Jackie Chan Adventures Porn

Jackie Chan Adventures Porn


Jackie Chan Adventures Porn
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^ "Jackie Chan Adventures Video Game" . mobygames.com . Retrieved 2007-04-10 .

Jackie Chan Adventures is an animated television series chronicling the adventures of a fictionalized version of action film star Jackie Chan . This series ran on Kids' WB from September 9, 2000, to July 8, 2005, for a total of 95 episodes, and had 5 seasons. During its run, it was also shown on Cartoon Network , and afterwards its reruns landed on Toon Disney 's Jetix block. An Arabic translation has been airing on MBC 3 since early 2006. There have been several toys and video games based on the series. [1] The series ended on July 8, 2005, just five episodes away from its 100th.

Jade accidentally causes the Rabbit Talisman to be hit by an experimental device in Section 13's tech lab, which soon transport her back in time when she tries to use it to avoid being late for school. When the Dark Hand's enforcers travel back in time to find her and the talisman, Jackie is forced to chase after them, especially when his past self is placed in mortal danger.

Jade accidentally breaks an ancient terracotta statue of Lo Pei, the warrior who defeated Shendu and imprisoned him in a statue before scattering the talismans containing his powers around the world. After using the Horse Talisman to repair the damage, Jade decides to reanimate the statue with the Rat Talisman for information about the talismans. However, her actions causes the statue to believe he is Lo Pei and that he must remove the talismans from Section 13 as a matter of urgency. Both she and Jackie soon find themselves attempting to convince Lo Pei the truth behind his return, especially when the Dark Hand are instructed by Shendu to trick him into handing over the talismans to them.

Jackie and Jade set out to find the Snake Talisman, which they have learnt is hidden in a cave in South America. However, they soon find themselves crossing paths with an egotistical archaeologist who produces their own TV show, and who soon decides to beat them to the talisman. Jackie soon has his hands full attempting to take it back, while keeping back the Dark Hand.

Captain Black recruits the J Team to assist him investigate Taiwanese billionaire Chang, who is suspected of masterminding the theft of jade figurines from several Chinese museums. To uncover evidence of his crimes, Jackie and his allies find themselves entering a fight tournament arranged by Chang at his island mansion, who seeks the most worthy fighters to be his bodyguard. However, only Tohru manages to win his match in the tournament, but the investigation is soon complicated when Jade tries to prove herself by tailing Tohru into Chang's private chambers.

Jackie Chan, an archaeologist and martial arts expert, is recruited by his close friend Captain Augustus Black, head off the secretive Section 13, to investigate the criminal organization known as the Dark Hand, whom he had encountered after recovering a shield from abroad. With help from his Uncle and his niece Jade, who recently arrived from Hong Kong, he soon discovers the Dark Hand's leader Valmont is seeking a set of twelve magical talismans, based on the animals of the Chinese zodiac, the first being in the shield – the Rooster Talisman. However, the Chans are unaware that Valmont seeks them for his client Shendu, a demonic dragon sorcerer seeking to escape his magical imprisonment, who supplies his organization with shadow ninjas called the Shadowkhan.

Shortly after recovering the Rooster Talisman, Jade accidentally swallows it when enjoying a meal with her family. When the Dark Hand attempt to recover it, Jade quickly discovers what happened when she learns that the talisman grants its user to lift and levitate objects, including themselves. However, Jackie realizes she is in danger when the Dark Hand are intent on recovering the talisman, even if it means operating on her.

Jackie and Jade head to Mexico to find the Ox Talisman, which grants its user superhuman strength. They soon find attached to luchador mask used by the undefeated Mexican wrestler El Toro Fuerte. After the Dark Hand's enforcers steals the mask from him and captures Jackie, El Toro becomes ashamed of the fact the talisman was the reason behind his winning streak in wrestling, especially when his most loyal fan Paco feels betrayed at discovering his idol's power was fake. When Jade convinces him to rely on his own strength, El Toro works with her to rescue Jackie and recover the talisman, in order to restore his dignity and stop the Dark Hand.

Infamous female thief Viper mistakenly gets her hands on the Snake Talisman, and discovers it allows its user to turn invisible. Jackie and Jade, who sought to recover the talisman, finds themselves in a race to stop her using it to steal previous jewels around New York City. As Jackie must elude the police, who mistake him for the Viper, he also finds himself having to convince Viper she is in mortal danger when the Dark Hand close in on her.

Both Jade and the Dark Hand discover that a giant tortoise in the city's aquarium happens to have the Rabbit Talisman, which confers the power of superhuman speed to its user. When the tortoise is stolen by the Dark Hand's enforcer, Jade is shocked to learn it is to be sold to a cruel millionaire that seeks to eat it, upon the talisman being removed from its shell. Jackie finds that he must not only recover the talisman from the Dark Hand, but also help Jade rescue the tortoise from its captors.

After Jackie recovers the Sheep Talisman, which allows its user to astrally project their spirit, Jade decides to use it for fun. However, while absent from her body, the Dark Hand manage to steal the talisman unobserved, and provide its power to Shendu. When he realizes from Valmont's men what Jade has done, Shendu swiftly projects his spirit into her body in hopes of recovering the other talismans held in Section 13. After Jade warns her uncle in his dreams, Jackie is forced to stop Shendu in his tracks long enough so that Uncle can exorcise his spirit from Jade's body.

Angered by Shendu's control over his organization, Valmont goes behind his back when his men return with the Dragon Talisman they had acquired. Discovering it can allow its user to project dragon fire, Valmont leads the Dark Hand on a crime spree, putting Captain Black in hospital when Section 13 attempt to stop him. Enraged, Jackie vows revenge on Valmont, much to Jade's concern after she is being taught about discipline when she is given detention for beating up a bully. As Valmont prepares hit Fort Knox and steal its gold reserves, Jackie finds himself forced to calm down in order to defeat him, especially when Uncle and Jade come to his aid.

Jackie manages to escape with the Rat Talisman, which grants the power to bring inanimate objects to life, after retrieving it from an auction. Upon his return, he swiftly breaks his leg on an action figure toy that Jade had purchased. When she accidentally puts the talisman into the toy's battery compartment, Jackie is forced to recover it despite his current condition, especially when the Dark Hand enforcers close in on the action figure.

When Jackie manages to recover the Horse Talisman, which has the power to heal its user of any affliction and injuries they receive, Valmont lures him into a trap at Mount Rushmore. Injected with a poison from Shendu that turns its victims slowly into stone, Jackie is told that he will only receive the antidote if he delivers all the talismans being stored in Section 13. Although he refuses, Jade decides to save her uncle's life despite the trouble it will cause, forcing Jackie to stop her even if it means he will be petrified completely.

Jackie and Jade face off against the Dark Hand's enforcers as they seek to claim the Monkey Talisman, which allows its user to shapeshift themselves or another into any animal or creature. When an accident separates her from Jackie, Jade accidentally shapeshifts into a monkey while trying to keep back the Dark Hand. When Jackie discovers what has happened, he is forced to track down a real non-transformed monkey that had stolen the talisman, before the Dark Hand enforcers find it.

After Jackie manages to get his hands on the Dog Talisman, which grants its user the power of immortality, Valmont berates his top enforcer Tohru for failing too often against him. In order to recover the Pig Talisman, which grants its user heat vision power, Valmont recruits martial arts expert Hak Foo to lead his enforcers into beating Jackie, Uncle and Jade, as they head to Bavaria to recover the talisman.

Jackie and Jade defeat Tohru to claim the Tiger Talisman, unaware it has the power to split a user's yin and yang sides into separate entities. When Jackie is accidentally affected by the talisman, after it is split in halff, his yang counterpart is manipulated by Valmont into recovering the talismans from Section 13. When Jade and Uncle discover this, they swiftly work to stop this with Jackie's ying counterpart, only for Tohru to get hold of the talismans. Despite Jackie's ying and yang selves eventually working together to stop Valmont, they are soon unable to prevent him using the talismans on Shendu and releasing him from his imprisonment, restoring the demonic dragon to his true form.

Shendu, now restored into his true form – a 30-foot humanoid, demonic dragon – swiftly returns to his palace near Hong Kong, in order to begin his conquest of the world. Aided by Tohru, who decides to revoke his criminal past, Jackie, Uncle and Jade head after Shendu, with help from Captain Black after he realizes Jackie's claims on magic were true. They soon learn that the only way to defeat Shendu is to remove the talismans that restored the demonic dragon to life, before he can summon forth a host of dragons upon humanity.

Now working as Uncle's assistant, Tohru is shocked when his mother makes a surprise visit to see him. In private, Tohru confides in Jade how he feels ashamed that he has never proven himself worthy to be earn his mother's love, despite never being honest about the fact he worked for criminals. However, when another crime gang convince him to steal a priceless artifact, which Jackie is tasked with guarding, Tohru decides to double-cross them, but soon faces problems when they seek revenge.

Eager to rebuild his organization after Section 13 shut down his headquarters in the wake of Shendu's defeat, Valmort decides to initiate a crime spree with the talismans the Dark Hand recovered. As Jackie, Jade, Uncle and Captain Black work to stop them, unbeknown to them all, Shendu returns to the world as a spirit, in order to begin a new plan to conquer the world – this time with his demonic brethren. After a freak accident causes him to possess Valmont instead of Jackie, he swiftly makes the most of the situation in order to steal a book from Uncle's library, while leaving Jackie and Black to be confronted by the Shadowkhan.

After failing to convince his superiors about the existence of magic, Captain Black instructs Jackie to pursue after the Dark Hand, recover the talismans, and discover what Shendu is planning. Uncle soon discovers Shendu stole a book detailing a collection of magical artifacts being held in Tibet. To help Jackie on his mission, Jade forms a team consisting of their allies, including El Toro, Viper and Paco, who swiftly manage to outdo the Dark Hand and recover the talismans. However, Uncle soon realizes Shendu is seeking to release his demonic brethren through a magical artifact used to imprison them behind demonic portals. While the talismans are sent back to Section 13, Jackie and Jade find they must begin a new quest to thwart Shendu's latest plan for world conquest.

Shendu forces the Dark Hand to travel to Japan, after learning that the demon portal for Po Kong, who holds dominion over mountains, resides somewhere along a major river. Jackie soon finds himself following after them, unaware that Jade intends to accompany him after Tohru is made Uncle's apprentice in chi magic. However, to do so, she uses a duplication spell that she makes a mistake with, causing her to continue to duplicate. However, she soon makes amends by helping Jackie out in stalling Po Kong after being released, as Uncle and Tohru make their way to them with a spell to send the demon back into their portal.

Jackie and Jade find themselves called to Mexico by El Toro, when needs his friends to help him deal with the legendary El Chupacabra. However, in their efforts to defeat the creature, El Toro is inadvertently scratched by it, causing him to be cursed to change into El Chupacabra at night and unable to step out into sunlight. Jackie and Jade finds themselves calling upon Uncle to create an antidote, before El Toro can bring harm to others in his predicament.

Upon learning that the demon portal to Xiao Fung, a demon who holds power over wind, is located somewhere within a maximum-security prison, Shendu forces Valmont and the Dark Hand to commit a petty crime in order to infiltrate the facility. Suspecting they are up to something, Captain Black has Jackie go undercover as a prisoner to discover their plans. When he realizes what they are up, Jackie is forced to do what he can to disrupt Xiao Fung's escape, until Uncle and Tohru can bring the spell needed to entrap him again.

Jackie and Jade find themselves assisting millionaire John Smith in his search for an ancient civilization of Muntabs, unaware he plans to steal their secrets for living long lives. When he realizes that Smith's theft will doom the Muntabs, Jackie is forced to prevent Smith from escaping and returning the Muntabs' secret before the damage is permanent.

The Chans travel to Los Angelese when they learn that the Dark Hand have uncovered the demon portal connected to Tchang Zhu, a demon who holds power over lightning and storms, within the city. During their mission to stop them, Jade decides to see if she can make Jackie a famous film star. However, she is forced to put her plans on hold indefinitely when the Dark Hand release Tchang Zhu on Hollywood, forcing her uncle to keep him distracted while the spell needed to imprison him is completed.

Jackie, Jade and Uncle visit a ghost town of the Old West, where they find a book during their exploration that contains a story related to Jackie's ancestor, a Chinese railroad worker. Interested, the group spend time hearing Jackie retell the story to them, detailing how his ancestor unexpectedly became the sheriff of the town, and had to deal with bandits that plagued it with the help of new allies, all of whom Jackie bases on his friends and enemies.

Jackie manages to retrieve an old spellbook on demonic magic from within Shendu's palace, containing the secrets behind his Shadowkhan warriors. When Jade desires a tattoo to outdo a classmate, she decides to copy the image on the spellbook's front cover to her leg, inadvertently gaining the power to control the Shadowkhan. However, Jackie and Uncle realize that this action will also corrupt her into an evil demonic power, forcing them to find a way to remove the tattoo. As Jade succumbs to darkness and takes control of Section 13 with the spellbook, they find themselves in a race against time to save her and prevent Shendu from reclaiming his lost property.

Jackie travels to Paris to authenticate some Oriental artwork at a major art gallery. However, he quickly finds himself dealing with an art thief who possess the magical ability to fold his body with Origami into any shape and form. Jade swiftly calls in help from Viper to investigate who the thief is, despite his mistrust towards his ally's past. He soon realizes she is his only hope of stopping the thief, especially when they discover his true identity.

Discovering the demon portal to Tso Lan, a demon with dominion over the moon, is located in space, Shendu forces the Dark Hand to steal a space shuttle from Cape Carnaveral. Jackie and Jade stow away on their shuttle during lift-off, and find themselves not only forced to send Tso Lan back into his portal, but prevent him from altering the gravitational power of the moon with his demonic magic before it can affect the Earth.

Jackie and Jade journey with a monk to find a lost temple said to contain ancient wisdom. While camping one night, Jade wanders off and finds the temple, and a young girl who happens to be cursed to serve it as its guardian. When Jackie tracks her down and discovers that monk plans to steal the magical knowledge the temple contains, he soon finds himself forced to stop him, while helping Jade rescue the young girl from her curse.

Jackie manages to excavate a suit of ancient armor that Uncle discovers to be the same armor used by the warriors that imprisoned Shendu and his demonic bethren. At his suggestion, Jackie is forced to take the armor with him to Spain for protection, especially when the Dark Hand discover the demon portal for Dai Gui, a demon with dominion over the ground, within the country. However, imprisoning him back into his portal is complicated when Jackie discover Jade used a sleeping potion on Uncle due to his constant complaining without realizing the trouble it could cause.

Section 13 sends its best field agent, Tagert McStone, to investigate and thwart the schemes of notorious master criminal Dr. Necrosis. Eager to see him in action, Jade stows away on his helicopter, forcing Jackie to chase after them. A freak accident soon incapacitates McStone, forcing Jade and Jackie to complete his mission, whereupon they discover that Necrosis' plan involves the use of a magic artifact to create a powerful doomsday weapon.
"Tale of the Demon Tail / Demon in Di-Skies"

The Dark Hand manage to release Hsi Wu, a demon with dominion over the sky, from his portal at Fenway Park, before the Chans can send him back through it. However, in his attempt to escape, Hsi Wu loses his tail in a freak accident, to which Uncle seals it behind chi magic until he can use it to locate him. To restore himself, the demon disguises himself as a human boy in order to win over Jade and steal back his tail. When Jade discover his deception, she soon seeks revenge on Hsi Wu when Uncle is kidnapped by the demon.

Annoyed that her uncle will not see her theatrical debut, Jade decides to use the Tiger Talisman on Jackie, taking his yang counterpart with her to watch her performance. His ying counterpart is left to join with Uncle to explore a recently exposed cavern holding part of San Francisco that was submerged in an earthquake in 1906. However, the pair's exploration comes across the prison of Spring-heeled Jack in an old museum who is accidentally released and begins to cause chaos. Jade is soon forced to bring Jackie's ying and yang counterparts together to stop the creature from devouring the descendants of the person who imprisoned him, especially when it turns out to be one of her classmates.

On an expedition to find an archaeological site under Venice, Jackie finds an ancient necklace that can magically teleport its user to any location they desire via a special command phrase. However, he swiftly discovers treasure hunter is after it to steal treasures from around the world, and is only lucky to escape them. When he returns home, Jackie decides to sign Jade up to join a scout group to give her more activities and agrees to accompany them on a camping trip. But unknown to the pair, the treasure hunter is on their tail, hoping to reclaim the necklace, especially when Jade discreetly takes it with them.

On an expedition to the North Pole, Jackie and Jade uncover the frozen body of an abominable snowman, unaware the local Inuit in the region seek to prevent its removal. When Jade releases it from its ice captivity,
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