История В Плакатах Телеграмм Канал В Telegram

История В Плакатах Телеграмм Канал В Telegram

История В Плакатах Телеграмм Канал В Telegram
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Title: История Телеграмм-канала "В Плакатах" - от протестов к политическим новостям

The Telegram channel "В Плакатах" (In Posters) is a popular Russian media outlet known for its political satire and investigative journalism. Founded in 2014, the channel has gained a massive following due to its unique approach to delivering news and commentary on current events.

The origin of "В Плакатах" can be traced back to the protests against election fraud during the Russian presidential elections in 2011 and 2012. During these protests, activists used posters as a means of expressing their dissent and spreading awareness about the situation. The creators of "В Плакатах" saw an opportunity to use this medium to reach a wider audience and started sharing these posters on social media platforms, eventually creating a dedicated Telegram channel.

Initially, the channel focused on sharing political satire and humorous commentary on current events. The use of posters as a visual medium allowed the channel to present complex issues in a simplified and engaging way, making it popular among the Russian-speaking audience. However, as the political situation in Russia continued to deteriorate, the channel began to produce more investigative journalism and in-depth reporting on various social and political issues.

One of the most notable investigations by "В Плакатах" was the revelation of the "Yevgenia Khasis case" in 2018. The channel uncovered evidence of a high-level corruption scheme involving a senior Russian government official and a wealthy businesswoman, revealing the extent of corruption in the Russian political system. The investigation gained widespread attention both in Russia and internationally, and the channel was recognized for its bravery and commitment to uncovering the truth.

Despite facing pressure from authorities and threats to its existence, "В Плакатах" continues to be a thorn in the side of the Russian government. The channel's founders and contributors have been subjected to harassment, arrests, and even physical attacks, but they remain committed to their mission. The channel's popularity continues to grow, with over one million subscribers as of 2021.

"В Плакатах" has become an important voice in the Russian media landscape, providing a platform for political dissent and critical commentary on current events. Its unique use of visual media and investigative journalism has made it a valuable resource for those seeking to understand the complex political situation in Russia and beyond.

In conclusion, the story of "В Плакатах" is one of resilience, bravery, and commitment to the truth. From its humble beginnings as a platform for sharing political posters, it has evolved into a respected and influential media outlet that continues to challenge the status quo in Russia. Despite facing numerous challenges and threats, "В Плакатах" remains a beacon of free speech and investigative journalism in a country where these values are increasingly under threat.

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