Itex,An Hybrid Exchange

Itex,An Hybrid Exchange


Itex Platform

The world is evolving at a fast pace. never before we’ve witnessed such a big amount of changes happening in an exceedingly such short amount of your time. Economic, social, technological and political shifts are reshaping the planet terribly quickly and new challenges arise for nations and notably for cities. As governments are seeking to include innovations among their cities, blockchain can give one thing a lot of.

ITEX is a hybrid exchange that brings the best features of a private exchange besides those of a decentralized one, looking for a free and fair trading with a optimum and better manipulation. ITEX is going to be an HYBRID Exchange , offering some of the benefits and technological advantages of the decentralized exchanges to generate high liquidity, security, customer protection and a good quality support. ITEX is attaining accurate decentralization using the best and better hands of the present manipulation in the market; therefore ITEX is planning to function as quite a HYBRID trade, giving some of the benefits and technological benefits of the decentralized trades to build higher liquidity, security, customer protection, and a fantastic high-quality support.

After recognizing the problems that currently plague both types of crypto exchanges, we made the decision to build iTEX as a hybrid decentralized exchange. Our aim was to ensure that iTEX is secure and won’t lose user funds to hacks, while at the same time providing an easy-to-use platform that appeals to both novice and experienced crypto traders.

Cеntrаlіzеd Exchanges

On сеntrаlіzеd exchanges, thеrе іѕ uѕuаllу a regulatory body that manages the affairs of the еntіrе ecosystem. Thеу аrе оftеn еаѕу tо uѕе аnd uѕеrѕ have еаѕу access tо advanced trаdіng fеаturеѕ.

Dесеntrаlіzеd Exсhаngеѕ

Dесеntrаlіzеd еxсhаngе platforms wіthоut central dесіѕіоn mаkеrѕ. Thіѕ type оf еxсhаngе represents thе truе purpose оf blосkсhаіn technology, “dесеntrаlіzаtіоn”. Participants are fully ѕесurе thеіr money аnd hіgh lеvеl of dаtа security іѕ a mаjоr bеnеfіt.

Core Features of ITEX

High-performance trading with applaudable features: Aside from being glitch/error free, ITEX platform will provide numerous cryptocurrency trading pairs and also in the nearest future support trading against 10 fiat currency. The hybrid exchange will also support social trading where traders can automatically mimic trade activities of their favorite traders on the platform when going offline and this will go a long way to guarantee all day long trading and liquidity on the platform while the social (favorite) gets a reward. ITEX will also support margin trading of BTC/USD pairs with a leverage of up to 50x while major altcoins will have leverage of 10x. The exchange will also boast affordable withdrawal/ interchange fees while margin trading fees will be determined in the second quarter of 2019. The exchange will also be launched on mobile devices in the second quarter of 2019.500 million ITEX tokens will be distributed to traders on the platform over the next two years.

The absence of Listing fee for new cryptocurrency on the platform, funding system for new blockchain startups and monitory measures for traders security: The ITEX platform does not require a listing fee but rather sets up requirement based on the community strength and the amount of ITEX votes the platform can secure. In a bid to support the blockchain community ITEX has designed a funding system to provide funds for upcoming blockchain startups based on the use case and votes of members of the platform. ITEX also seeks to protect its traders by putting in place measures(score system)to monitor the activities of projects trading on the platform and those funded by the ITEX platform in order to protect the interest of traders. Security measures such as email confirmation, 2FA, device approval, and re-captcha and biometric access will also be made available.

Unique referral system: The ITEX referral system is highly commendable because asides from rewarding uplines with percentage of tokens purchased during the token sale, referers stand to earn from each withdrawals made on the platform(20% of the value of the withdrawal ), earn also from 1% on all fees generated on the platform and also get to earn from the 20% of ITEX the platform will acquire from the voting process while the remaining 80% will be burnt.

ITEX token: ITEX token is an erc-20 token built on the ethereum blockchain with a maximum supply of 1 billion tokens and an initial circulating supply of 200 million tokens. The ITEX token serves as the utility token of the platform and grants users the following :access to 90% of the total fees on the platform(For holders of a minimum of 1000 Frozen ITEX token), voting medium, grant access to reduced interchange fee and lastly will serve as a market on the trading platform.

The goal of the iTEX philosophy is to achieve true decentralization in practice, with full control 

over market manipulation. 

Full control is always a sign of centralized systems, without which, in principle, order is not possible. 

The iTEX team decided to take advantage of two different approaches in blockchain platforms to create the 

perfect exchange organism.

Token and ICO Details

  • TOKEN symbol: ITEX
  • Token Supply: 1,000,000,000 ITEX
  • Token Type: ERC20
  • Token Price: $0.02
  • Token Available for Private Sale: 20,000,000 ITEX
  • Token Availabe for Public Sale: 180,000,000 ITEX


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Published By:vickybee


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