Jack London «Nam-Bok the Unveracious» (13/20)

Jack London «Nam-Bok the Unveracious» (13/20)


Джек Лондон «Нам-Бок — лжец»

"And day after day we went over the sea (и день за днем мы шли по морю), and each day the head man drew the sun down out of the sky and made it tell where we were (и каждый день старейшина спускал солнце с неба и заставлял его рассказать, где мы находимся). And when the waves were kind (а когда волны были добры), we hunted the fur seal and I marvelled much (мы охотились на тюленей, и я очень удивлялся), for always did they fling the meat and the fat away and save only the skin (ибо они всегда выбрасывали мясо и жир, а оставляли только шкуру; to save — спасать; оставлять, приберегать)."

Opee-Kwan's mouth was twitching violently (рот Опи-Кван сильно подергивался), and he was about to make denunciation of such waste (и он /уже/ собрался осудить такое расточительство; to be about to — собираться /что-либо сделать/; to make denunciation — осуждать, порицать) when Koogah kicked him to be still (когда Куга пнул его, чтобы тот сидел тихо).


"And day after day we went over the sea, and each day the head man drew the sun down out of the sky and made it tell where we were. And when the waves were kind, we hunted the fur seal and I marvelled much, for always did they fling the meat and the fat away and save only the skin."

Opee-Kwan's mouth was twitching violently, and he was about to make denunciation of such waste when Koogah kicked him to be still.

"After a weary time (после утомительного времени), when the sun was gone and the bite of the frost come into the air (когда солнце пропало, и в воздухе появился жгучий мороз), the head man pointed the nose of the schooner south (старейшина направил нос шхуны на юг; to point — направлять, наводить). South and east we travelled for days upon days (на юг и восток = на юго-восток мы шли дни за днями), with never the land in sight (при этом никогда не видели суши), and we were near to the village from which hailed the men (и мы оказались возле поселка, из которого были родом эти люди; to hail from — происходить, быть родом из) — ''

"How did they know they were near (как они узнали, что они рядом)?" Opee-Kwan, unable to contain himself longer, demanded (спросил Опи-Кван, который больше не мог сдерживаться; to contain oneself — сдерживаться, владеть собой). "There was no land to see (/ведь/ земли не было видно)."

"After a weary time, when the sun was gone and the bite of the frost come into the air, the head man pointed the nose of the schooner south. South and east we travelled for days upon days, with never the land in sight, and we were near to the village from which hailed the men — ''

"How did they know they were near?" Opee-Kwan, unable to contain himself longer, demanded. "There was no land to see."

Nam-Bok glowered on him wrathfully (Нам-Бок рассерженно зыркнул на него; wrath — гнев, ярость; глубокое возмущение). " Did I not say the head man brought the sun down out of the sky (разве я не говорил, что старейшина спускал солнце с неба)?"

Koogah interposed (вмешался Куга), and Nam-Bok went on (и Нам-Бок продолжил).

"As I say (как я говорю = говорил), when we were near to that village a great storm blew up (когда мы были возле того селения, задула сильная буря; to blow up — начать дуть, усиливаться /о ветре/), and in the night we were helpless and knew not where we were (а ночью мы были беспомощны и не знали, где мы) — "

"Thou hast just said the head man knew (ты только что сказал, что старейшина знал) — "


Nam-Bok glowered on him wrathfully. "Did I not say the head man brought the sun down out of the sky?"

Koogah interposed, and Nam-Bok went on.

"As I say, when we were near to that village a great storm blew up, and in the night we were helpless and knew not where we were — "

"Thou hast just said the head man knew — "

"Oh, peace, Opee-Kwan (ах, успокойся, Опи-Кван; peace — мир; покой, спокойствие)! Thou art a fool and cannot understand (ты глупец и не понимаешь). As I say, we were helpless in the night (как я сказал, мы были беспомощны ночью), when I heard, above the roar of the storm (когда я услышал над = за ревом шторма), the sound of the sea on the beach (звук прибоя: «моря /накатывающего на/ берег»). And next we struck with a mighty crash (а потом мы ударились со страшным грохотом; to strike — ударить/ся/) and I was in the water, swimming (и я оказался в воде /и/ поплыл). It was a rock-bound coast (это было побережье со скалистой границей = скалистое побережье; to bind — вязать; связывать; завязывать; ограничивать), with one patch of beach in many miles (с одним клочком песчаного берега на много миль), and the law was that I should dig my hands into the sand and draw myself clear of the surf (и закон был таков = и суждено мне было, чтобы я погрузил руки в песок и выбрался из прибоя). The other men must have pounded against the rocks (остальные люди, должно быть, разбились о скалы), for none of them came ashore (ибо никто из них не попал на берег; to come ashore — сходить на берег) but the head man (кроме старейшины), and him I knew only by the ring on his finger (а его я узнал лишь по кольцу на пальце).


"Oh, peace, Opee-Kwan! Thou art a fool and cannot understand. As I say, we were helpless in the night, when I heard, above the roar of the storm, the sound of the sea on the beach. And next we struck with a mighty crash and I was in the water, swimming. It was a rock-bound coast, with one patch of beach in many miles, and the law was that I should dig my hands into the sand and draw myself clear of the surf. The other men must have pounded against the rocks, for none of them came ashore but the head man, and him I knew only by the ring on his finger.

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