Israel versus Palestine

Israel versus Palestine

A political power struggle cloaked in religion. Both Israeli and Palestinian populations continue to be victimized by their "leaders" greed in the name of unauthentic dogma from failed civilizations of centuries past.

The real tragedy is that they are all political prisoners of their own government, religion, business interests (Trade, Military, and Oil), and terrorists organizations.

Picking sides in this conflict is no different than playing heads or tails while using a double-sided coin. Two factions claiming land over which neither were the "original" people if lineage and historical human migration patterns were so sacred.

Or to put it plainly, the Mossad and Fatah collaboration is worse than Hamas, CIA, and KGB/SVR combined.

No true God / Creator would ever require its offspring to submit to anything.

The Islam belief system is as antiquated as Christianity and Judaism.

All are akin to a bastardized spiritualism starter pack and should be revered as such.

None of which are worthy of killing or dying in the name of.

We are all teachers. So what lessons will we teach each other today?

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