Jackaloo Summer's Gone

Jackaloo Summer's Gone


Jackaloo Summer's Gone

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someones going to catch an ass whooping

Honestly, good parenting on his dad. I would totally take my kid out of fun summer camp too if he were a total douche and nearly drowned someone with a stupid prank. Kid's gotta learn how things you do can be unacceptable.


As a camp leader I cant begin to tell you just how much of a problem and issue kids who do that kind of thing are, not only to us leaders, but the other campers as well
Now if only those other tits would be withdrawn two x:


I agree there but its not like they know. I assume by the fact they are there that Cooper did not tell them it was their idea.



It is good for kids to get consequences for bad behavior, but man I hope his father isn't abusive . . .


You don't even know what he will do yet. So he swore. Big whoop, if you saw my family you'd be O_O as is everyone. I swear, fuck is our comma. All he did so far was show that he was very upset with his son and to get his things. Its too soon to jump to conclusions. So far all I see is a stern and rightly so father.


I know I don't, that's why I said "I hope".


Gotta agree with you there. Walking a bit on eggshells on this one. I wanna actually hope for goodness for once but you know stories and their dramas...ugh x.x


Fingers crossed. Maybe he's done pranks like this after being influenced by bully "friends" and he father's had enough. The suspense builds!


So much suspence!
But yea, not uncommon to hear parents swear in these situations, even the nicest of parents, usuailly cause they just lost a hundred+ dollars depending on the camp that their kids just blew
But yea, where a stern repremand is good, sure hope it isnt abusive
Cause that aint fun yo


Yep, exactly. Honestly my parents taught me that words are just that, words. They also taught me to control my swearing when needed, which I can do....relatively well xD


You can cut it with a knife its so thick!


That would be true maybe back in the day. But this take place like 10 + years ago were they would not have just sent a kid home.


Oh they sent kids home back then as well, 15 years ago i got my butt kicked out of camp, so trust me, they sure did xD


They did , but not for shit like that. Maybe a stern talking too but not for a bug down a shirt



I help run a summer camp, and communication is painfully lacking with the 10 year-olds. I have encountered bad behavior before, and usually they stop after being talked too.



I agree with ya.
Let's hope he doesn't take it to far and abuses him by beating the shit outa him or molestation. Like... I can see either of that happening in comics like these.... I hope not.


:: in response to [the gist of] the correspondence between the three of you, thus far ::

look at it in this way: whatever has happened with cooper and his pops, in the past, has very much [helped lead] up to how andy and cooper interact now

andy seems to be mostly normal, whereas cooper.. ..has become a Pooper.

and where are those "friends" who'd egged cooper on, in this timeline here?
nowhere, i reck'n!


Yep. It does seem Cooper has quite the temper, maybe he got that from his dad. Probably anyways. Hard to assume considering all we saw was his dad pissed off at something his kid did. I know I'd be too if I was a parent and they nearly killed someone else over a dumbass prank.


His dad is actually a terrible parent - you'll see on the next few pages. I mean I know we both don't like Cooper but he's very much also a victim :c


Oh I am not saying he isn't hun. I know he is. But it doesn't change the fact he could have risen above the abuse instead of causing more of it. I mean, I know if I was abused, the last thing I'd want is to inflict it on others. I'd know first hand how much that sucked. Also that sucks to know in advance what everyone fears :/



In real life, I still wouldn't like a father like that. Cursing, screaming and inappropriate behavior isn't necessary for discipline. Some parents are hypocrites for wanting their kids to behave when they aren't acting disciplined themselves.


good >:C i hope he gets spanked, big jerkface.

Man. I really hope the anti-Coop crowd don't get disappointed with how his dad treats him in the next few pages after they've asked for him to get beaten.

Would be a shame if they got EXACTLY what they asked for...


I hope so too. I really hate how there's no sympathy for Cooper, even tough this comic is explaining his story, and the all love Andy and that old fart just because he's "more nicer to him".


I do have sympathy for him. That doesn’t mean that he’s right for Andy, nor does it mean anyone should have to deal with his baggage.

Sympathy does not necessarily transfer into likability.


^ this

Now if he went through a cathartic change and stopped being an asshole and started being himself (assuming he is nice and not scummy due to projection) that's a different story. Sympathy is one thing, but there's a difference between being a prick because you had a bad childhood or not. If that were the case my cousin wouldn't be such a wonderful guy considering his mom literally tried to sell him off and to this day does not give a flying fuck about him. And of course my uncle just knocked her up and ran away.

Now just using that as an example of course, but yeah you can be terrible because you had a terrible childhood, sure, it diminishes some of the hatred you may feel for someone but only just, its what they do with their life and actions that will define them ultimately.


Cooper is going to have to go through a hell of a transformation in vol 2, because at this point we haven't seen any reason to encourage their relationship. I think Jackaloo can do it, because he tends to be pretty good at character development and building chemistry, but I don't envy the 180 he essentially has to pull on Cooper at this point.


That said (and not an invalid point) different people cope with things differently, some are strong and rise above the hurt of their past, others don't cope so well/differently and find themselves on a different, perhaps more negative path in life.


Yep, too true. I would still pity them if they went dark, sympathize more. But as far as forgiving them for being horrible or even worse, starting a relationship with them, hell to the fuck no. I don't need abuse.


I said somewhere in another comment that cooper and andy could work things out and maybe start something, the realisation and coming to terms could give cooper the motivation he needs to change. (in a nutshell)


Its possible, Andy could be the drive for him to change for the better. But as he is no way. Still, what I can see is him realizing he lost Andy become the drive for the better. Or maybe even a fight between them with this coming out. There are many things that could happen to cause him to change for the better, assuming he has the drive to do so.


Cooper sexually harassed Andrew in the main story (shit could've cost him his job if not the opportunity), and could've caused a lot of damage with his prank here.

Even Cooper's erotic thoughts were about 'teaching Andrew a lesson' for looking at him smugly.

He's not a healthy fit as a partner given how he treats people.

I'm sure he might end up some repressed faggot or bi-guy, and he'll win some empathy points, but expecting Andy to drop what he has with someone who cares and looks after him for a douchecanoe like Cooper is rather silly.


Some being the keyword here. I agree that he deserves SOME empathy points if he repressed himself due to an abusive relationship growing up with his father, which is what everyone assumes as well. But even so, he would have to go through one hell of a change for him to win me over. I'd pity him for the terrible childhood but that's about it. I wouldn't forgive him for his actions at all. As you said, he is not fit for anyone as he is. Again, could just be projection from his asshole father assuming with what we know so far that he could be. There is just something about Cooper that is polarizing. Reminds me a bit of Snape really. You either love him or you hate him, he's a great character like that.


No sympathy for cunts. He groped Andy in the main comic, and among the other stuff he did I genuinely can't understand why people still root for him. "Muh porns tho" is the only reason I can think of


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