JAWA CAMP V2 [Play-2-Earn] BUSD

JAWA CAMP V2 [Play-2-Earn] BUSD


A state-of-the-art BUSD miner game with a highly improved and secure contract.

[Official Links]

Main hub: ---> jawacamp.live/

Jawa Camp v2: ---> v2.jawacamp.live/

Audit: ---> https://the-stamp.com/2022/11/jawa-camp-v2-p2e-busd/

Telegram: ---> https://t.me/JawaCamp

Bscscan: ---> https://bscscan.com/address/0xDD9A1A50bf32300FDBA4a22a69F3cc0496D042E4

Twitter: ---> https://twitter.com/jawacampfarming

[Who are we]

We are the Jawa Camp team!

Launched it's first project on the 20th of September 2022. We are working with full dedication and should make it abundantly clear, that we are strongly against any type of fraud, scams or rug pulls. We established our team after we saw many investors getting scammed in various projects.
Our team made a pact to develop something better, safer and more reliable.

[What is Jawa Camp v2]

Jawa Camp v2 [P2E] is an isometric compounding miner game that allows investors to earn up to 8% daily. The main goal of the Jawa Camp v2 game is to hire more Jawa scavengers and mine Gold, which can be sold for BUSD.
Running your own Jawa Camp will generate constant Gold revenue up to 8%.
Start playing November 25 / 18:00 UTC

[Proven reliability]

Our Jawa Camp v2 is a very complex development.
We have used state of the art technology for the the in-game graphics of our Jawa concept with many hours of work to ensure the best user experience.

[State-Of-The-Art miner game]

Prepare for a game-changing experience!
Forget all miners with boring interfaces and identical websites and go and play our isometric Jawa Camp miner game. Also, make sure to always stay updated as we will constantly post new information about our Roadmap.


Jawa Camp v2 miner works on any platform!
Play it on your phone, switch to the PC, and back!
All your progress is stored on the blockchain, which makes it possible to sync your stats across all possible platforms.

[Operational Security]

Our team was founded and established when we saw the massive amount of fraud, scams and rug pulls in the DeFi space.
This truly saddened us and we decided to make a greater difference with a team that will protect the investors on all fronts.
Our motto and dedication is to make every single investor safe and secure when investing into our projects.

[How the game works]

Before start playing the Jawa Camp miner game you should know how to increase your rewards to the upper limits. Here, we'll guide you through the main mechanics behind the BUSD mining game.


You play as the Jawa scavengers. Your main task is to keep the Gold mine running. To do so, you need to hire Jawa scavengers and sell or reinvest earned Gold.


The Jawa Camp v2 miner game uses simple market rules to regulate the in-game economy. The two most important variables are TVL (total value locked) and market Gold. The Jawa Camp v2 miner game is capable of giving up to 8% daily ROI to all investors. To make it possible we've built a special self-regulating contract.

[Market Gold]

The market Gold is the most important parameter, which regulates the amount of rewards. The more Gold is on the market – the less it costs.
But we've solved this problem! We've decided to issue the maximum amount of Gold on the market right from the start. And when users invest, they get a part from market Gold. So, the amount of Gold is limited and could not be increased. It won't let the Gold price drop. We have another Gold price regulating mechanic. The market Gold is actually deflationary. By selling Gold, users decrease the market Gold by the half of sold amount. Long story short, selling Gold makes the Gold cost more.

[TVL | Total value locked]

Basically, the TVL is the balance of the smart contract. The bigger the TVL – the more stable rewards you get. Rewards could drop or increase a little, depending on the TVL changes. Our goal is to make TVL increase or at least not drop too fast to keep rewards at 8% daily on average. To do so, we have some anti-whale and anti-dumping mechanics.

➤ Mandatory reinvestments.
You have to do 10 compoundings in a row before selling Gold (withdrawing rewards). If you want to make early withdraw (sell Gold before making 10 compoundings), you'll have to pay 80% penalty fee for early withdrawal.

➤ Reinvestment bonuses.
Making each reinvestment will give you an extra 2% of your reinvestment amount. This bonus stacks and the maximum bonus is 20%. So, if you've made 10 compoundings in a row, on the next one you'll get 20% extra, and so on.

➤ Reinvestment Cooldown.
There is a reinvestment cooldown. You can compound only once in 12h.

➤ Selling cooldown.
You can sell Gold only once for 4h.

➤ Goldpot filling limit.
There is a limit of 48h, after that time, you'll no longer get Gold producing. You need to make a reinvestment or a withdrawal to reset that timer.

[Referral system]

The Jawa Camp v2 miner game has a built-in referral system. You can invite friends and get 2% of their investments directly into your wallet!
Just copy your link in the game and share it with friends.

[Fees and taxes]
There is a 5% fee on investment and withdrawal. Money from these taxes goes to marketing purposes to keep our miner evaluating and retrieving more new investors!

[How to invest]

  1. Connect your wallet
  2. Approve some amount of BUSD
  3. Invest some BUSD, the investment amount should be less than the approved amount.

[Will I get back my initial investment]

Your initial investment is locked forever in the contract. The invested money is used to hire Jawa scavengers and they can't be sold. Only the Gold they mine can be sold. Up tp 8% a day can increase your investment multiple times, so you'll definitely get back your initial investment.

[Can I reinvest more than 10 times in a row]

Yes, definitely! You can make a maximum of 20 compoundings in a row. Moreover, you'll get a 2% bonus on each investment, this bonus sums up to a maximum of 20%.

[Can I withdraw my earnings without making 10 reinvestments]

Yes, but you'll have to pay an 80% penalty fee on your earnings for early withdrawal. After 10 compoundings you'll be able to sell your Gold and get your reward without any fees.

[I want to invest more, what will happen to the earnings that I have in my Goldpot]

Your investment + your earnings would be added to your initial deposit but without any bonuses. The compoundings counter won't be incremented.

[What will happen with my deposit after I sell my earned Gold]

Your total deposit won't change. Only your rewards and compoundings counter will be reset. So, you'll be able to continue to earn more and more.

[How do compounding bonuses work]

While compounding you get +2% each time. These bonuses do stack, so if you compound for a second time you'll get a +4% bonus, on the 3rd compound you'll get a +6%, and so on. The max bonus is 20%, you'll get that bonus on the 10th compounding.

[The anti-whale mechanisms]

The Jawa Camp v2 project has multiple measures against whales to prevent them from withdrawing the whole contract balance.

Here are the main anti-whale mechanisms:

➤ Max deposit is set to 10000 BUSD

➤ 48h gold mining cutoff time (if no in-game action is taken by the user, his rewards would stop increasing)

➤ 10 mandatory reinvests

➤ -80% tax on early withdrawal

These restrictions will guarantee stable TVL growth and prevent whales from draining contract balance.

[Official Links]

Main hub: ---> jawacamp.live/

Jawa Camp v2: ---> v2.jawacamp.live/

Audit: ---> https://the-stamp.com/2022/11/jawa-camp-v2-p2e-busd/

Telegram: ---> https://t.me/JawaCamp

Bscscan: ---> https://bscscan.com/address/0xDD9A1A50bf32300FDBA4a22a69F3cc0496D042E4

Twitter: ---> https://twitter.com/jawacampfarming

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