JUNGLE KINGDOM: A Pixel Animai land-themed NFT GameFi.

JUNGLE KINGDOM: A Pixel Animai land-themed NFT GameFi.



Jungle Kingdom is a new breakthrough in the gaming world. Jungle Kingdom is an #NFT gamefi with pixel animal land theme. There will be many animal characters that will be available in the Jungle Kingdom world.

Later, the Jungle Kingdom will be in the metaverse world. Jungle [Kingdom](https://www.jungle.pet) will focus on game economy, scalability and sustainability. In the Jungle Kingdom using the BNB network. By using BNB, players can recruit animal characters and buildings, level up, upgrade buildings, enhance all aspects of heroes attributes to get more #NFT items and also BNB rewards.

What characters are available?

Jungle Kingdom has tons of characters available. These characters are in the form of pixel animals that have their own uniqueness for each character. Such as unicorn characters who have Attacker skills, Sea lions characters with [Defender](https://www.jungle.pet) skills, Monkey characters with random skills, Giraffe characters with speedster skills, Leopard characters with support skills, Lizard characters with support skills, and there is even a Dinosaur character with support skills.

With so many characters that will be present in this game, it will make jungle [kingdom](https://twitter.com/junglekdm) even more exciting and won’t bore you.

3 key features in Jungle kingdom

There are 3 main features in Jungle kingdom

1. The first is ‘Battle’, where in this battle tab users can do battle against enemies with their characters. This feature will be launched soon.

2. The second is ‘Animal’, in this tab contains animal characters that have been owned by the user and also all the resources owned.

3. The third is ‘Market’, on this tab users can buy new items and sell items they have.

Four Advantages of Jungle Kingdom


By playing jungle kingdom we will get items and characters. where the items and characters that we get have the opportunity to have high quality as #NFT. then we can save or even trade at a high price.


To get the reward we need to conquer the available stage levels and defeat the existing boss. so we have the opportunity to get rewards


The rank system is the part that makes the game more interesting. by doing a match then you will get a ranking. The higher the rank, the better the rewards you will get.


Buffs can be obtained from character training and upgrades. In Jungle Kingdom there are also many buildings. Upgrading buildings will increase the stats of your character. so don’t forget to upgrade your building


The token for jungle kingdom game is $AMT. And this is the description of the jungle kingdom token:

Token name.... Animal Token

Token Ticker....AMT


Total......100 Million

Tax...free tax for buying, 12% tax for selling


Total supply......100%




NFT Mining.....30%

Dex liquidity.....5%

Airdrop & community...1%






#junglekingdom #NFT #BSCgem #BinanceSmartChain


Website: https://www.jungle.pet

Twitter: https://twitter.com/junglekdm

Telegram: https://t.me/junglekdm

Discord: https://www.jungle.pet/


Bitcointalk Username: Zikolee 

Bitcointalk profile link: 

Proof of Authentication: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5391775.msg59868429#msg59868429

Telegram username: @zikolen

BSC wallet Address: 0xE4033628de71e74814E885f4Ee400C2e145229C9

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