James Dean Affairs

James Dean Affairs


James Dean Affairs
By Jamie Beningfield - October 14, 2019
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To this day, James Dean holds a legacy of a true icon. He was a Hollywood rebel who lived in the fast lane, yet suffered the consequences of it, starring in only three feature films before a car accident took his life in September 1955. He may very well have one of the most tragic Hollywood stories out there and now, over half a century later, his legacy lives on. His bad boy image captivated both women and men around the world. Rumors of relations with Marilyn Monroe, Liz Sheridan, and even Marlon Brando left suspicion around Dean’s romantic preferences, even now. We have all the information you never knew about his life and death.
Nearly every picture you see of James Dean off-screen, and only off-screen, will see him sporting a pair of thick-rimmed glasses.
These glasses went on to become an iconic look which would be imitated for years to come. However, Dean did not wear these to make a fashion statement, but rather for necessity. He suffered from severe myopia, meaning he was nearsighted, and practically blind without his glasses. Only James Dean could make being nearsighted cool!
Despite his imperfect eyesight, Dean was a top athlete during his years in high school. He excelled in both baseball and basketball and became extremely popular with his peers and teachers.
His coach described him as a “heady player and a good competitor.” Dean was also a track and field star and was especially talented at pole vaulting. He even broke the county’s all-time pole vault record! For Dean, school was not only a time for sports, he also maintained good grades and played in the school band.
Aside from being a sports star and tremendous actor, Dean also liked to perfect magic tricks in his spare time. Given his cool, bad boy image, this was very unexpected, yet Dean was constantly practicing.
There was one particular trick he managed to master which would later become associated with him. He would put a lit match and an unlit cigarette into his mouth at the same time, and… abracadabra… he would take out a lit cigarette. This trick certainly suited his smoking habit.
Dean’s adventurous nature caused him some dental issues. While his pearly white front teeth were fake, so was his story. As a child, Dean had an accident while playing on the trapeze in his auntie and uncle’s barn which knocked out his two front teeth, having to replace them with artificial ones.
Dean decided this story did not suit his hard stereotype and claimed it happened from a motorcycle accident. Being the prankster he was, Dean occasionally took them out to give others a fright.
James Dean was employed by the game show Beat The Clock which began airing in the early 1950s and involved contestants having to perform tasks and stunts in an allotted time.
Dean’s job was to be a “stunt tester” and perform the stunts before the contestant in order to give a basis for how long they would need. However, Dean was almost too good at the stunts, completing them in no time at all, and was ultimately fired.
James Dean didn’t become a household name overnight. Dean spent his school and college days acting in various performances. However, his first actual gig as a professional actor came when one of his fraternity brothers invited him to take part in a Pepsi commercial.
Dean joined others in singing a jingle for the drink. He made an impression and was invited to take part in another commercial. Dean later dropped out of college to pursue his acting career.
It is common knowledge that James Dean had numerous relationships during his life, but one that is less talked about is the one he had with actress Liz Sheridan, who later appeared on Seinfeld as Jerry’s mom.
At least that is what Sheridan has claimed in her book called Dizzy Jimmy: My Life with James Dean: A Love Story . She describes their romance as “just kind of magical.” However, added the two drifted apart as Dean’s acting career progressed. Sheridan’s tale was never confirmed.
Even decades since his death, people can’t seem to agree on what exactly James Dean’s romantic preferences were. Although he had countless relationships and flings with women, he also apparently had affairs with men.
Some believe he was a textbook bisexual, validated even more when he said, “I am not a homosexual, but I’m also not going to go through life with one hand tied behind my back.” Others thought he was gay and used his relations with women as a cover.
Whether it was men or women, whatever his preference was, some claim he simply did whatever he could to get ahead in Hollywood. A recent biography revealed he wasn’t even that attractive, had two fake teeth, and was rude, yet women and men threw themselves at him.
Dean’s secret lovers included Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor, Joan Crawford, and Judy Garland. He even reportedly had a fling with Marlon Brando, whom he idolized.
James Dean was a huge fan of the actor Marlon Brando and even tried to be like him. He entered into the Actors Studio, bought himself a Triumph motorcycle, and even began playing the bongos.
Dean’s interest in his idol seemed harmless, yet Brando thought otherwise. He commented, “Mr. Dean appears to be wearing my last year’s wardrobe and using my last year’s talent.” Though there were rumors of a relationship, Brando apparently told Dean he needed counseling.
Dean’s first official fan club began in a school in Hollywood. A group of young girls at Immaculate Heart High School formed the James Dean Appreciation Society before he was even a full-fledged star.
The girls decided to form the club after they saw Dean say only a few lines on a TV special. It has been said that the girls invited the actor to their first meeting and he actually showed up and signed autographs. We wonder if he would have done the same after he made it big.
Dean was very close to his mother, Mildred Wilson, as she was the only person capable of understanding him. Sadly, she died of uterine cancer when he was only 9 years old.
Meanwhile, Dean had a difficult relationship with his father. When he was unable to care for Dean alone, he was sent to live with his aunt and uncle on their farm in Indiana. Later in life, his dad did not support Dean’s decision to drop out of his pre-law degree studies.
The East of Eden star did not pay too much attention to his appearance. He even showed up to formal events in filthy clothes, no socks or shoes, and wore dirty jeans.
He was also known for showing up to rehearsals wearing pants that were held together by safety pins! Despite this, he still remained one of the biggest heartthrobs of all time. Still to this day, many try to replicate the James Dean signature look.
Dean was a star on the big and small screen, even co-starring with a future U.S. President. From time to time he preferred to improvise some of his lines.
Dean would often ad-lib, which created much confusion for his on-screen partners. People didn’t like his off-track acting method and it frustrated many of his co-stars. One of them was once quoted saying “just make him say the lines as they’re written.”
Given his tragic death in 1955, only one of three of Dean’s feature films was released while he was still alive. East of Eden went on to earn Dean an Academy Award nomination for best actor, making him the first to be posthumously nominated for the award.
One year later and Dean received the exact same nomination for his role as Jett Rink in the 1956 film Giant . Unfortunately, he did not win either. However, his legacy lives on.
There are some very bizarre stories about the actor while on the set of Giant , such as arriving late or driving around shooting at things. However, none beat this one.
One day he decided to drop his pants and urinate in front of the whole crew. Dean claimed he was nervous about acting with Elizabeth Taylor and figured that if he urinated in front of a large group of people, he would no longer be afraid.
James Dean was always a lover of music, especially a fan of jazz, Billie Holiday, and playing the bongos. Dean’s mother enrolled him in tap dance lessons at the age of three at Marion College of Dance and Theatrical Arts in Indiana.
As a young adult, he then practiced ballet, taking classes in New York. The moves he learned as a dancer may have helped his footwork during the knife fight scene in Rebel Without A Cause .
During the film Rebel Without a Cause , Dean says the famous line, “You’re tearing me apart, Lisa.” The line was borrowed by Tommy Wiseau and was used in his 2003 cult hit film The Room , which is widely considered to be the worst film ever made!
Apparently it was Wiseau’s favorite scene from the movie and so he wanted to use it, however, it took many attempts to film as he kept saying, “You’re taking me apart, Lisa!”
After Dean purchased his Porsche 550 Spyder, he went to a restaurant in Hollywood with his friends and ran into Alec Guinness, who plays Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars .
Guinness supposedly had a premonition of an accident and warned Dean, “If you get in that car, you will be found dead in it by this time next week.” His friends all agreed that he would get into some sort of accident within the year. Dean laughed it off, but unfortunate events were about to follow…
To promote the release of his film, Rebel Without a Cause , Dean filmed a short interview about safe driving for ABC. Talking to the interviewer, Gig Young, he said, “I used to fly around quite a bit, you know, I took a lot of unnecessary chances on the highway… Now when I drive on the highway, I’m extra cautious.”
He finished off by telling young people to take it easy while driving. The promotion video was never released, and Dean did not stay true to his word.
Only two hours before his fatal accident, Dean was issued with a speeding ticket. It was almost as if he was receiving a chilling omen that he ignored, just like when he ignored Alec Guinness.
At about 3:30 PM on the tragic day, a police officer pulled Dean over on the California highway and issued a ticket for driving 65 MPH, 10 MPH above the speed limit. He was scheduled to be in court just a few weeks later to answer the charge.
On September 30th, 1955, Dean was killed in a high-speed car accident at the mere age of 24. Two hours after receiving his last warning, at 5:15 PM it was reported that Dean was driving at 85 when he had a near head-on collision with a Ford Tudor that took his life.
Dean died upon arrival at the hospital having suffered multiple internal injuries and a broken neck. Investigators were never able to determine exactly how fast he was speeding at the time.
No one knows where the car that killed James Dean is today, yet a famous auto customizer, George Barris, bought it after the accident. This was when reports of the car being cursed began.
When Barris arrived at his shop, he said that the car rolled off a trailer, crushing an employee’s legs. Another time a thief broke into the shop to steal the steering wheel but the curse struck again and he slipped and broke his arm. Others who bought parts also ended up in fatal crashes!

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The Truth About James Dean's Alleged Relationship With Liz Sheridan


The Truth About James Dean's Alleged Relationship With Liz Sheridan

By Frank F. / Feb. 25, 2022 12:21 pm EDT
Today, Liz Sheridan is perhaps best known for playing Jerry Seinfeld's mother, Helen, in the hit sitcom " Seinfeld ." Four decades before she made her debut on the sitcom, though, Sheridan allegedly had a romantic relationship with the iconic actor James Dean. She detailed the alleged romance in the memoir " Dizzy & Jimmy: My Life With James Dean: A Love Story ," which was released in 2000 by Regan Books.
According to a Publisher's Weekly review, Sheridan's "feelings for Dean, her pain upon their separation and on his untimely death a few years later, are sweetly rendered and seem genuine, although the details are filtered through a romanticized lens." In other words, the book may be a true account of a beautiful lost romance, or it may be a pre-Tumblr fan fiction. Because Dean himself never confirmed the romance and was not alive to confirm or deny Sheridan's claims, the world may never know for sure whether the alleged affair ever happened. Even so, here are some of the more compelling details of Sheridan's account of her love story with the all-American rebel .
"A long time ago, when I was a young dancer in New York City, struggling to make it on Broadway, I fell in love with Jimmy Dean and he fell in love with me," Liz Sheridan wrote of James Dean in " Dizzy & Jimmy: My Life with James Dean: A Love Story ." "When we fell in love, he was just my Jimmy. A skinny, nearsighted kid not yet twenty-one, whose glasses always seemed to be sliding down his nose. He was shy and broke and he mumbled. And I adored him."
Sheridan went on to detail how she allegedly met Dean in the fall of 1951 in New York in the theater district residence hall where she lived. Dean was a struggling actor at the time, although he was accepted into the Actors Studio in November 1951, around the time Sheridan allegedly met him, as noted by Publisher's Weekly . Sheridan describes Dean as an often-cheesy, touchy-feely, and even nerdy guy. "I was an inch taller and two years older," she wrote, "but somehow he always made me feel that I was his treasured little girl."
In the book, Sheridan claims that she and Dean were even engaged at one point, before his rising career led to the fall of their relationship. She also describes her grief following Dean's untimely death in 1955 , a few years after their split. "After Jimmy was killed only one person was left in the world who knew what really happened between us," she writes. "Me."

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James Dean was the icon of millions, his brooding sensuality made him an instant star, but his smoldering looks hid a secret pain.
Iconic 50s actor James Dean is still a legend 65 years after his death, even though he only made three films in his entire career.
His mystique is the fruit as much his monumental talent, as the rumors of his tormented love life which might have led to his tragic death at the age of 27.
Studio portrait of James Dean circa 1954 | Source: Getty Images
Dean skyrocketed to fame in Hollywood. He started his career at the age of 22 after dropping out of UCLA, five years later, he was the industry's hottest leading man, scooping up roles contested by the likes of Paul Newman and Marlon Brando.
His first movie, "East of Eden" made him an instant star. Dean's boyish good looks, and his intensity, coupled with a disturbing fragility dominated the screen. Audiences swooned, and the studios showered him with offers.
James Dean as a young boy, undated | Source: Getty Images
But behind the image hid a young man still dealing with the pain of losing his mother, Mildred Marie Wilson to cancer when he was just 9. His father had been unable to cope and had sent Dean to live with relatives on a farm in Indiana.
James Dean as Cal Trask in Elia Kazan's 'East of Eden' in 1954 | Source: Getty Images
"When Jimmy was 11 and his mother passed away, he began to be molested by his minister. I think that haunted him the rest of his life. (...) that was one of the things he confessed to me."
James Dean on the set of 'East Of Eden' in 1954 in California | Source: Getty Images
A biography of Dean, "James Dean: Tomorrow Never Comes" written by Darwin Porter and published in 2016, detailed his constant search for love, which led to countless affairs with both men and women, many of them Hollywood stars.
James Dean on the set of the movie "Giant" in July 1955 in Marfa, Texas | Source: Getty Images
Among his conquests was the equally volatile and vulnerable Marylin Monroe, who confessed that she and Dean had even spoken of marriage. Monroe described Dean as "romantic and loving" but stated :
“It wouldn’t work. We’d end up destroying each other.”
Marilyn Monroe in a still from the 1948 film "Ladies
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