Its Latin

Its Latin


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Authority corrupts its holder and debases its victims.
Potentia hominem qui eam tenit corrumpit et victimas suas vitiat.
This sparrow can't fly. Its wings are broken.
Hic passer volare non potest. Alae eius fractae sunt.
Da mihi, quaeso, orthographiam huius dicti?
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It is from the blood of Christ that all draw the strength to commit themselves to promoting life.
Ex eodem Christi sanguine hauriunt omnes homines vim, ut operam navent pro vita.
Buridan further held that the impetus of a body increased with the speed with which it was set in motion, and with its quantity of matter.
Buridanus impetum ferebat eo maiorem esse quo maiores essent celeritas incitionis et materiei quantitas.
As We said in Our message to the UNESCO meeting at Teheran, literacy is the "first and most basic tool for personal enrichment and social integration; and it is society's most valuable tool for furthering development and economic progress." (36)
Quemadmodum Nos ediximus, cum Teheranianum Conventum sodalium Consilii, quod compendiariis litteris UNESCO appellatur, nuntio alloqueremur, disciplina elementorum scribendi est primaria ac primigenia ratio, qua homo non solum societati inseritur, sed etiam ipse ditatur, eaque praestantissimum subsidium est pro societate ad augendas res oeconomicas et ad progressionem efficiendam (36).
In this Letter I wish to speak not to families "in the abstract" but to every particular family in every part of the world, wherever it is located and whatever the diversity and complexity of its culture and history.
Hisce ego litteris in animo habeo compellare non quamlibet “in re abstracta” familiam, sed unamquamque veram solidamque familiam cuiuslibet terrarum regionis, ad quamcumque longe lateque provinciam pertinet, quantumvis multiformis sit ipsius varietas culturae atque historiae.
He could, it is said, scarcely be driven to confess to Corbulo how the enemy was pressing him.
nec a Corbulone properatum, quo gliscentibus periculis etiam subsidii laus augeretur.
Non dubito quin tibi placiturum sit.
It is precisely this holiness and splendor which we are endeavoring to discover and promote.
Hanc ipsam autem sanctitatem atque splendorem nos inquirimus ac promovere studemus.
Given this array of new situations and the questions which they prompt, it seems more necessary than ever to recover the deep doctrinal foundations underlying the Church's precept, so that the abiding value of Sunday in the Christian life will be clear to all the faithful.
Coram hac novarum condicionum interrogationumque respondentium scaena magis est necessarium quam alias intimas revocare doctrinae causas, quae ipsi ecclesiali praecepto subiacent, ut fidelibus universis excellentia haud neganda diei Domini christiana in vita plane eluceat.
Whatever new truth the sincere human mind is able to find, certainly cannot be opposed to truth already acquired, since God, the highest Truth, has created and guides the human intellect, not that it may daily oppose new truths to rightly established ones, but rather that, having eliminated errors which may have crept in, it may build truth upon truth in the same order and structure that exist in reality, the source of truth.
Quidquid veri mens humana, sincere quaerens, invenire poterit, iam acquisitae veritati profecto adversari nequit; siquidem Deus, summa Veritas, humanum intellectum condidit atque regit, non ut rite acquisitis cotidie nova opponat, sed ut, remotis erroribus qui forte irrepserint, verum vero superstruat eodem ordine ac compagine quibus ipsa rerum natura, ex qua verum hauritur, constituta cernitur.
Again, is there an accomplishment, the fame and glory of which are to be compared with the distinction of the orator, who is an illustrious man at Rome, not only with the busy class, intent on public affairs, but even with people of leisure, and with the young, those at least who have a right disposition and a worthy confidence in themselves? Whose name does the father din into his children's ears before that of the orator? Whom, as he passes by, do the ignorant mob and the men with the tunic oftener speak of by name and point out with the finger? Strangers too and foreigners, having heard of him in their towns and colonies, as soon as they have arrived at Rome, ask for him and are eager, as it were, to recognise him.
Quid? fama et laus cuius artis cum oratorum gloria comparanda est? Quid? Non inlustres sunt in urbe non solum apud negotiosos et rebus intentos, sed etiam apud iuvenes vacuos et adulescentis, quibus modo recta indoles est et bona spes sui? Quorum nomina prius parentes liberis suis ingerunt? Quos saepius vulgus quoque imperitum et tunicatus hic populus transeuntis nomine vocat et digito demonstrat? Advenae quoque et peregrini iam in municipiis et coloniis suis auditos, cum primum urbem attigerunt, requirunt ac velut adgnoscere concupiscunt.
"'Once had your hands,' said Calchas, 'dared profane / Minerva's gift, dire plagues' (which Heaven forestall / or turn on him) 'should Priam's realm sustain; / but if by Trojan aid it scaled your wall, / proud Asia then should Pelops' sons enthrall, / and children rue the folly of the sire.'"
"Nam si vestra manus violasset dona Minervae, / tum magnum exitium (quod Di prius omen in ipsum / convertant !) Priami imperio Phrygibusque futurum ; / sin manibus vestris vestram ascendisset in urbem, / ultro Asiam magno Pelopea ad moenia bello / venturam, et nostros ea fata manere nepotes."
Caesar, perceiving that they persisted in their resolution, kept twenty cohorts in battle array, and, measuring out ground there for a camp, ordered it to be fortified.
Quorum pertinacia cogruta Caesar XX cohortibus instructis castrisque eo loco metatis muniri iubet castra.
Like the three Apostles in the episode of the Transfiguration, consecrated persons know from experience that their lives are not always marked by the fervour which makes us exclaim: "It is well that we are here" (Mt 17:4).
170) Perinde ac tres apostoli in Transfigurationis eventu, expertae personae consecratae noverunt non semper suam vitam illo vehementi illuminari fervore qui exclamationem evocet: « Bonum est nos hic esse ».(
In the Greek Septuagint and, consequently, in most Christian Bibles prior to the Reformation, it is considered part of Psalm 9, shifting the numbers of the following psalms down by one.
In Septuaginta antiqua translatione Graeca et plurimis versionibus Christianis ante reformationem factis, hi versus sunt secunda pars psalmi 9.
Drawn up by the special Commission of Cardinals and Bishops established in 1986, the Catechism was approved and promulgated by me in the aforementioned Apostolic Constitution, which today retains all its validity and timeliness, and finds its definitive achievement in this Latin typical edition.
Enucleatus a Cardinalium Episcoporumque Consilio ad hoc ipsum anno MCMLXXXVI constituto, Catechismus a Nobis est comprobatus atque prolatus dicta superius Apostolica Constitutione, quae omnem suam etiamnum servat vim atque utilitatem quaeque extremam hac typica Latina editione recipit exsecutionem.
The church's charism and likewise her unique nature vis-a-vis reconciliation, at whatever level it needs to be achieved, lie in the fact that she always goes back to that reconciliation at the source.
Charisma et singularis indoles Ecclesiae, quod ad reconciliationem attinet in quovis gradu efficiendam, in eo sunt posita, ut ea ad reconciliationem illam « fontalem » semper revocetur.
At the end of the year the cohort usually on guard during the games was withdrawn, that there might be a greater show of freedom, that the soldiery too might be less demoralised when no longer in contact with the licence of the theatre, and that it might be proved whether the populace, in the absence of a guard, would maintain their self-control.
Fine anni statio cohortis adsidere ludis solita demovetur, quo maior species libertatis esset, utque miles theatrali licentiae non permixtus incorruptior ageret et plebes daret experimentum, an amotis custodibus modestiam retineret.
Indeed, as soon as he announced to the Sacred College on 26 August 1978 that he wished to be called John Paul-such a double name being unprecedented in the history of the Papacy-I saw in it a clear presage of grace for the new pontificate.
Revera cum die XXVI mensis Augusti anno MCMLXXVIII ille Sacro Cardinalium Collegio enuntiaret se appellari velle Ioannem Paulum — cuius generis bina nomina antea numquam fuerant in historia Romanorum Pontificum — in iis luculentum perspeximus auspicium gratiae divinae novo Pontificatui obventurae.
It should therefore serve the truth.
It's very obvious that he likes you.
Here it must be emphasized that clearly the "spirit of the Lord" who rests upon the future Messiah is above all a gift of God for the person of that Servant of the Lord.
Asserendum est hic « spiritum Domini », qui est super venturum Messiam, aperte imprimisque esse donum Dei datum personae illius Servi Domini.
Furthermore we should follow the directives issued by the various departments of the Holy See in this field: be it in liturgical matters, in the rules established by the liturgical books in what concerns the Eucharistic Mystery,(67) and in the Instructions devoted to this mystery, be it with regard to communication in sacris, in the norms of the Directorium de re oecumenica(68) and in the Instructio de peculiaribus casibus admittendi alios christianos ad communionem eucharisticam in Ecclesia catholica.(
Accedit quod normae variis a Romanae Curiae Dicasteriis emissae pariter sunt hic servandae: tum in re liturgica — nempe in regulis per liturgicos libros statutis de mysterio eucharistico necnon in eidem mysterio dicatis Instructionibus — tum in iis quae pertinent ad “communicationem in sacris”, “Directorio de re oecumenica” et “Instructione de peculiaribus casibus admittendi alios christianos ad communionem eucharisticam in Ecclesia catholica” sancitis.
Frost's mother joined the Swedenborgian church and had him baptized in it, but he left it as an adult.
Mater se cum ecclesia Swedenborgiana consociavit et fecit ut Robertus in ea baptizari, sed adultus ecclesiam reliquit.
Yes, it seems to be part of the very essence of Christ's redemptive suffering that this suffering requires to be unceasingly completed.
Ita est: ad ipsam redemptricis Christi passionis essentiam pertinere videtur ratio, ob quam eiusmodi passio poscit ut continenter adimpleatur.
This in no way creates division, because the community of the baptized is marked by a universality which can embrace every culture and help to foster whatever is implicit in them to the point where it will be fully explicit in the light of truth.
Id nullam discretionem gignit, quandoquidem baptizatorum populus illa universalitate distinguitur, quae omnes humanos cultus recipit, progressum iuvando illius rei quae in ea implicatur, ad plenam in veritate explicationem consequendam.

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