Itchy Breast Causes

Itchy Breast Causes


Itchy Breast Causes

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The short answer from a breast health expert

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A: Breast itching is not uncommon. Although it’s not typically a sign of breast cancer, any breast symptom, including breast pain , should be evaluated by a healthcare provider just to be sure.

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Itching can sometimes develop following breast surgery or cancer treatment. But assuming you have not had previous breast problems , it may be a sign of dry skin or minor inflammation. Using a good moisturizer such as Lubriderm® can help.
If the itching is truly “inside,” it might be helpful to stop or cut back on caffeine . You can also try an herbal supplement called evening primrose oil, 1,000 mgs twice a day for three to four months, to try to “calm down” the breast tissue.
The one thing I would worry about is if the nipple itself looks abnormal — reddened, flaky or ulcerated. A rare form of breast cancer, called Paget’s disease, can present in this way and may cause itching.
– Breast health specialist, Holly Pederson, MD .
A specialist discusses this common condition and what it might mean.

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