It Was Very Cold And Soapy

It Was Very Cold And Soapy


It Was Very Cold And Soapy


Participles: Open the brackets and put the verbs into Active or Passive Participles: 1. The book was so (excite) that I couldn’t put it down. 2. (Walk) long the street I saw several (destroy) houses. 3. We were (shock) when we heard the news. 4. (Sit) near the fire, he felt very warm. 5. (Be) unemployed, he hasn’t got much money. 6. The house (surround) by the trees was very beautiful. 7. A crowd of (excite) people stood (watch) the burning house. 8. A fish (take) out of the water cannot live. 9. (Not know) her address, we couldn’t go to see her. 10. A person (take) a sun-bath must be very careful. 11. The girl (wash) the floor is my sister. 12. After hearing the (frighten) tale, the (frighten) children wouldn’t go to sleep. 13. Why do you look (worry)? – I’ve had a number of (worry) telephone calls lately. 14. The floor (wash) by Jane looked very clean. 15. Translate the words (write) on the blackboard ​

Начни учиться еще быстрее с неограниченным доступом к ответам от экспертов

MYSLEEPING BEAUTYWWWWWWWWWKINN OF THE PRINCEMe WhyW pierwweweMAMA Whete my mother andPihet Hy were sleepHe Whatu setiaMAI primer mondWAPtanare a demor

my watter Who areWamapema county a theant storiesthout the hope primesc tell me about herA wheeping in the palace Some peopleWith the but the most is loo dark and thickthe sleepWARSameelesh pricket her finger and Roll1 What was the forestikeWho told the prince about Sleeping Beauty3 What did the prince see around and inside the patainto the prince et le came to the font waskant they all the prince went intoWhat happened nesteWhat happened to every person in the placeet out the playAEMEMBERin a group of Hake upred nl woke up likeshine shonein the last he came to the face Hechest the stairs and in all the same​

Complete each sentence with two tofive words, including the word in bold.1 Kate hasn't phoned her mother for a week.phoned The last time...Kate phoned

her motherwas a week ago.2 They have never visited Vienna before.(do)?day3 It's a long time since I ate out.for 1a long time4 Roger hasn't played tennis for six weeks.played the last timetennis was six weeks ago.5 it's years since Mr Smith went on holiday.hasfor years6 John hasn't been to his country house since Easter.went The last time Johnwas at EasteruseMr Smith .****) to​

СРОЧНО 6-ой классFill in the correct prepositions, then make sentences using the completed phrases.1. ..... Bonaparte Street; 2. ..... the bookstalls;

3.the banks .... the RiverSeine; 4. ...... eight .............. the morning.......... seven ............. the evening.​

2 Answer the questions.1 What was the forest like?2 Who told the prince about Sleeping Beauty?3 What did the prince see around and inside the palad4 W

here did he find Rosamond?5 What happened next?6 What happened to every person in the palace?​

СРОЧНО!!! Написати твір на тему ''Зустріч із дивом'' за повістю-феєрією Олександра Гріна ''Пурпурові вітрила''​

Можете перевести слово на английском языке слово "мир" и ещё " природа " пожалуйста. ​

Прочитайте описание хобби и напишите о каком хобби идёт речь! Ребят пажалуйста сделайте нормально!!! ​

14 Snakes ... for most of the day. (sleep)​

Используйте прошедшее время:I see an angel-I go to New-York-I eat a burger-I play hockey-I buy a scooter-I make a pizza-I have a great time-I write a

detective story-I meet a dragon-​

Как переводится на англ. слово окружающая среда ​

Общие вопросы Правила Как получить баллы? Реклама Политика конфиденциальности Responsible disclosure program

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SUBJECT : Simple Past and Past Continuous A) Fill in the blanks with...
ДАМ 30 БАЛЛОВ!!!Participles: Open the brackets and put the verbs into...
ФАРАОН И ХОРАЛ, О. Генри (адаптированный рассказ на...) — LiveJournal
UNIT 83 • There … and it … |
Complete the sentences with so, because, but or... -
Пишет Ирина ( fontyler ) 2017 - 08 - 03 23:25:00



july 26, 12:00


Не самые сложные тексты на самые интересные темы - это, если вкратце, содержание сайта EnglishWord 101 . Предлагаю освежить в памяти биографии знаменитостей, узнать детали международных событий, побывать на месте природных катастроф, улыбнуться, глядя на показ последних моделей одежды,…
"Women who want nice new warm coats become very kind to their husbands." - прелесть! Обожаю О. Генри.
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Анеча, спасибо, что заглянула! Да, сазано метко! :)
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Да, превосходно сказано. За что тоже очень люблю О'Генри
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Все же хорошо, когда кое-что на слух знакомо, такие места и читаются легче, и остальное по смыслу понятным становится. Почти везде.
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Замечательно, что смысл понятен. Нужно обязательно слушать лёгкие тексты на языке, и как можно чаще: помогает поддерживать хотя бы аудирование и не забывать слова.
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It's a beautiful story. I like O'Henry. Thank you!
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Добавить комментарий 11 комментариев
Soapy moved restlessly  on his seat in Madison Square. There are certain signs to show that winter is coming. Birds begin to fly south. Women who want nice new warm coats  become very kind to their husbands. And Soapy moves restlessly on his seat in the park. When you see these signs, you know that winter is near.
19 октября 2019, 19:36:28 UTC 1 год назад Комментарий изменен:  19 октября 2019, 19:36:49 UTC

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