It's Time To Upgrade Your Citroen Replacement Key Options

It's Time To Upgrade Your Citroen Replacement Key Options

Citroen Dispatching Remote Key Replacement

Prior to 1997, Citroen vehicles were equipped with keys that did not have a transponder (chip). Keys of this type can be programmed on the spot without the need of specialist equipment.

If your key fob's sensor isn't working it could be due to a variety of reasons, including damaged buttons, defective battery contacts water damage, or even receiver module problems.


The process of fault diagnosis is one which identifies the cause of a problem, so that corrective actions can be implemented. This is often called fault isolation and is a key element of automation for operations management systems. It consists of three steps: localization, estimation, and detection.

Simulation is a common method to diagnose faults. It allows you to discover possible responses to tests in the case of various faults. The results are stored in a database. Then, after an experiment is conducted the actual results of the test are compared to the expected results. If the actual results are the exact same as expected results, then the fault is discovered. The process of identifying mistakes is usually iterative and described as a diagnosis tree.

A car remote may become out of sync, causing it to stop working. A mobile technician with the right equipment can easily fix this, saving money compared to the service offered by a dealership. Technicians have a specific tool to activate the remote plip on your Citroen, making it work in good in conjunction along with the vehicle. It's a simple and quick procedure that can be completed within five seconds. You can repeat the process for a second plip, in case your first one fails.

Dead Coin Battery

The most frequent reason for keys that don't lock or unlocking is a dead coin battery. The button cell battery inside the key fob is held in place by retaining clips made of steel. These can become loose and weaken over time. Replace the old battery with a new one of the same size, voltage and specification. Also ensure that the clip that holds it is properly fitted because improperly replacing the battery of a button cell could damage the internal electronic chip.

Faulty key fob

There are a few things that could cause issues with your Citroen dispatch remote key. It could be caused by a damaged transmitter or a dead battery. There could be loose parts moving around inside the fob, and the LED lights may not be functioning. In such cases, you will have to call an auto locksmith to fix your problem.

A remote car key (also known as a smart key) utilizes a transponder chip in the head of the key to communicate with the immobiliser system of your car and enable it to start once you insert the key into the ignition. The majority of customers love these keys due to the fact that they are reliable and convenient. The keys are also durable and can be dropped, squeezed or moved around, in contrast to the old flip key types which are now discarded.

However it is important to be aware that if a key isn't able to start your car, the issue is most likely to be with the immobiliser system inside the vehicle, not the key itself. If replacing the key isn't enough, it needs to be reprogrammed by an auto locksmith that has the right equipment. This will require a new transponder is inserted into the keys so they can be used with the car. They can also unlock and open the doors from a distance, without having to touch the lock.

Faulty Receiver Module

The remote keyless receiver module lets your key fobs and vehicle to communicate. If none of the key fobs are functioning and you have looked over the coin battery for health and then reprogrammed them you could find that the receiver module has developed a fault.

It may have stopped sending radio frequency signals or it could become defective due to ageing. Either way, this is a typical issue, and it will usually require replacement by a certified auto locksmith.

If you are a locksmith or a garage and motor trader, please visit this page to learn about our trade accounts and ways to save on your citroen dispatch key replacement cost. If you're not a locksmith or motor trade or garage, you can use the links above to order your replacement key, or call us here at KeyNOW to discuss our other options.

Key casing replacement for remotes with rubber buttons for Citroen Jumpy. G28CarKeys is not in the original packaging and is provided by Delphi who manufacture these components for PSA Group. The parts can be supplied as a blank (uncut) or cut to be affixed to your vehicle. Please refer to the 'Key Cutting Information Tab above for further information.

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