Italian Mature Woman

Italian Mature Woman


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Перевести · 29.09.2017 · Another woman wore various shades of cream and tan with caramel suede sandals and a tan and grey woven bag. All of the women were chic and classy. “Classy…. “ That’s the word I would use to describe the women …
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by Brenda Coffee // September 29, 2017
Florence took my breath away, especially the Florentine women over 50. They are the epitome of style and elegance. While they acknowledge some fashion trends, others they ignore. I spent five days in Florence and never once saw a Florentine woman over 50 wearing an off the shoulder or cold shoulder blouse, ripped or skinny jeans, leggings, capri pants, camel toes or flip flops. It was the American and the Asian tourists who wore trendy clothes, usually every trend at the same time.
If I’m to be brutally honest, the American women were tacky looking compared to the women of Florence.
MORE Magazine used to drive me crazy with what we “should” wear in our 20’s, 30’s, etc. I don’t want anyone telling me I can’t wear a particular style or dress youthful. I believe #StyleIsAgeless. That said, the contrast between the Florentine women’s way of dressing versus the American women was eye opening, starting with me!
The first day I explored Florence I wore my pale green kimono from Anthropology, blue jeans and silver Italian sneakers I bought in New York City. Boy did I get some stares and not good ones! Even so, I loved how the breeze blew my kimono open behind me as I walked. It was the last time I wore it, however.
Several women over 50 were wearing long sweaters or lightweight coats that hit the top of their ankles. One wore a long, dove grey sweater—the breeze blew it open behind her as she walked—with a matching long dress underneath and flat shoes. She made me wish I’d been wearing that!
Another woman wore various shades of cream and tan with caramel suede sandals and a tan and grey woven bag. All of the women were chic and classy.
“Classy… “ That’s the word I would use to describe the women over 50 in Florence.
Think Audrey Hepburn, Jackie O, Grace Kelly and Catherine Deneuve, who’s still elegant and fashionable at 74. None of these women ever tried to dress younger than they were, nor did they look matronly. They were sexy, chic women who radiated self-confidence.
My favorite outfit was worn by a 45 plus woman: an olive, pleated, midi-skirt—from Zara—a long, boxy, short-sleeved, cream, lace blouse and cream espadrilles with ribbon ties up her ankles and a cream Gucci shoulder bag. That was as close to wearing more than one trend, together, as I saw, but she elevated the look to a 10, not a trendy.
My friend, Val @mamavalveeta03, disagreed when I posted this photo on Instagram saying, “…her ensemble doesn’t work at all for my lifestyle.” I agree, Val. Mine either. I’m struggling to find an affordable look for my current lifestyle which is sitting in front of a computer all day, going to the gym three days a week and raising two, rambunctious puppies.
Are any of you searching for a new look because of a change in lifestyle?
My challenge will be to find clothes with an elevated, chic feel to them, but that are more casual. I love Brunello Cucinelli, but even on sale, he’s out of my price range. Val also likes the “sporty way” American women dress, but if we’re not careful, we can look like we’re always on our way to Home Depot to buy grout cleaner.
I talked to a 30 plus Florence fashion designer, whose mother does all of the sewing and knitting. She told me Zara and H&M are hurting their business because young, Italian women would rather buy cheap, and quality doesn’t matter to them. Perhaps that’s because 40% of Italian youth are unemployed, and/or maybe they’re loving the accessibility of fast fashion.
As I explored the streets, the fabulous museums and thought about the over 50 Florentine woman’s style, it was impossible to forget Florence was the heart of the Renaissance. That influence is still seen and felt everywhere.
Fifteenth-century Florence was where writers, painters, architects, jewelry makers, craftsmen and philosophers thrived. Florence also bought superior wool from other parts of Europe, then cleaned, spun and dyed it into the world’s most exquisite fabrics for the Medici’s and the other wealthy families of Europe.
Because the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, what happens if Italy is, indeed, breeding a generation who doesn’t appreciate quality? One day will they design for Italian couture houses from which the rest of the design world will take their cues? If we’re guided by, and playing to, the lowest common denominator, those of us who want quality may find fewer pieces that are even further out of our financial reach. A sad polar opposite to the Renaissance.
I’m proud to say that 1010ParkPlace™ has been voted one of the Top Ten Blogs for women over 50: the best-educated, wealthiest, most powerful demographic in history.
Here you will get a glimpse into the lives of other women, learn how they handled things life put in their path like divorce, the death of a spouse, serious health issues, low self-esteem, addiction and how to reinvent yourself after a major life change. You will find like-minded women and relevant conversations about finances, fashion, sex, books, music, films and food. We feature interviews with inspiring women along with straight-talk and bold conversations to reawaken your passions and make life count.
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#WhereStyleIsAgeless  #MakeLifeCount #WhatAreYouWaitingFor
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Brenda, I have spent lots of time in Umbria/Tuscany, my father’s side of the family being Italian. After Paris, these women are the chicest on the planet, no fashion victims there! I loved reading your posts from Italy. Ciao!
Hi Janice, How blessed you are to have the wonderful Italian lineage and to spend lots of time there. I’ve returned with a newfound love affair with the people and the country. My trip has influenced the way I’m thinking about everything from fashion to food. So happy you enjoyed my posts! Thank you. xoxox, Brenda
Having lived in Italy, one of the things I noticed was that Italians have fewer clothes but much better quality. Americans have lots and lots of cheap outfits that never quite look right. Please don’t even start me on the ripped jeans on older women rant. It looks horrible!
Bingo, Lisa! You nailed it. My other rant is 50 plus women, wearing mini skirts and sky high heels, acting like they’re 30. Even if you have a kickass body, there’s something off and kind of sad about that, and again… I’m not trying to tell anyone what they can and can’t wear. It’s just an observation. Thank you so much for your comment, Brenda
I actually made enemies writing on my blog that the fashion industry was laughing all the way to the bank because they got women to spend large amounts of money on jeans with holes in them. I absolutely hate some of the trends out there and hate it that our generation has bought into it so much. We can learn a lot from the Italians and the French. I really enjoyed this post, Brenda.
Thank you, Pam. That means a lot coming from you. I’m sorry you experienced that, but you’re so right. There’s a 50+ social media movement, I know you’re aware of, that’s taking our demographic in the wrong direction. I felt that way before I went to Italy, but now I’m saddened by it. What can we do? With your magazine, perhaps we should brainstorm an article. I’m getting lots of positive feedback. Brenda
Thank you for writing about this! I’ve found myself in such a quandary with my fashion sense of style – I’m lost! Leaving NYC for Dallas 3 years ago has put me in a real fashion funk.
What are your favorite affordable sites to get this “look”?
Hi Maggie, There are millions of us… 74M to be exact in the U.S. alone, who are in this dilemma. Your question has given me the topic for my next Fashion Friday post! I’ll see what I can put together. Thanks so much! xoxox, Brenda
This is where I get hung-up on the concept of a “higher calling” in dressing. It’s SO darned expensive to dress really well! Granted, you featured the woman in the high-low ensemble with the Zara skirt, and she looks great. My favorite Florentines are the woman in the long grey sweater coat and the other woman in cream and tan shades…I’d LOVE to look like that in my clothes! But I have a suspicion that those are women of means,and quite frankly, I can’t imagine going over to the library to grab a book, then to the post office to pick up our mail dressed quite so elegantly! That would be quite a sight . I often wear cashmere v-necks and white jeans with booties (no heels for me!), and I feel sexy and chic…even classy…when I do. I live in a small town where the locals already look at me funny because I don’t wear old tourist logo sweatshirts with leggings or pajama pants to shop at the grocery store (my pet peeve! I’ve even seen them in the airport!). So, I feel that there is a sort of “context” when it comes to dressing, and yes, it has to fit my lifestyle and the community in which I reside…to a certain extent.
I totally agree with you that there are way too many American women that seem to have NO sense of style. So where do we go from here? There can’t only be 2 ways to dress: Elegantly or Tastelessly. So what’s the middle ground for us independent American women that want to look great on a budget?
It was fun people watching vicariously through you, Brenda!
Hi Val, I know what you mean about not being dressed insync with those around you. I’ve always been that woman and haven’t minded until recently. Cashmere sweater, white jeans and booties sound very chic to me, so I’d say you’ve got that covered and aren’t at the extreme end of either spectrum you mentioned. Now that I’m not married, working in an office with other people or serving on a board of directors, I’m searching for that middle ground as well and will keep you posted. Glad you liked my photos! Brenda
We need more articles addressing this. Great article.
Thank you for letting me know, Felicia. I value your opinion and think you’re right, so I’m going to work on more Fashion Friday posts like this. Did you read my previous Fashion Friday post?
So well stated. I agree with you 100%. I just wish there was a solution to this problem. It seems as though this is strictly a money maker for designers who feel that there are more profits to be made from the younger crowd who follow every trend that is out there. We are much more selective as to how we want to dress. I have never been a follower and never will be. I want to still feel sexy but in a much more classic and sophisticated way. I will not be intimidated by these designers that try to make us feel as though we are ancient and have no voice or opinion that is worthy of their designs. My goal now is to find a very gifted and talented tailor who will make my clothes to my specifications, until that is designers wake up and here our voices and realize that “we baby boomers” will spend much more than most of the younger generation on clothes.
Thank you, Louise! I appreciate it that you took the time to let me know. So special. Brenda
Betsy Forbes Brock Youth sells!! It leaves us out in the cold, but they don’t care! I talk with a lot of brands, and they’re run by young people so they look at things through their eyes! It’s so difficult to find affordable pieces for women of a certain age that are youthful but don’t make us look foolish.
Felicia Leuschen I deal with lots of brands and when I tell them we’re the wealthiest demographic in history and spend more money than all the 26-39 year olds combined, they just seem to look straight through me. Of course I’m talking to that age group. Very frustrating!!
1010 Park Place it does. But those of us with a few more years on them have the money to buy. I still don’t understand why there isn’t more importance put on my age group. No problem with me as I have a dresser or two who looks out for me. It’s the overall styling that gets to me
Betsy, Youth sells! When I started 1010ParkPlace a couple of years ago, brands weren’t interested in talking to me at all. For the most part, brands and their ad/PR agencies are run by Millennials who don’t get it. They’re only interested in their demographic. They don’t care about “following the money trail.” Thanks to Instagram and women like you and me, brands are beginning to incorporate our age group into their campaigns, but we have so much further to go. I really like your input. Thank you! Brenda
Could not agree with you more. When I think of glamor, style and grace there are a few people that come to mind. Sophia Loren, Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly, the list goes on. They all really knew themselves and chose clothes that made them look just stunning. My son, who is a hair designer always tells me, ” mother be yourself and don’t be intimidated by what the trends in fashion are. Confidence makes anything work”. Now if we could only find a way to make designers appreciate our age group and not be afraid to break out of the mold and do a line geared to our demands.
Felicia, Your son has given you the best advice possible! How wise of him! There are several women “of a certain age” who are designing clothes for us, but they, too, are missing the mark with skirts that are too short, too V-neck and no sleeves. They’re trying to be “all things to all women” and as a result, missing the mark with both demographics. Thanks again, for your comment. So insightful. Brenda
Let’s hope America has a fashion Renaissance. You just verbalized what everyone talks about. Thanks for writing about it.
An “American Fashion Renaissance!” That’s brilliant, Lynn! Let’s all work on that, together. I can express my opinions all day, but without your feedback and ideas, I’m in a vacuum on the other side of your computer screen. Love this! I will use your idea! Thanks so much! Brenda
What I noticed about the women in Italy was the easy elegance of their outfits. I had carefully packed to cover all scenarios but found myself lacking. My outfits felt uninspiring even boring. So…I went shopping. Lol And was shocked by my visa bill once I arrived home – euros into dollars. Yikes!
I’m not one to follow trends. I detest jeans with holes in them on any age. Do you really want to look homeless?
I do try to look current but in pieces that I feel comfortable wearing. Leave yoga pants for the gym, short shorts or dresses to the young, oversized, body clothes on the rack, etc. Yes, we want to look good at any age but let’s not buy into all the crazy, fashion trends that come and go so quickly and are designed to dig deep into our pockets again & again & again.
I hope I haven’t offended anyone. That was not my intention.
Have a nice day, Brenda.
I love what you said, Joanna! I feel the same way, and yes, I’m afraid of my Visa bill when it comes. I thought I’d packed carefully and “au courant,” but like you, I didn’t want to wear most of what I brought. Where does this leave us girlfriends? Lynn made a brilliant comment that we need an “American Fashion Renaissance!” Hear, hear!! Thank you, Brenda
I’m laughing out loud at your thoughts here. You’re mostly right about the American tourists, I’m sad to say. However, my group of friends always look fabulous, chic, ageless, timeless with great accessories. I’m appalled at the airports these days. But nothing prepared me for the complete lack of concern about appearances as did Taos, NM. Wowzers. About European women, I think they need less than we do. They all buy good, so it lasts a long time, great handbags & shoes, etc. The young ones? I don’t know because they all dress as in a uniform, the same everywhere. Italy is my favorite place on the planet, I love the lake country and the Amalfi Coast most of all. And, the people !!!!
Happy to discover your site, Marsha! I’ve always worn fabulous, timeless clothes… did you see my previous post? My lifestyle has changed and I’ve been experimenting with different fashion choices, and I’ve gotten off track. You’re right about the young women in Europe… probably around the world. It’s a uniform, but not our style. Thanks so much for stopping by! I look forward to getting to know you. Brenda
I was just in Florence on my 14 day European excursion and noticed the simple elegance of the women there. I am certainly going to be incorporating some of these ideas into my decision making when buying clothes going forward. I will be 70 in December and have always felt that I do not need to “dress my age”, but have begun to desire dressing for comfort and style. Would love to see some articles on this.
I’m with you, Geri. While women are no longer dressing their age, it is a challenge to find comfort and style. Thanks for letting me know you like this post. I’ll definitely be talking more about it. Brenda
Outstanding article…Florence remaind my favourite European city
I’ve been to Florence twice before, both for brief times, and I did
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