It's always interesting to return home to celebrate Thanksgiving. This trick makes it possible for me to carry talks.

It's always interesting to return home to celebrate Thanksgiving. This trick makes it possible for me to carry talks.

This is what's happening in my life these days. Although I'm not yet in college, but it's on the internet, I'm learning many knowledge points which will aid me in my next dream job - being a Youtube star or Instagram influencer. You may laugh now however, I've already begun my journey and my followers total is nearly 1800 people. Although it is not much but with lots of positive thoughts and exclusive content of great ideas, I will soon be the next celebrity. If you put in the effort and you'll reach the place you'd like to be as Nas said many years ago. His words always rang relevant to me.

The long, monotonous trip back home to celebrate the holidays seemed as dull and monotonous as any other long drive. I don't like sitting up in the tiny seat of a bus, since I am quite a bulky person. The last time I was stuck, I made a decision to get bored. Yes, that's right! Yes! My college offers two classes that contain many lectures. These lectures are stored on their servers. However, Youtube also offers quality options. Youtube provides several quality choices for students who cannot sustain their HD video lectures in full-speed.

I'm getting ready for an eight-hour bus ride. Whatever the case, I went through the videos from my three lectures, there was nearly 7 hours of just listening materials. I downloaded the video onto my iPad. I listened to the lecture in the car on my way to get home from Thanksgiving. YouTube's mp3 converter was my friend.. I was able to convert Youtube video into mp3 files and transferred them to my phone to play when my iPad stops working. I used only audio on my phone, as I have very little space there, and the audio lectures are just like podcasts. Also, nothing visual is in those lectures. Everything is explained in a way that makes it seem like viewers are between 2 and 3 years old. So it's quite easy to understand even if you're not actually watching but just listening. Therefore, I took the lectures and converted them to MP3 and prepared my headphones. The headphones I have aren't as expensive as the new Airpods and so I'm still using my old, cheap headphones.

To cut down on time, I saved YouTube videos as mp4 files onto my iPad. Video is great as it lets you see the instructor working and what is going on. Otherwise, it's just another show. But MP3s are much smaller than video mp4, and I wasn't able to even fit all seven hours of video onto my iPad. I was not even willing to erase the season of Family Guy I had downloaded via Hulu application, just for for the trip in the event that I going to be melt from all the lectures..

youtube converter into mp4 I was thrilled that I had packed both videos and audio lectures. After 2 hours, my iPad died. Then my phone stepped in. I didn't actually watch the lecture, but simply listening to the audio. It was able to get me through all the time to where I wanted to go. It was simple to review the knowledge I acquired during my trip, and then surprise my instructor by sharing my knowledge in class. It's fascinating to look at how technology can assist you improve your knowledge. Youtube as well as other video storage sites offer an endless amount of videos, tutorials, as well as DIY tutorials. This is something to consider.

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