It’s time to try something new: Asynchronous smart contracts

It’s time to try something new: Asynchronous smart contracts

TON Foundation

To run smart contracts, most modern blockchains use the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) or try to be EVM-compatible.

The thing is that on the Ethereum blockchain currently, there is the largest number of users, but other blockchain projects want to acquire part of Ethereum’s market share by attracting its users, developers, and products. 

Of course, there’s meaning in this trickiness because it requires little effort on the developers’ part to transition their product from Ethereum to another network.

However, it’s worth noting that if Ethereum had tried the same thing and had tried to be compatible with Bitcoin smart contracts, for example, it would have never invested such a great amount into the development of decentralized technology as it has.

Maybe you didn’t know, but on the Bitcoin network, there are also smart contracts, but they’re rather simple and without significant functionalities. 

Knowing that Ethereum has made a huge investment in developing decentralized technologies, we cannot ignore how EVM’s synchronous architecture has limitations regarding scalability.

If smart contract “A” interacts with smart contract “B,” which then interacts with smart contract “C,” all three interactions on the blockchain must be processed as one transaction. 

Therefore, if hundreds of smart contracts have interactions, they’ll have to be processed as a single transaction.

This creates congestion and the inability to separate and parallelize calculations to the point where overcoming this issue becomes impossible as the number of users and transactions grows exponentially.

The Open Network, a next-generation blockchain, solves this problem because it has asynchronous actor architecture.

If you’re a programmer, you’ve most likely already heard of this term. Most programming languages were synchronous in the beginning, but eventually, they’ve achieved asynchronism, multithreading, and an actor model.

Asynchronism on TON is the same unavoidable step in the evolution of blockchain technology.

On TON, smart contracts run on the TON Virtual Machine, which is incompatible with EVM.

Therefore, the FunC programming language was created specifically to write smart contracts for the TON blockchain.

By working with the actor paradigm, developers might have to “readjust” the way they think.

For us, though, all of the latest developments in decentralized technologies will eventually be based on an asynchronous paradigm.

That’s why we’re going to host a series of competitions so that programmers can get to know FunC from the basics to more advanced levels and learn how to write asynchronous smart contracts for TON.

We’re inviting you to join us in tech development so we can create the future together.

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