong directions)
I was so sad to hear of my fosters sister death. Its a shame after sharing the same house & parents for 13 years, stood up for her wedding and no one even let us know. with that being said I am truly saddened that her life ended to early. I have no doubt you kids miss her so. She loved her diet coke(even as a kid) lol and also sad that your farther is gone as well. God bless you all and your family
Memories of mom when I was a child...
I remember waking up to the smell of cigarette smoke and make up from my moms bathroom 
The smell of coffee on Saturday morning
The smell of breakfast my dad would be making on Sunday morning
I remember sounds of my moms curling iron in the morning
I remember hearing quiet bickering from my parents room next door at night
I remember hearing my mom telling us to clean our room
Hearing I love you from my mom everyday
And how beautiful she thought we all were
I remember hearing sounds of diet coke being poured with ice in her cup
Hearing her telling us to do our homework and brush our teeth
I remember hearing how much she loved her dogs everyday
My dads thankful prayers to God before we ate meals on Sunday
I remember seeing a light on in my moms bathroom
I remember her white nurses uniform and white shoes
I remember seeing my dad kiss my mom sometimes
I remember seeing her watch her favorite shows on one TV we had
I remember her cleaning the house everyday
I remember seeing mom and dad with the bill calendar figuring out bills
I remember seeing worry on my moms face
My mom and dads hug and kiss every night
Like a battle to be fought. Every breath, just a reminder
That I am here, and you are not. Thoughts focused on you,
And our last words repeat. Your spirit so bright,
Touching everyone you meet. Keeping faith in all of us,
Praying you to be well. Called Home,
With so many unspoken words to tell. Heaven has welcomed you,
With dad by your side. Every moment easier,
knowing in Heaven we also will reside.
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