Jan 02 - Resurrection Service

Jan 02 - Resurrection Service

Destiny TV

We Have Arrived To Pursue Our New Identity, Take Charge And Go Deeper/ We Are Here For Deeper Encounters

Habakkuk 3: 2
Ezekiel 47: 3 - 7

Introduction/ Review:

2021, Revival For Supernatural Shift And Dominion

Has there been a shift ? Yes, many
God has brought us into 2022 to Revive his works in us for us to go deeper/ to explore the depths of God's Glory/ Grace/Authority/ Power/Love / Goodness 

The key to our experiencing God's Reviving work to go Going Deeper is to Resolve our identity crisis/ Knowing who you are in Christ 

In Adam we all inherited a fallen identity/ image, So in Christ we have inherited a glorious identity (1 Corinthians 15:22)

Superior Advantage/ we are on top/ we are above all
= Believe only what the bible says about you in Christ and nothing else
= Live/ manifest what the bible says 
= Don't be limited by your background/ your upbringing/ your negative past / your difficult life - it was all allowed to enrich your testimony 
= Even Jesus Christ was born and placed in a manger/ he was brought up in obscurity 

2. Your New identity is only known to the Holy Spirit
1 Corinthians 2:9 = Partner with the Holy Spirit daily 

The Holy Spirit will never reveal all at a goal
The Holy Spirit Reveals bit by bit, else you will give all the details to the enemy to frustrate the plan (Genesis 3:1)

3. Your New identity thrives on Faith/ your belief system/ Your personal convictions (Habakkuk 2:4)

4. Your New identity is kept alive by Prayer (Psalm 109:4, 1 Thessalonians 5:17)

2022, make it relevant by living your new identity 

How? Your mind/ Your mouth/ Your manners or attitude 

Prophetic Actions 

• 2022 download/ Reject the works of the devil against me/ Refuse to open your gate to agents and angels of death, misfortune, familiar spirits 

• 2022, I am fully and comprehensively covered

• 2022, double for my troubles 

• 2022, Surprises 

• 2022, the deal has been sealed 

• 2022, No Bewitchment 

• 2022, Pursue Your New identity in Christ 

• 2022, Pastoral Counsel to all Youth, Husbands, Wifes (Romans 12:12)

Emphasis for January = Going Deeper in the Holy Spirit 

• Real life begins in the Spirit (Genesis 2:7, Acts 1:8, Acts 2:1- 4)

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