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By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. Четвертые Всероссийские с международным участием историко-этнографические чтения, посвященные памяти профессора Магомедова Расула Магомедовича. Практически повсеместно распространены сюжеты борьбы великанов с богами. В скандинавской мифологии, например, великаны довременного хаоса Турсы Етуны противопоставлены богам-асам, в греческой — гиганты сражаются с богами во главе с Зевсом, бросая в них громадные скалы. Подобные сюжеты о великанах, обитающих в стране Ханаан до вселенского потопа, присутствуют в Библии и в священной книге мусульман — Коране. Аналогичные сражения, с помощью «кусков скал» происходили между вампалами — великанами из ингушской мифологии и нартами. Sergey Manyshev. The paper analyzes the Soviet social policy of — in the field of maternity and childhood protection in Dagestan. Based on archival materials introduced for the first time, as well as an analysis of published documents, literature and periodical press materials, I reveal the main trends of early Soviet policy. This analysis made it possible to build a holistic picture of the trans- formations in the field of medical care for women, their emancipation, and inclusion in public life. One key example was how Soviet health care collided with traditional medical practices in Dagestan. The traditional healers formed the basis of medical care with most using the services of local midwives who had no professional education. This was due to the lack of specialized educational institutions in the region. However, in the mids, an obstetric-paramedic school was opened, which began to train qualified medical workers. As statistics show, before the ban on abortions was introduced, their number in Dagestan was significant. The ban imposed on abortion led to a growth of fertility, which in turn led to the opening of the maternity hospital in the capital of the republic. The article shows that despite the famine, the reluctance of local residents to resort to qualified medical care, as well as other difficulties associated with the conduct of Soviet social policy, a considerable increase in population was observed in Dagestan in the ss. Макка Албогачиева. Севиндж Алиева. Dali Kandelaki. С I пол. XIX века начинается новый этап в многовековой истории российско-грузинских взаимоотношений — в г. Картли-Кахетинское царство было аннексировано Россией. В дальнейшем, на протяжении всего столетия, судьбу этого царства разделили и другие грузинские царства и княжества. Nadja Reissland. ABSTRACT Aim: One way to assess foetal health of smokers is to ask mothers to count perceived movements, an unreliable method hiding differences in prenatal development. The aim of this pilot study was to assess subtle foetal movements in ultrasound scans and establish whether they differ in foetuses of mothers who smoked and nonsmoking mothers. Methods: This longitudinal pilot study recruited twenty mothers 16 nonsmoking; 4 smoking scanned four times from 24 to 36 weeks gestation 80 ultrasound scans. As pregnancy progressed, these differences between the smoking and nonsmoking groups widened. Additionally, the feasibility of this technique for clinical practice should be assessed. Cristiane Titto. It is evident the necessity of a better understanding regarding the influence of warmth on the performance of horses in training, establishing that an efficient thermoregulation is essential to provide the physiological demands resulting from effort required and the climatic variables which the animal is exposed. This study aimed to evaluate thermoregulation in horses subjected to 30 minutes of exercise during three periods of the day with different air temperatures and to compare two techniques for measuring the sweating rate SR and trans epidermal water loss TEWL. Three castrated crossbred horses were submitted to a series of half an hour of exercise at different moments , , hours , carried out as follows: 3 minutes walking, 3 minutes of canter, 10 minutes of trot, 10 minutes of canter, 2 minutes of trot and 2 minutes of canter. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari praktik menejemen sumber daya manusia yang terdiri dari deskripsi pekerjaan, rekrutmen dan seleksi, pelatihan serta kompensasi terhadap kinerja usaha kecil dan menengah di Kabupaten Banyumas. Metodologi penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode pendekatan kuantitatif. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah pemilik atau pimpinan usaha kecil dan menengah di Kabupaten Banyumas sebanyak responden. Teknik pengambilan sampel data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode purposive sampling. Teknik analisis yang igunakan dalam penelitian adalah multiple regression analysis. Berdasarkan hasil dari penelitian dan analisis dalam penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa 1 deskripsi pekerjaan memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap kinerja usaha kecil dan menengah di Kabupaten Banyumas, Diana Tint. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Истоки и аналогии кавказских великанов в мифологиях древних цивилизаций. Petimat Akieva. Related Papers. Илам на Северном Кавказе: история и вызовы современностиpdf. Коллективная монография. Ultrasound observations of subtle movements: a pilot study comparing foetuses of smoking and nonsmoking mothers. Thermal regulation in horses submitted to exercise at different times of the day. Material Genetico 4to de secundaria. Suendy Y.

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