Issa Gold Quotes

Issa Gold Quotes


Issa Gold Quotes

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“Don’t misunderstand me; I don’t want to die alone, but spending quality time with myself 60 to 70 percent of the day is my idea of mecca.”

Issa Rae,

The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl

“You guys know about vampires? . . . You know, vampires have no reflections in a mirror? There’s this idea that monsters don’t have reflections in a mirror. And what I’ve always thought isn’t that monsters don’t have reflections in a mirror. It’s that if you want to make a human being into a monster, deny them, at the cultural level, any reflection of themselves. And growing up, I felt like a monster in some ways. I didn’t see myself reflected at all. I was like, “Yo is something wrong with me? That the whole society seems to think that people like me don’t exist?” And part of what inspired me, was this deep desire that before I died, I would make a couple of mirrors. That I would make some mirrors so that kids like me might see themselves reflected back and might not feel so monstrous for it.”

Issa Rae,

The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl

“Girls, New Girl, 2 Broke Girls. What do they all have in common? The universal gender classification, “girl,” is white. In all three of these successful series, a default girl (or two) is implied and she is white. That is the norm and that is what is acceptable. Anything else is niche.”

Issa Rae,

The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl

“As Ralph Ellison once posited, we’re invisible to them. We’re simply not on their radar. As long as the people who are in charge aren’t us, things will never change.”

Issa Rae,

The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl

“(If I could go back in time and slap all of the idiocy out of my mouth, I would be a busy time traveler.)”

Issa Rae,

The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl

“The hair hierarchy rates worth by length and texture of hair. The longer, the silkier and more European your hair, the higher your worth. The shorter, kinkier, and more African your hair? Kill thyself.”

Issa Rae,

The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl

“How hard is it to portray a three-dimensional woman of color on television or in film? I’m surrounded by them. They’re my friends. I talk to them every day. How come Hollywood won’t acknowledge us? Are we a joke to them? Now, having been in the industry for a couple of years, I’m not entirely sure it’s blatant racism, as I had once assumed. It’s more complicated than that. As Ralph Ellison once posited, we’re invisible to them. We’re simply not on their radar. As long as the people who are in charge aren’t us, things will never change. Girls”

Issa Rae,

The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl

“Online content and new media are changing our communities and changing the demand for and accessibility of that content. The discussion of representation is one that has been repeated over and over again, and the solution has always been that it’s up to us to support, promote, and create the images that we want to see. Ten years ago, making that suggestion would have required way more work than it does now, and my love of taking shortcuts probably wouldn’t allow me to make any dents on that front. But with ever-evolving, new accessible technologies, there are so many opportunities to reclaim our images. There’s no excuse not to, and I’ve never felt more purposeful in my quest to change the landscape of television.”

Issa Rae,

The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl

“It all made sense: my shyness, all the times I was dismissed for not being “black enough,” my desire to reframe the images of black film and television, which I started to do when I created a series in college called Dorm Diaries, my inability to dance—these were all symptoms of my Awkward Blackness.”

Issa Rae,

The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl

“I needed to see more from my movies than the extremely tragic black woman, or the magic helpless Negro, or the many black men in dresses.”

Issa Rae,

The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl

“The advantages of black hair are infinite.”

Issa Rae,

The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl

“Why don’t people understand that nobody wants to hear what they should have done when something has already happened?”

Issa Rae,

The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl

“The smell of Black & Milds evokes a nostalgia for the hoodrat childhood of which I was robbed.”

Issa Rae,

The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl

“Educated black women are too high maintenance, high strung, and independent—they don’t need men. There is a widening gap between the education of black women and men, which doesn’t leave very many “suitable” suitors. Unfortunately, the higher one’s degree, as a black woman, the lower your chances are of getting married. Add to the con pile the stereotypes of being loud, complicated, and difficult. Black women, your reputation sucks. Asian”

Issa Rae,

The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl

“KIAAB Blacks tends to be super-pessimistic about our future and resist anything new. They are happy to list everything that black people don’t do. THE APPROACH: The Awkward Black is too outside-the-box for the Know-It-All About Blacks Black to comprehend. If you’re black and say something a Know-It-All disagrees with, be prepared to be called white or whitewashed. For the general population, the KIAAB Black probably doesn’t want to associate with you. He/She is content with sitting back and judging you. There’s literally nothing you can do about it. Nothing.”

Issa Rae,

The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl

“Black men, I discovered, are just as obsessed with hair as black women are. His dating history included various ethnicities, many of whose hair could have been packaged and put on the shelf at a Korean beauty salon. That silky shit.”

Issa Rae,

The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl

“Food is my destination, my journey, my reward, my friend”

Issa Rae,

The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl

“There are reality shows for gold-diggers while televised Bridezillas and messy infidelities get sky-high ratings. To think that amidst all the infidelity, Americans actually had the nerve to try to get all sanctimonious when the gay marriage debate surfaced. Shut up! My”

Issa Rae,

The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl

“His face looked like God said, “I just . . . I can’t. I’m tired. Let me see what I can do with these leftovers.”

Issa Rae,

The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl

“Isn’t that the realest shit ever?”

Issa Rae,

The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl

“The discussion of representation is one that has been repeated over and over again, and the solution has always been that it’s up to us to support, promote, and create the images that we want to see.”

Issa Rae,

The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl

“Don’t misunderstand me; I don’t want to die alone, but spending quality time with myself 60 to 70 percent of the day is my idea of mecca. However,”

Issa Rae,

The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl

“I needed to see more from my movies than the extremely tragic black woman, or the magic helpless Negro, or the many black men in dresses. You”

Issa Rae,

The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl

“Then as the decade made way for the new millennium, cable exploded with its own original content and film studios began to obsess over international box office sales. Somewhere along the line, we became unrelatable and invisible to the Hollywood system. Our images and diverse portrayals just weren’t worth the dollars and effort anymore. The images I had grown up with and grown so accustomed to seeing slowly disappeared, and it seemed to happen all at once.”

Issa Rae,

The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl

“When I was a teenager, for example, others questioned my blackness because some of the life choices I made weren’t considered to be “black” choices: joining the swim team when it is a known fact that “black people don’t swim,” or choosing to become a vegetarian when blacks clearly love chicken.”

Issa Rae,

The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl

“promise.” The Not-Black Black: They’re quick to say, “Oh, I’m not black.” My favorite type of Not-Black Blacks claims to be Native American. “That’s why my hair is so good,” they’ll say. But ask them what tribe and they’ll either fall short or claim “Cherokee.”

Issa Rae,

The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl

“These Not-Black Blacks are typically Caribbean, African, not American, and/or mixed Americans.”

Issa Rae,

The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl

“I’m not the jealous type, but I’m the jealous type.”

Issa Rae,

The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl

“Everybody wants to be hood, but nobody really wants to be hood. In”

Issa Rae,

The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl

“If a company is only as good as its weakest employee, then what does that say about you and the job you hold? For”

Issa Rae,

The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl

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The Underachievers are a hip-hop duo from Flatbush Avenue, New York consisting of Issa Gold and AKTHESAVIOR .
In 2012, they released three singles for their upcoming debut mixtape, Indigoism . The three tracks were, “
The Underachievers are a hip-hop duo from Flatbush Avenue, New York consisting of Issa Gold and AKTHESAVIOR .
In 2012, they released three singles for their upcoming debut mixtape, Indigoism . The three tracks were, “ Gold Soul Theory ”, “ Herb Shuttles ”, and “ Leopard Shepard ”. The music videos for “Gold Soul Theory” and “Herb Shuttles” have combined for over 40M views on YouTube. On February 1, 2013, the mixtape was released. Soon after, they followed up with a second mixtape, titled The Lords of Flatbush .
They followed the two mixtapes with their debut studio album in 2014 Cellar Door: Terminus Ut Exordium . That same year they formed a supergroup with Flatbush Zombies under the name Clockwork Indigo , and released the Clockwork Indigo EP .
The Underachievers released a second studio album in 2015 titled, Evermore: The Art Of Duality . Both this album and Cellar Door: Terminus Ut Exordium peaked in the top 20 of Billboard’s Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums chart as well as Billboard’s Top Rap Albums chart.
In 2016, they released their third mixtape as a follow up to The Lords of Flatbush titled, It Happened in Flatbush .
A year later, the duo released a third studio album titled, Renaissance . The project peaked at 34 on the Billboard Independent Albums chart of 2017.
In 2018, The Underachievers released a fourth studio album titled, After The Rain .
Since 2012, the duo has been a part of a collective or supergroup with Pro Era and Flatbush Zombies. called Beast Coast . After years of teasing a possible studio album, the collective finally delivered and released their first one, Escape from New York in May 2019.
One month later, Issa Gold and AKTHESAVIOR released their third installment to the “Lords of Flatbush” series titled, Lords of Flatbush 3 . This release adds a fourth mixtape to their discography.


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