Shirley Solomon

I hope that the people of America will have the sense to vote Trump. The man has done so much good. He gave so much jobs raised the economy and gave America the respect which they lost by Obama. Be wise America.

We like you Bobby Jindal at least you are a smart person and maybe can get through to these others that don’t get it they have an obligation to the President of the United States 🇺🇸 who is a Republican and they need to support the GOP as well as our Republican Party !! .

Political system through and through is a mess. Humanity is losing its collective integrity, class, empathy, compassion, honor and dignity and reflects in politics and we the people.

People are insane if they are going to vote blue. Look at all the chaos and destruction happening around that is being encouraged and enabled.

Peri Robinson Vest

A never Trumper is a Democrat. I can’t for the life of me figure out how a Republican can ever support Joe Biden. He doesn’t share the values of Republicans. They would rather get Trump out and let all the stupid democratic programs go into effect. I can’t figure it out. It just seems really stupid to me, like cutting off your nose to spite your face.

David Bridges Death - Dead : David Bridges Obituary : Appeals Justice was killed by a drunk driver.

Officer Corey Pendergrass Death - Dead : Pendergrass Obituary : Cause of Death Unknown.

Olivia de Havilland Death - Dead : Olivia de Havilland Obituary : Cause of Death Unknown.

Dylan Pickle Death - Dead : Dylan Pickle Obituary : Mississippi Deputy has since passed from his injuries.

Owner of channel 7 News Ed Ansin Death - Dead : Ed Ansin Obituary : Cause of Death Unknown.

Eddie Shack Death - Dead - Obituary : The Entertainer, 4-time Stanley Cup winner Passed Away.

Garrett Foster Death - Dead - Obituary : Austin Protester Shot Dead.

Dante Stephenson Death - Dead :  Dante Stephenson Obituary : Cause of Death Unknown

Death-Dead  / Obituary : Eric Ward may have passed away.

Austin TX Glenn Ruffin Death - Dead :  Glenn Ruffin  Obituary : Cause of Death Unknown.

2020 2nd Stimulus Check Update : Second Stimulus Payment Confirmed.
Portland Protests Update : Professor Maureen Healy shot In the head by fed agents.

Every Republican who refuses to support President Trump, and intentionally oppose him publicly, are standing on the Democrat's Platform. Shame on them!! The Democrat Party has become so radically left, they are in the process of destroying everything we hold dear.

Those Republican consultants are washed up and can’t get a job. They will never get my vote for a

Candidate they represent again. They are the face of the party that made us promises and never followed through. They are almost as bad as Dems.

Cindy Hatthorn

Open your eyes the dems are responsible for the current destruction of our country

Joyce Shaffer

If you feel as you do, don’t be a hypocrite, change registration. I did to Republican after 30 some years as a Democrat. It’s not our parents party any longer.

Arlan Brinkmeier

If we look at the political continuum Joe Biden is closer to the 2 former Presidential candidates McCain and Romney than Trump.

Sergio Morales

Far from leftist views. We all see what leftist run governments are allowing to happen.

I voted Republican all my life. I will not vote for an establishment Republican ever again. They sold us to China along with the Democrats. If they don't run someone like Trump in 2024 the Democrats won't get my vote but neither will the Republicans. … See More

This guy must be out of his mind, trump is not fit to be the president of the United states of america.

The Democratic Party is attempting to do as much damage to OUR AMERICA prior to November’s Election.

I believe he has high-jacked the Republican Party. I want no part of the failed leadership and lost values of Trump.

The integrity of former leaders such as George Bush, Mitt Romney and John McCain has been pushed aside in exchange for lies, narcissism and fragile ego.

Market News 's called principle over party, you clueless, out-to-lunch crackpot. The Republican party has become the party of criminal syndicates.

Some one really needs to explain to Rino’s, Never Trumpers that the GOP Party doesn’t belong to them any longer. It now belongs to Donald Trump. We have no intention of giving it back either.

You came out of nowhere Jindal. Trump will win and you will go into depression.

Maybe there are still a couple of Republicans who don't want to live under literal fascism

It is too late to save the day of those who supported trump.

Never Trumpers are confused imposters--(Democrats in Republican clothing.) They care nothing about preserving the tenets upon which this nation was founded; they just want to defeat Trump. True Republicans want absolutely nothing to do with them. They slither like snakes in the grass. "So then because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth.

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