Itchy Breasts Pregnancy

Itchy Breasts Pregnancy


Itchy Breasts Pregnancy
When a woman gets pregnant her body goes through various changes. Her uterus will start to grow larger to accommodate the growing fetus, she will start to gain weight, her skin will start to show changes and also her breasts will begin to change. The changes to a woman's breast during pregnancy are probably the most intriguing of them all. During the early months of pregnancy a woman's breast may feel sore. This is mainly concentrated in the area around the nipples. Itchy breasts during pregnancy is another common experience.
Are itchy breasts a sign of pregnancy is a question a lot of pregnant women tend to ask their doctors. Normally to help in reducing this itchiness the woman can use a moisturizing lotion or cream which is beneficial in reducing this itchiness.

Some of the best creams, lotions or oils to use to help prevent stretching and itching of one's skin during pregnancy include cocoa butter, olive oil or almond oil. One should use these creams or oils on the skin concentrating on the areas around the breasts, the lower abdomen of the woman, the thighs and the buttocks. These creams need to be massaged in well as this increases the circulation of blood to these areas. Preferably apply the oils on the breasts and other parts of the body right after coming out of the bath. This way the oil or cream gets absorbed into the skin well. Are itchy breasts sign of pregnancy is another often asked question. This is not always the case as one's breasts can itch for a variety of reasons. Some woman's breasts start to itch when they are menstruating. Other women may be suffering from excessive dryness of skin which can lead to itchy breasts. One way to combat itchy breasts due to dry skin is to have a bath with an oatmeal soak. Oatmeal has properties that are beneficial in reducing the itching of one's skin. One can even try using some coconut oil as a lubricant to be massaged into the breast skin. Itchy breasts early pregnancy can be a very uncomfortable and sometimes painful experience for a woman. Some doctors may prescribe a topical treatment to deal with this condition of itching skin if normal moisturizing does not help.
Although itchy breasts are not a serious problem even during pregnancy, they can lead to a lot of discomfort. Hence it is only natural for women to look for a solution that can help reduce itchy breasts during pregnancy. The first thing to do is to stop applying any powder on the skin, as that could lead to further dryness and aggravate the problem. Hot showers also dry the skin out, making the itchiness worse. Hence, it is best to take a bath with lukewarm water and use a mild soap, which cannot irritate the skin. Tubing the skin vigorously should also worsen the problem of itchiness. Therefore, it is best to pat the skin dry gently, using a towel.
Some women reduce the discomfort caused by itchy breasts, by using moisturizers, creams and lotions that help keep the skin hydrated. The most effective creams generally include almond oil, cocoa butter or olive oil, as they help to prevent the skin on the breasts from feeling itchy due to stretching. In fact, since women have itchy skin all over the body, these creams can be applied on the waist, thighs and the buttocks too.
If a woman just rubs the cream over the skin, the results may not be the best. Instead, the cream should be massaged on to the itchy area for a couple of minutes. Doing so will not just help hydrate the skin, but it will also increase the circulation of blood and oxygen to those areas. Moreover, the cream needs to be left on to the skin for a while, so that it can be absorbed by the skin properly. The best time to apply the creams or oils is immediately after taking a bath.
There are also certain home remedies that can be used for reducing Itchy breasts during pregnancy. Oatmeal is one of the best known remedies for reducing breast itchiness during pregnancy all over the body, caused by various factors. Hence pregnant women could check with their doctors and take an oatmeal bath, by soaking in a tub filled with oatmeal paste. Other women have also experienced relief from the problem, but applying coconut oil on the skin.
Pregnant women can reduce the itching problem, by dressing in the right manner. It is best to wear loose fitting and comfortable clothing, which will not irritate the skin. Most pregnant women are advised to wear cotton clothing, especially if they need to go out during the day. Synthetic material should be avoided by them.
"Is itching a sign of pregnancy" is a question that several women ask themselves and their doctors, when they suspect that they may be pregnant or even during the initial stages of pregnancy. There are some women who may ask a question that is slightly different, i.e., "are itchy nipples a sign of pregnancy?". This is because some women may feel a severe itching sensation all over the body, which includes the arms, waist, torso, thighs, buttocks and the legs. However, some women may only face the problem of itchy breasts, at least when they first get pregnant. Most doctors, health experts and other resources assure all pregnant women that, itchy breasts during pregnancy are absolutely normal. In fact, when a woman goes for her first antenatal checkup to confirm her pregnancy, the doctor may even ask her if she has seen any changes in her breasts, since itchy breasts are an early pregnancy symptom.
It is a well known fact that sore breasts and itchy nipples are pregnancy symptoms. In fact itchy skin in early pregnancy affects several areas apart from the breasts. There could be several factors that lead to itchy breasts during pregnancy in a woman. First of all, it is important to realize that a woman's body undergoes numerous changes throughout the nine months of pregnancy, even before the baby grows large enough for the pregnancy to become evident. Hence itchy breasts during early pregnancy could be due to hormonal changes. Thereafter, as the pregnancy progresses, the woman's uterus begins to expand to accommodate the growing baby. Most women gain weight not just on the waist but also on the breast and other parts of the body. Hence, due to the gain in weight the skin on the breast expands, leading to severe dryness and itching. As the pregnancy progresses, the problem of itchy breast may continue or even worsen. This is not a cause for concern either, as it only indicates that the woman's breasts are getting prepared for breastfeeding, once the baby is born.
It is not normal for a woman to experience itchy breasts, when she tries to wean her baby off. If she does have the problem of itchy breasts after breastfeeding, then it is best to consult a doctor immediately. There is a possibility that the itchiness is in reaction to an ice compress, laundry detergent or even certain foods that were consumed. Other conditions that could lead to breast itchiness are infections such as thrush and mastitis. Hence it is essential to consult a doctor in case of severe itchy breasts after breastfeeding.
While several cases of itchy breasts are a pregnancy symptom, it is not necessary that this problem is always caused by pregnancy. There have been several instances of women facing a problem of itchy breasts, even when they are not pregnant. At times, a woman's breasts could feel very itchy during her menstrual cycle. Of course, the weather could also play a role in this, as the skin tends to get drier during the winter season and therefore, could it itch a lot more. Some women may feel severe itchiness in their breasts and nipples, if their laundry detergent is too harsh. Home remedies and lotions used by women who are pregnant can actually help reduce itchiness caused by other factors too.
However, if the itching sensation is accompanied by redness, swelling or a rash, it is best to consult a doctor, as these are symptoms of more serious skin conditions.

MomJunction's articles are written after analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in our editorial policy .
1. Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy ; SexInfo Online; University of California, Santa Barbara (2017) 2. My pregnancy Weeks 1 —20 ; UCLA Obstetrics and Gynecology 3. Hibah Osman et al.; Risk factors for the development of striae gravidarum ; Am J Obstet Gynecol (2007) 4. Sophie Weatherhead et al.; Eczema in pregnancy ; BMJ (2007) 5. Pruritic Urticarial Papules And Plaques Of Pregnancy ; American Osteopathic College of Dermatology 6. Justyna Szczęch, Artur Wiatrowski, Lidia Hirnle, Adam Reich; Prevalence and Relevance of Pruritus in Pregnancy ; Biomed Res Int. 2017 7. Skin Changes During Pregnancy ; Health Sciences Library; Upstate Medical University (2008) 8. Stretch marks in pregnancy ; NHS (2019) 9. Skin Conditions During Pregnancy ; American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (2018) 10. Atopic Eruption of Pregnancy (AEP) ; European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (2013) 11. Cholestasis of Pregnancy ; St. Louis Children’s Hospital 12. Cansu Karakas; Paget’s disease of the breast ; J Carcinog (2011) 13. Caring for Yourself During Pregnancy and Beyond ; UCSF Medical Center
Dr. Umera Zakiahmed Saiyed is a homoeopathic consultant and runs her own clinic Noor. She pursued her BHMS from Yerela Medical College in Kharghar, Mumbai and worked as an assistant doctor under a gynaecologist in Surat, Gujarat. With more than 5 years of experience in gyneacpcods, assisting many labor and caesarean deliveries, she holds expertise in cases related to infertility,... more
Rebecca is a pregnancy writer and editor with a passion for delivering research-based and engaging content in areas of fertility, pregnancy, birth, and post-pregnancy. She did her graduation in Biotechnology and Genetics from Loyola Academy, Osmania University and obtained a certification in ‘Nutrition and Lifestyle in Pregnancy’ from Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU). She has been into health and... more
Specialty: Writer, poet, and blogger
Dr. Umera Zakiahmed Saiyed is a homoeopathic consultant and runs her own clinic Noor. She pursued her BHMS from Yerela Medical College in Kharghar, Mumbai and worked as an assistant doctor under a gynaecologist in Surat, Gujarat. With more ... more
Rebecca is a pregnancy writer and editor with a passion for delivering research-based and engaging content in areas of fertility, pregnancy, birth, and post-pregnancy. She did her graduation in Biotec... more
MomJunction believes in providing reliable, research-backed information to you. As per our strong editorial policy requirements, we base our health articles on references (citations) taken from authority sites, international journals, and research studies. However, if you find any incongruencies, feel free to write to us .
Some women may experience itchy breasts during pregnancy. This could either result from hormonal fluctuations or sensitivity in the skin, both of which are common in pregnant women. Although the condition is temporary, the symptoms may sometimes persist for longer periods. Under such circumstances, you need to consult your healthcare provider.
Read on to know about itchiness in breasts while pregnant, including measures to deal with it.
Breast changes might begin as early as one to two weeks post-conception (1) . The breasts may become tender, sore, enlarged, or tingle, while the nipples become tender, cracked, or swollen ( 2 ). However, this cannot be a standalone symptom of pregnancy. Only when you see this in association with other prominent pregnancy symptoms can you confirm your pregnancy.
You are likely to experience itchy nipples as early as one to two weeks after conception (1) . Itchy nipples due to Skin straie around the nipple are likely to develop after the 24th week of gestation (3) .
Itchy breasts due to eczema (one of the common dermatoses during pregnancy) usually develop within the first two trimesters (4) , whereas itchy breasts or nipples from PUPPP (pruritic urticarial papules and plaques) might occur in the third trimester (5) .
Your breasts and nipples may itch and irritate due to the different physiological changes that happen in pregnancy. Some of those changes are listed below:
Yeast infections , cholestasis of pregnancy (a liver problem causing severe itching of hands and feet) (11) , and Paget’s disease of the breast (rare breast cancer) (12) could also cause itching of breasts and nipples.
Unless they are due to an underlying medical condition, itchy breasts and nipples could be managed with a few home remedies. Follow these tips regularly to keep your skin soft and supple during pregnancy, and to get relief from dry and itchy skin .
If the above measures do not give any relief from itchy nipples, your doctor may suggest some topical medication. In some cases, itchy nipples and breasts may also be signs of chafing or yeast infections. It is, therefore, advisable to seek your doctor’s advice when home measures do not work.
1. What do itchy breasts mean during pregnancy?
Itchy breasts in pregnancy can be due to physiological reasons in most women. During pregnancy, hormonal changes, increased blood supply, and breast expansion can result in itchy nipples. Pregnant women can also experience nipple soreness, tingling, and breast heaviness. These symptoms are rarely caused by serious conditions in pregnancy ( 14 ).
2. When do itchy breasts start in pregnancy?
Itchy nipples and other breast changes in pregnancy can be seen during the early weeks of conception. These symptoms may become more prominent as the pregnancy advances and the breasts enlarge.
3. How to treat itchy nipples during pregnancy?
You may use lotions without chemicals such as cocoa butter, lanolin, or vitamin E to hydrate the nipples. Liquid petroleum jelly may help to prevent dryness and itching after showers. Using mild fragrant detergents and soaps helps avoid harsh chemicals that can trigger nipple itching. Some pregnant women feel relief with maternity bras since it provides better air circulation and support ( 14 ).
Breast changes such as itchy breasts during pregnancy could be caused by hormonal fluctuations, infections, and other skin conditions. The itchy breast may be difficult to diagnose as it resembles other skin or breast-related conditions. Though the underlying cause is not usually serious, it is certainly annoying to have an itchy breast while pregnant. You may try alleviating the symptoms with home care tips and remedies. However, if the symptoms do not resolve, it is best to contact your doctor to have a detailed investigation and initiate appropriate treatment.
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All rights reserved. This information is for educational purposes only and not a substitution for professional health services. See a medical professional for personalized consultation. Read for more information .

MomJunction's articles are written after analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in our editorial policy .
1. Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy ; SexInfo Online; University of California, Santa Barbara (2017) 2. My pregnancy Weeks 1 —20 ; UCLA Obstetrics and Gynecology 3. Hibah Osman et al.; Risk factors for the development of striae gravidarum ; Am J Obstet Gynecol (2007) 4. Sophie Weatherhead et al.; Eczema in pregnancy ; BMJ (2007) 5. Pruritic Urticarial Papules And Plaques Of Pregnancy ; American Osteopathic College of Dermatology 6. Justyna Szczęch, Artur Wiatrowski, Lidia Hirnle, Adam Reich; Prevalence and Relevance of Pruritus in Pregnancy ; Biomed Res Int. 2017 7. Skin Changes During Pregnancy ; Health Sciences Library; Upstate Medical University (2008) 8. Stretch marks in pregnancy ; NHS (2019) 9. Skin Conditions During Pregnancy ; American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (2018) 10. Atopic Eruption of Pregnancy (AEP) ; European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (2013) 11. Cholestasis of Pregnancy ; St. Louis Children’s Hospital 12. Cansu Karakas; Paget’s disease of the breast ; J Carcinog (2011) 13. Caring for Yourself During Pregnancy and Beyond ; UCSF Medical Center
Dr. Umera Zakiahmed Saiyed is a homoeopathic consultant and runs her own clinic Noor. She pursued her BHMS from Yerela Medical College in Kharghar, Mumbai and worked as an assistant doctor under a gynaecologist in Surat, Gujarat. With more than 5 years of experience in gyneacpcods, assisting many labor and caesarean deliveries, she holds expertise in cases related to infertility,... more
Rebecca is a pregnancy writer and editor with a passion for delivering research-based and engaging content in areas of fertility, pregnancy, birth, and post-pregnancy. She did her graduation in Biotechnology and Genetics from Loyola Academy, Osmania University and obtained a certification in ‘Nutrition and Lifestyle in Pregnancy’ from Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU). She has been into health and... more
Specialty: Writer, poet, and blogger
Dr. Umera Zakiahmed Saiyed is a homoeopathic consultant and runs her own clinic Noor. She pursued her BHMS from Yerela Medical College in Kharghar, Mumbai and worked as an assistant doctor under a gynaecologist in Surat, Gujarat. With more ... more
Rebecca is a pregnancy writer and editor with a passion for delivering research-based and engaging content in areas of fertility, pregnancy, birth, and post-pregnancy. She did her graduation in Biotec... more
MomJunction believes in providing reliable, research-backed information to you. As per our strong editorial policy requirements, we base our health articles on references (citations) taken from authority sites, international journals, and research studies. However, if you find any incongruencies, feel free to write to us .
Some women may experience itchy breasts during pregnancy. This could either result from hormonal fluctuations or sensitivity in the skin, both of which are common in pregnant women. Although the condition is temporary, the symptoms may sometimes persist for longer periods. Under such circumstances, you need to consult your healthcare provider.
Read on to know about itchiness in breasts while pregnant, including measures to deal with it.
Breast changes might begin as early as one to two weeks post-conception (1) . The breasts may become tender, sore, enlarged, or tingle, while the nipples become tender, cracked, or swollen ( 2 ). However, this cannot be a standalone symptom of pregnancy. Only when you see this in association with other prominent pregnancy symptoms can you confirm your pregnancy.
You are likely to experience itchy nipples as early as one to two weeks after conception (1) . Itchy nipples due to Skin straie around the nipple are likely to develop after the 24th week of gestation (3) .
Itchy breasts due to eczema (one of the common dermatoses during pregnancy) usually develop within the first two trimesters (4) , whereas itchy breasts or nipples from PUPPP (pruritic urticarial papules and plaques) might occur in the third trimester (5) .
Your breasts and nipples may itch and irritate due to the different physiological changes that happen in pregnancy. Some of those changes are listed below:
Yeast infections , cholestasis of pregnancy (a liver problem causing severe itching of hands and feet) (11) , and Paget’s disease of the breast (rare breast cancer) (12) could also cause itching of breasts and nipples.
Unless they are due to an underlying medical condition, itchy breasts and nipples cou
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