I’ve Hired an Attorney. Now What?

I’ve Hired an Attorney. Now What?

It can be difficult to know what to expect after you’ve hired an attorney to handle your personal injury case. At Samuel Johnson and Associates we try to do everything we can to help you understand the process, what you’ll receive from us, and what we’ll need from you.

Here’s what you can expect after you’ve hired an attorney:

The attorney will request follow up information.

Although you will have answered a lot of preliminary questions during your free consultation, your Atlanta personal injury lawyer will need to collect more information regarding your case. The attorney may need to know more information about how the incident occurred, specific information about your background, previous and/or current medical conditions, and any treatment you have received as a result of injuries.  Some questions may be more personal than others. The questions may even seem irrelevant or redundant, but it is important that you provide thorough and accurate answers to all inquiries. The information collected by your attorney will be kept confidential and will only be used to help prepare your case.

The firm will contact all parties involved in the case, including witnesses, law enforcement officers, and insurance companies.

Your attorney will contact and handle all further communications with the insurance company or attorneys representing the other parties involved in your case. They will also keep you updated on any case developments or scheduled court proceedings. If you are contacted by a representative from an insurance company (even your own), witnesses, law enforcement officers, or anyone else, please direct all correspondence and communications to your attorney. Don’t feel pressured to speak to, or intimidated by, anyone who contacts you regarding your case.

Your attorney will request all documents related to the case.

Your attorney will work to obtain the evidence necessary to prove your case, and much of that evidence will be found in various documents. The documentation may include police reports, witness statements, photographs, medical reports and records, medical bills, and employment records. These items are important because they may be used to verify how the incident occurred and the effect it has had on your health and livelihood. This process can be a slow one as your attorney has to work through the appropriate channels to secure some of the above-mentioned documents.

The firm bears the financial obligations of pursuing your case until the case is resolved.

Whether your case is settled or goes to trial, there will be costs associated with prosecuting the claim. This could include the costs of obtaining necessary evidence and documentation, hiring a private investigator or medical expert, court filing fees, or deposition costs. Because we work on a contingency fee arrangement, our clients don’t worry about any of these upfront financial obligations. Instead, we want our clients to focus on healing from their injuries and working to return to a life that is as normal as possible. We handle all costs that are incurred to prosecute the case on behalf of the client until the case is resolved.

It can be confusing and overwhelming trying to understand your legal rights and the responsibilities of an attorney in pursuing a personal injury case.  We’d be happy to answer your questions. If you, or a loved one, have been injured, please contact our Atlanta personal injury attorney at Samuel Johnson and Associates.

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