☢️ ☠️ It is time for all responsible parties to take immediate and severe responsibility for this biological and entomological terrorism and blackmail of the U.S. population and the world at large ❗️

 ☢️ ☠️ It is time for all responsible parties to take immediate and severe responsibility for this biological and entomological terrorism and blackmail of the U.S. population and the world at large ❗️

24-ዘዐሀዩ ጠልፘልጓፗበይ 📓 'ናልናዘዓሀልዩ'

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❗️ Fact - Morgellons are patent U.S. 6245531, it is not a disease, but a patented U.S. military biological weapon with the DNA of insects ecdisone in the human body.

Patent US 6245531 B1 is a Morgellon patent.

In November 2014, the following accusations were made on the Global March Against Geoengineering network page:

 "Fact - Morgellons are patent U.S. 6245531, it is not a disease, but a patented U.S. military biological weapon with the DNA of insects ecdisone in the human body."

The Morgellon patent is called "Polynucleotide, encoding the insect ecdizone receptor." US 6245531 B1. Polynucleotides are deoxyribonucleia (DNA) and ribonuclein acids (RNA) (biopolymers formed by 13 or more nucleotide monomers in a single chain). Inventors: David Hogness, Michael Kelle and William Seagraves. 

The original patent holder is the Board of Trustees of Stanford University leland, Palo Alto, California. Registered on September 30, 1992. Published on May 7, 1996.



2009 article

Swine flu 1976: "an epidemic that never happened"

In 1976, there was already hysteria in the United States caused by swine flu. Of course, this is history, but sometimes it is not a sin to remember history.

In 1976, the President of the United States ordered to vaccinate all the population against the new influenza. However, the "killer virus" eventually did not circulate. 

Among those who managed to vaccinate (40 million people), there were real victims: both fatalities and serious complications. The campaign was hastily curtailed. In the ranks of virologists and immunologists flew heads ...

A recent interview with Dr. Harvey W. Feinberg, co-author of a 1976 federal swine flu immunization programme, "An Epidemic That Never Was".

The main lesson of "swine flu - 1976" Feinberg considers blind faith in scientists. Asked why vaccination then ended in such a high-profile scandal, he said: "The decision to start characterizationing the virus for the vaccine, to produce a vaccine, to test the vaccine and vaccinate it all men, women and children in the U.S. - all this was decided and announced in one fell swoop in March 1976.

... You can develop a vaccine, but you don't have to make a decision at the same time whether to start immunization, what its scope will be and who will be vaccinated first."

History repeats itself twice. The first time in the form of tragedy (1939-1946 Hiroshima Nagasaki) the second time in the form of Putin - Chinese farce . 

🇷🇺 ☠️'s home-delivered euthanasia

In Moscow, they began to vaccinate low-mobility citizens at home. According to Anastasia Rakova, deputy mayor of the capital for social development, this will primarily affect people who receive social services and have difficulties in self-movement. Izvestia found out who will carry out the procedure and why it is important.

Residents of Moscow, experiencing difficulties in independent movement, will be able to get vaccinated against the fake virus at home, using the services of the visiting team. This was announced by the deputy mayor of the capital for social development Anastasia Rakova.

"We are constantly expanding the possibilities for vaccination against coronavirus in the city. Starting today, we are experimentally starting to vaccinate residents at home. 

This will primarily affect those people who receive social services at home and have difficulty moving independently. There are about 120,000 such residents in Moscow," the deputy mayor said.

All these people, she said, are wards of social workers, who, in addition to helping low-mobile Muscovites at home since the beginning of March, have started house-to-house rounds of pensioners to inform about the possibilities of vaccination in the capital.

Home vaccinations will be carried out by visiting medical teams. To do this, 66 brigades have already been formed in all administrative districts of Moscow, Anastasia Rakova said. Each of them included doctors and nurses from the city's health department clinics.

All teams are equipped with personal protective equipment and equipment that allows the vaccine to be transported without disruption of transportation conditions, a special pharmaceutical thermocontainer that keeps the temperature inside no higher than -18 degrees.

article 2019

In a recent ruling, judges of the German Federal Supreme Court (BGH) recognized that the measles virus does not exist. 

Moreover, there is not a single scientific study in the world that has been supported by evidence published in the scientific literature that proves the existence of this virus. 

And then the question arises, what substance was injected into millions of people under the guise of a vaccine in the last few decades?

No scientist, immunologist, infectious disease specialist or MD has ever been able to form a scientific case not only for measles vaccination, but also to prove the need for any other vaccine for infants, pregnant women, the elderly and many subgroups of middle-aged people.

The fact that many vaccines are simply ineffective is becoming increasingly apparent. Suddenly, Merck was sued by two separate class-action lawsuits accusing the company of lying about the effectiveness of the mumps vaccine in the MMR (CPC, a combined measles, mumps and rubella vaccine) vaccine, and preparing fabricated efficacy studies to support the illusion that the vaccine is highly reliable over the past two decades.

Various studies, one of which was published in the journal Human and Experimental Toxicology, show a direct statistical correlation between the increase in the dose of vaccines and the mortality rate among infants. 

This study, titled "Reducing child mortality by reducing the dose of universally used vaccines: a consequence of biochemical or synergistic toxicity," was conducted by Gary S. Goldman and Neil J. Miller, who has been studying the dangerous effects of vaccination for 25 years.


To vaccinate at all costs ☠️ 


Hundreds of thousands of Hindus gathered to receive a sacred amoan in the Ganges, during the months-long Kumbha Mela festival

If this were to be done in Spain, Austria, Germany, thousands of masked people would have died of a heart attack without suffering such a terrible spectacle, violating all sanitary standards 🤣

Patent US 6245531 B1 - Morgellon Patent

Official medicine declares dermatous delusions numerous (since 2001) complaints of patients on excruciating sensations and more than strange manifestations of the so-called "Morgellon disease". In addition to allergic dermatitis and sensations of "psychogenic nature", according to corporate scientists, there are no other symptoms and pathogens, and therefore, there is no Morgellon disease itself.

However, in November 2014, the Global March Against Geoengineering network page was charged: "Fact - Morgellons are U.S. Patent 6245531, it is not a disease, but a patented U.S. military biological weapon with the DNA of insects ectison in the human body."

The Morgellon patent is called "Polynucleotide, 

encoding the insect ectizone receptor." 

US 6245531 B1. 

Polynucleotides are DNA and RNA 

(biopolimers made up of 13 or more 

nucleotide monomers in the chain).

To understand the difficult question of what lies behind these "inventions" will help the video text, prepared by Skizit Gesture and entitled "The patented disease of the Morguellons. Insect hormone ecdizone triggers and suspends disease":



This is the most important piece of information you'll ever learn about Morgellon disease: how the insect hormone ecdysone causes genetic abnormalities (Skizit Gesture - 2013).

 Do you have slow healing ulcers? These lesions can be caused by microscopic arthropods too small to be seen with the naked eye. The doctor who examined you said that it was a hallucination, since he does not see these insects? Are there insects or worms, bacteria or plants in your skin? Gene therapy that makes this possible uses the insect hormone ecdysone and its receptor, EcR. The insect hormone receptor from fruit flies or other species is included in your own skin hormone receptors. Geneticists have developed a system for use in transgenic animals, where the insect hormone receptor molecule ecdysone is able to be continuously synthesized in the glandular cells of the body. "Transgenic" means an organism whose genetic material has been altered by means of genetic engineering. Gene therapy is when DNA that encodes a therapeutic protein is placed in a "vector" that is used to generate DNA inside cells. Cells use new DNA to make proteins that can help or harm you.

 The Morgellon patent is called "Polynucleotide Encoding Insect Ecdysone Receptor." US 6245531 B1. Polynucleotides are deoxyribonucleic acids (DNA) and ribonucleic acids (RNA) (biopolymers formed by 13 or more nucleotide monomers in the same chain). Inventors: David Hogness, Michael Kelle, and William Seagraves. The original patent holder is the Leland Stanford University Board of Trustees, Palo Alto, California. Registered September 30, 1992. Published May 7, 1996.

 This patent describes the addition of a molecular switch by using the ecdysone hormone receptor molecule, which is genetically embedded in insects, worms, bacteria and mammals, allowing all of these objects to exist in your skin. In insects, ecdosone induces reproduction, growth, molting and development through activation of the ecdysone receptor. This receptor is called EcR and is attached to a molecule called USP (retinoid X in the human body). The ecdysone receptor recognizes and reacts to the presence of zcdysone, triggering a cascade of molecular events that control development, homeostasis, and metabolism in the body. In insects, the presence of ecdysone triggers the ecdysone receptor. In the absence of ecdysone, nothing happens. This molecular switch / switch is called an inducible expression system. Ecdysone is used in biochemical research as an inducer in transgenic animals when a new gene is introduced into the animal's body. Adding or removing ecdysteroids from the animal's diet enables or disables the inserted gene. Ecdysone has no effect on animals that do not have additional built-in genes, so its presence means the action of a transgene. Insects and worms in the skin provide ecdysone, which triggers transgenes. The genes triggered can be invisible viruses or any other pathogenic combination. The ecdysone switch can be used to launch inactive viruses. This system uses reporter molecules such as luciferase. When the skin is remade using transgenes, luciferases can change the skin so that it appears yellow. This system uses amplifiers and promoters derived from viruses such as SV40, adenovirus, bovine papilloma virus, polyoma virus, cytomegalovirus, and retroviruses such as leukemia virus, Rous sarcoma virus and HIV. The ecdysone system affects certain types of blood cells, such as lymphocytes and neutrophils, and can act as an immunomodulator. If you have been vaccinated with an inducible ecdysone expression system, then you may have ecdysone or hormones and receptors of other arthropods in your blood.

 Human skin

 “Human skin. An independent peripheral endocrine organ "- Christos Ts. Tsubulis - Berlin, Germany.

 The human skin is an independent peripheral endocrine organ that produces hormones and is able to metabolize, activate and deactivate hormones. The human skin produces hormones that are released into the circulation and are essential for the functions of the entire body. Therefore, it is the target of gene therapy using the ecdysone receptor. Human skin produces insulin-like growth stimulants and binding proteins, proopiomelanocortin derivatives, catecholamines, steroid hormones, vitamin D, retinoids and eicosanoids. Hormones exert their biological effects on the skin through interaction with high affinity receptors such as receptors for peptide hormones, neurotransmitters, steroid hormones, and thyroid hormones.

 A person has 48 (?) Types of hormonal receptors, but he does not have an ecdysone receptor, so his gene must be taken from the insect genome. The ability of this gene is that it is active only in the glandular cells of the target organ. Probably, the products of gene expression can be observed throughout the body. If you have been attacked by these transgenic insects, you may develop a rash with multiple lesions. You have been inoculated / vaccinated with genetic therapy, which puts an ecdysone receptor in your body. Perhaps you have insect genes. The invasion of flies (from the order of Diptera) is called myiasis. Infection with ticks is called acariasis (from the order of acariforms). Infection with nematodes (roundworms) is called the same as the given animal. The disease caused by whipworms is called trichocephalosis. Other Morgellonian infestations are caused by parasitic wasps, moths and spiders.

Gene therapy

 Gene therapy can cause disease or cure it. The goal of gene therapy as a weapon is to bring about a permanent debilitating change in the victim's genetic makeup. This weapon must not be lethal. Gene therapy is used to alter a person's genetic makeup without their knowledge or consent, using an insect vector. Insects transmit genes through their saliva, reproductive or excretory systems. These genes must enter cells and be consistently expressed at the appropriate levels. Genetic control must be extremely precise so that a potentially fatal disease does not appear prematurely, but only in response to a trigger pulse. Invisible viruses can remain in their previous state for a long time without causing detectable harm. They can be contagious, spread unnoticed over the entire target population for a long time, and then work.

 ❗️It is time for all responsible parties to take immediate and severe responsibility for this biological and entomological terrorism and blackmail of the U.S. population and the world at large❗️

Before the attack 

Semyon Gudzenko

When they go to death, they sing,

And before that

    You can cry.

After all, the scariest hour in battle -

hour waiting for an attack.

Snow mines are dug around

and blackened by the dust of mine.

Gap -

    and a friend dies.

And that means that death passes by.

It's my turn now

Behind me alone

     There's a hunt going on.

Be damned

     forty-first year -

you're frozen in the snow by infantry.

I feel like I'm a magnet,

that I'm attracting mines.

Gap -

    and the lieutenant wheezes.

And death passes by again.

But we're already

    I can't wait.

And we're being led through the trenches.

the feud

bayonet hole-in-the-neck.

The fight was short.

        And then

Muffled the ice vodka,

and forged with a knife

from under the nail

     I'm someone else's blood.



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