Jackie Feminizes Her Son Ch. 03

Jackie Feminizes Her Son Ch. 03

Jackie and Sam arrive at a women's intimate apparel shop. They walk inside and are approached by a young sales associate.

"Good afternoon. How can I help you?" said the associate.

"I'm looking for Raquel," said Jackie. "Is she working today?"

"Yes, she is," said the associate, pointing to the back of the shop. "She's over there talking with another one of our associates."

"Thanks," said Jackie.

They walk over to Raquel, who is a Latina with long black hair wrapped up in a long ponytail. As they get closer to Raquel, Sam notices that Raquel, is tall. Very tall. Even without the 3 inch block heels on her ankle boots, she has to be 6 feet tall at least. Sam is smaller than your average guy at only 5'8". Raquel walks over to Jackie & Sam and shakes hands with both of them. Jackie introduces Raquel and Sam to each other. As Sam shakes Raquel's hand, it's clear that Raquel towers over Sam with her 7 inch height advantage, and that is including with the heels. This intimidates Sam, but he didn't let on. But somehow Raquel senses that intimidation anyways and she grins.

"So, Sam, are you ready for your first bra fitting?" asked Raquel.

Sam responded with a meek "yes" as his face blushed bright red. Raquel grins.

"Relax, Sam, you are not the first sissy that I've given a bra fitting to," said Raquel, causing Sam to blush even more. "Both of you, follow me."

Raquel turns around and walks away. Jackie and Sam follow. Sam stares at Raquel, not taking his eyes off her. She is wearing a black top and black leggings that shows off her nice ass. And from the look of Raquel's walk, she appears to love showing off her ass. Raquel leads Jackie and Sam to a private room that is about twice the size of your standard fitting room. Raquel gets a tape measure from a table and walks over to Sam.

"All right, Sam, take off your shirt," she said. "I need to measure your chest."

Sam complies and removes his shirt. Raquel takes the tape measure and wraps it around Sam's back and chest, then writes down the number.

"All right, Sam," said Raquel. "I also need to measure your hips, waist, and inseam. Can you take off your pants?"

Sam hesitates and said, "You want me to take off my pants?"

"Yes, take off your pants," said Raquel in a firm tone of voice.

"Do it, Sam," said Jackie. "Or you can kiss your brand new Mustang good-bye."

Sam sighs, then removes his pants to reveal the pink satin panties that Jackie gave him earlier.

"Ooooooh, those are cute," said Raquel.

"I thought so too," said Jackie. "I picked them out for him."

"Good choice," said Raquel.

At that moment, Jackie's cell phone rings. She opens her purse to take it out and answers it, then turns to Raquel, "You gonna be okay in here? I have to take this call. I'll be back in a couple minutes."

"Go ahead," said Raquel. "I got this."

"Thanks. Be right back," said Jackie as she left the room.

Raquel grins and looks at Sam. She seductively wraps the tape measure around Sam's waist, then his hips. As she is measuring his hips, she 'accidentally' brushes her hand against his erect cock that is bulging inside his panties. Sam twitches a little, but otherwise remains still. Raquel then begins to measure Sam's inseam. She squats on the floor in front of Sam and holds one end of the tape measure near Sam's crotch, again 'accidentally' brushing against Sam's cock. She's clearly teasing him and Sam knows it, but he dares not say anything. Raquel then moves the other end of the tape measure down Sam's leg slowly, taking her time. As she does so, she notices the bulge in Sam's panties and she knows she has him. 

Raquel then stands up and walks over to a nearby table and puts down the tape measure and writes down the numbers of his measurements just as Jackie comes back into the room.

"How did the measuring go?" said Jackie.

"Good," said Raquel, handing Jackie the paper with Sam's measurements on them. "Here are his measurements, which should make it easy for you to order some clothes for him. I think he'll look cute in a mini dress."

Sam blushes as Jackie responds, "Thanks. And I agree."

"I'll be right back," said Raquel. "I'm going to get the bra for Sam."

Raquel leaves the room , leaving Jackie and Sam alone. Sam then speaks up.

"Thia is embarrassing, mom," said Sam. "Can we go home?"

"Sure," said Jackie. "I'll give you a choice. We can go home now and you can find your precious Mustang repossessed - or we can go home after Raquel returns with the bra and you keep your Mustang. Your choice."

Sam sighs in defeat and said, "Fine. We'll stay."

"Smart man," said Jackie. "Or should I say...smart girl?"

Jackie grins as Raquel walks back into the room with a bra in hand. The bra is a pink satin bra that matches with the panties that Sam is wearing. Raquel stands in front of Sam.

"Put your arms out, Sam," said Raquel. "Let's put this on."

Sam raises his arms and holds them out in front of him. Raquel loops over one bra strap on Sam's left arm, then does the same with the other strap on Sam's right arm. Raquel then steps behind Sam and pulls the bra to his chest and clasps the hooks in the back.

"Not too tight, isn't it?" asked Raquel.

"No, Ma'am," said Sam.

Raquel and Jackie then stands in front of Sam and admire the bra on his chest.

"Very nice," said Jackie. "You picked out a nice bra."

"Thanks. If you like it, I'll remove the price tag so he can keep it on," said Raquel.

"I do," said Jackie.

Raquel grabs a pair of scissors and cuts off the price tag and hands it to Jackie. 

"Have that tag scanned at the register to pay for it," said Raquel.

"Sounds good," said Jackie. She then turns to Sam. "All right, little girl, get dressed."

The "little girl" comment was not lost on Sam as he gets dressed. Raquel and Jackie observes Sam getting dressed, then all three of them leave the dressing room together. They head to the checkout and Jackie gives the cashier the tag as Raquel stands by the cashier. The cashier scans it, Jackie inserts her credit card into the machine, and the cashier gives Jackie the receipt. As Jackie and Sam is about to leave, Raquel stops them.

"Jackie, may I talk to you real quick?" asked Raquel, then she looks at Sam. "Alone?"

"All right. Sam, can you go wait in the car? I need to talk to Raquel for a moment," said Jackie.

"Yes, ma'am," said Sam and he leaves the building. 

Jackie then turns to Raquel and said, "What's up?"

"I was wondering if I can borrow Sam on Saturday," said Raquel. "My maid bailed on me and I need someone to clean my house. Sam would be perfect for it."

"You want Sam to be your maid?" said Jackie. "That's fine, but I don't have a maid uniform."

"I do and it should fit him nicely, based on the measurements that I took earlier," said Raquel.

"All right," said Jackie. "I'll bring him over on Saturday."

"Awesome," said Raquel. "Don't tell him though that he will be wearing a maid uniform. Just say you volunteered him to help me clean my house on Saturday. I'll tell him about the maid uniform when he gets there."

"Sounds good. Text me with the details later," said Jackie.

The women hug and then Jackie leaves the building as well. Raquel smiles and then walks away. She is looking forward to Saturday as she loves to use her height to exert her dominance against smaller males and Sam is perfect as her next plaything. She gets wet just thinking about it...











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