Is There Point Spread Betting In Soccer

Is There Point Spread Betting In Soccer


Soccer point spread betting is when you are betting on whether a team will win or lose by a certain number of goals. It is an increasingly popular form of betting and is gaining ground in the soccer betting market. It allows to equalize uneven teams and to get more people to bet on underdogs. Similarly, it helps to create a market for both sides of the wager: the underdogs and the favorites. In a way, it combines both money lines and over/under bets. The best way is to demonstrate with a few examples.
* Please see illustration below to help understand point spread bets, text explanation follows.
Let us say Brazil is playing against USA in the World Cup. Brazil, as one of the most successful teams in the history of World Cup tournaments will likely be a favorite against USA, which has not done as notoriously well in international competitions. In this case most of the people will likely vote for Brazil. Even with an adjusted money line that will give a big payoff to people who bet the underdog, a sportsbook might see little action on an underdog, USA. A point spread could solve that problem. Using a 2-goal spread, the odds might look like this:
If you are betting on Brazil, then Brazil has to win by more than 2 goals for you to win. Thus, if the score is 3-0 for Brazil, then you would win since it is higher than the point spread of 2.5. This way, if you bet $100 on Brazil, you will win $150 total (see Online Soccer Money Line Betting for more details on how to calculate the lines).
If you are betting on USA, then USA has to lose by 2 or less goals, or win. Hence, if the final score is 1-0 for Brazil, then USA would have lost by less than 2 goals and your bet wins. If you bet $100 on USA, then you will get $200 in total.
As we have explained in several other occasions, the 0.5 is used to eliminate a possibility of a draw and a “no-action”. If the 0.5 was not included and if the spread is exactly 2 goals, then there is a change that no side of the sportsbook or bettor would win, and the book would have to return the bets. A lot of bettors and sportsbooks do not like that so the 0.5 is normally utilized.
One good tip we can give you is that it might be better to bet on a point spread as late as possible. You might actually get better spreads this way. This is because a sportsbook might originally post a spread based upon what the experts say, but over time that spread will actually be adjusted to even out the betting money.
Another reason to get in late on a point spread is because you will have a better idea on the lineup of the players of the teams. For example, you might get some updated news on who is injured, how the coach gets along with his team and what to expect (a good example is the French team on the 2010 World Cup, where the coach and team was not getting along, and you could see the results on their matches, unfortunately).
Another soccer point spread betting strategy and tip to consider is to avoid big competitive decisive matches. For example, it is a FIFA World Cup Final; the two teams are very strong and should do their best to win. If one of the teams is losing, the players will likely keep on fighting, even risking injuries and exhaustion. On the other hand, if it is just a qualifier first round game and one of the teams is losing 2-0, then the players on a losing team might save their energy for the next match.
We can give examples as much as possible, but there is nothing better than learning first hand, than experiencing the thrill of the game with a few bets on the side, so if you are up for it, you should definitely make your soccer point spread bet now!
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Home » Soccer Betting » Spread Betting
Are you serious about making money from betting on soccer? If you answered yes to that question, then you’re going to want to limit the number of mistakes you make. There’s an article in our soccer betting guide that actually addresses the common mistakes made by soccer bettors. This article is designed to help people identify the errors they are making that will inevitably cost them money. One of the mistakes we mention is ignoring the many alternative betting opportunities that soccer presents.
We understand why so many people have a tendency to want to stick to the simple wagers they are comfortable with. However, understanding the different types of soccer wagers is one good way to improve your chances of identifying better opportunities. By learning how to use the right type of wager in the right situation, you’ll find it much easier to find value in the betting markets.
In addition to using alternative wagers, you should also consider spread betting on soccer. This is an entirely different way to gamble on soccer, and it can be very profitable. There can be a great deal of risk involved, however, which is why it’s vital to make sure you understand what you’re doing. That’s why we’ve written this article. We explain what spread betting is as it relates to soccer, provide some useful tips and advice, and discuss some recommended strategies.
We want to make one thing very clear before we get started. Spread betting is NOT the same as betting on the point spread. Also known as handicap betting, the point spread is a very popular way to wager on sports. Looking at the United States, in particular, people use this form of betting on American football, basketball and ice hockey. Although their names are similar, they actually have very little in common.
Let’s quickly explain how a point spread works, just so you’ll understand the differences. With the point spread, you’re making a fixed odds wager on a game. In this type of wager, the favorite is effectively deducted points (or goals in the case of soccer) and the underdog is awarded points. These adjustments in the points/goals are referred to as the spread. Here’s an example.
If you backed Hull City on this point spread, you’d win your wager as long as one of the three outcomes occurred: they won, they drew or they lost by less than 1 goal. This is because 1.5 goals are “added” to their score for the purposes of the wager. If you backed Watford, you’d need them to win by at least two goals. This is because 1.5 goals are “removed” from the score for the purposes of the wager. When you win, you’re paid out based on the agreed odds (1.91 in this case). When you lose, you are giving up your initial stake.
Spread betting DOESN’T involve fixed odds, and you don’t simply win or lose.
These are the key differences. With spread betting, there are no odds involved at all. There’s no fixed stake or fixed payout either. Instead, wagers are settled based on how accurate (or inaccurate) your predictions were. The more right you were, the more you win. The more wrong you were, the more you lose.
In some respects, spread betting is a little like betting the over/under. The bookmaker sets a spread for a specific market, and you have to predict whether the relevant total will be higher or lower than the spread. But instead of just winning or losing your wager based on the outcome, how much you win or lose depends on how much higher or lower the relevant total is.
We realize that this probably comes across as way more complicated than it actually is. We’re going to use an example to make this easier to understand. Here’s how a spread betting market might look for the total number of goals scored in a soccer game.
Newcastle Utd. vs Leeds Utd. Total Goals
As you can see, there are two options here. We can sell at 2.30, or we can buy at 2.50. Do not confuse these numbers with odds, as they actually just relate to the number of goals. We “sell” at 2.30 if we’re expecting there to be LESS than 2.3 goals, and we “buy” at 2.50 if we’re expecting there to be MORE than 2.5 goals. The difference between the two numbers is called the spread. Sound familiar? You guessed it! That’s where this form of betting gets its name.
The amount of money we make or lose on our wagers is determined by a combination of three things.
Let’s say that we’d chosen to buy at 2.50, for a $10 stake. If there were more than 2.5 goals in the game, we’d win. Our payout would be calculated by multiplying our stake by the difference between the number of goals scored and the number of goals we bought at. So if there were three goals, for example, we’d win $5. Three minus 2.5 is 0.5, which gives us $5 when we multiply that by our $10 stake. If there were four goals, we’d win $15. Four minus 2.5 is 1.5, which gives us $15 when we multiply that by our $10 stake.
If there were less than 2.5 goals in the game, we’d lose. Our losses would be calculated in the same way. If there were no goals scored, for example, we’d lose $25. 2.5 minus zero is 2.50, which is $25 when multiplied by our $10 stake. If there was just one goal scored, we’d lose $15. 2.5 minus one is 1.5. Multiply that by our $10 stake and we get $15.
The principle is pretty much the same when selling, but in reverse. If we chose to sell at 2.30, we’d win if there were less than 2.3 goals scored and we’d lose if there were more. The amount we’d win or lose would be calculated using the same principle we just outlined.
As you can see, spread betting really isn’t that complex at all: not once you understand the basic concept. You buy when you expect the relevant total to be higher than quoted, and you sell when you expect it to be lower. How much money you’ll win or lose is calculated by multiplying your initial stake by the difference between the final total and the number you bought or sold at.
Where spread betting starts to get more complicated is with all the different markets available. Not all of the markets are as straightforward as the total goals market we just used in our example. Let’s take a deeper look at the various markets that are available.
The bookmakers that offer sports spread betting usually have a huge range of markets available for soccer games. We’ll start by listing some of the simpler markets below.
Each of these markets works in the same way as the total goals market. The bookmaker sets a spread, and you have to decide whether the final total will be higher or lower. For total corners, you’re wagering on how many corners there will be in a game. For total bookings, you’re wagering on how many bookings there will be in a game. And so on.
In addition to these markets, there are some other over/under type markets that are a little more complex. These include the following.
For total shirt numbers, you’re wagering on the aggregate total of the shirt (jersey) numbers of all the players who start the match. This is what we would consider to be a novelty market, and not one we recommend getting involved with. Unless you have inside information about which players are going to start a game, it basically comes down to an educated guess. This isn’t really a problem for anyone just betting for fun, but it’s not a good way to make money in the long run.
For total goal minutes, you’re wagering on the cumulative total number of minutes on the clock when any goals are scored. For example, let’s say a game featured three goals and they were scored on the 21st, 42nd and 65th minutes. The total here would be 128 (21 + 42 + 65). Again, this is a novelty market in our opinion. Some people believe they can make informed judgements here, but we’re not really sure how.
Total team goal minutes and total player goal minutes work in the same was as total goal minutes. They’re just based on the goal minutes for a specific team or specific player.
There are lots of other markets for soccer games too. Most of these are even more complicated, and many of them are just simply not worth experimenting with. There are a few exceptions though. Here’s a list of the ones we recommend learning about.
Win index markets are quoted per team. The exact rules vary from one bookmaker to another, but these are usually points based markets where teams are awarded points based on whether they win, lose or draw. For example, a bookmaker may award 25 points for a win, 10 points for a draw, and 0 points for a loss.
Here’s how a win index market might look for the Newcastle United versus Leeds United game we mentioned earlier.
Newcastle Utd. vs Leeds Utd. Win Index (Newcastle)
This market is for Newcastle’s result in the game. We would buy at 19.50 if we thought Newcastle were going to win, as that would earn them 25 points. If we thought that they were going to lose or draw, we’d sell at 18.00
Goal supremacy is based on the winning margin of a game. Here’s an example.
Newcastle Utd. vs Leeds Utd. Goal Supremacy (Newcastle)
Note that this refers to Newcastle goal supremacy specifically, so this market is for how many goals Newcastle will win by. If we thought that they’d win by more than one goal, we’d buy at 1.35. If we thought that they’d win by only one goal, or that they’d lose or draw the game, we’d sell at 1.15. A negative result is possible with this market. If Leeds won by two goals, for example, then the result would be -2.
Goals x corners is one of the more unusual soccer spread betting markets. The relevant total here is the number of goals scored multiplied by the number of corners. So if there were two goals scored in a game, and ten corners, the final total would be 20. We don’t generally pay too much attention to this market, but every once in awhile we will place a wager here.
First goal minutes is based on the time of the first goal scored in a game. If the first goal was scored in the 15th minute, for example, then the result would be 15. If the first goal was scored in the 67th minute, the result would be 67. At most bookmakers, no goal at all means the result is 90. Other bookmakers have different rules though, so check to make sure.
Any bookmaker that offers soccer spread betting will provide a complete list of all the different markets on their website. Typically, we don’t recommend getting involved with any of the markets not outlined on our site, but it never hurts to see what’s available. Who knows? You might discover a new, attractive market that we have never come across before.
Spread betting on soccer is nowhere near as popular as fixed odds betting for several reasons. One major reason is that people aren’t even aware of it. Another is that some people think it’s more complicated than it actually is. That’s understandable really, as it DOES appear quite complex until you understand the basic concept.
There are also some notable disadvantages to spread betting when compared with fixed odds betting. The following are especially significant.
Most people who place wagers on soccer are what we call recreational bettors. We referred to these people in the introduction to this article. They’re the ones who are only really interested in having fun, so they like to keep things as simple as possible. With fixed odds they know exactly how much they stand to win or lose for every wager that they place. The same cannot be said with spread betting, which can make some people a little nervous.
There’s also the potential for huge losses, and when we say huge, we mean HUGE. With some spread betting markets, it’s possible to lose the initial stake many times over. When the unexpected happens, which is does very often; the losses can be very substantial. This means a sizeable bankroll is required, which is not an option for everyone. Even when it is an option, there are plenty of people who simply don’t like being exposed to such high levels of risk.
The third disadvantage on our list won’t have a huge impact on everyone, but it’s worth mentioning nonetheless. There are LOTS of options when it comes to fixed odds betting, with hundreds of bookmakers and betting sites to choose from. With spread betting, however, the options are more limited. There are only a few spread betting firms that are genuinely reputable and trustworthy, and most of them only operate in specific regions. In some parts of the world, there are no decent options at all.
Now it’s time to discuss our fourth and final disadvantage, which can have a significant impact on those who wager for high stakes or in high volume. Most online bookmakers and betting sites offer bonuses and rewards to their customers. This gives you the opportunity to add extra value to your bankroll just by depositing and wagering as normal. The more you wager, the more valuable the bonuses and rewards are likely to be. Spread betting firms, on the other hand, don’t tend to be quite as generous with the bonuses and rewards that they offer. It can be frustrating to miss out on this much value.
Anyone who is seriously thinking about spread betting on soccer should definitely take these disadvantages into account. There are also some advantages worth considering too. Just take a look at the list below.
Finally, it’s time to talk about some of the positives! The flipside to the potential for big losses that we mentioned earlier is the fact that there’s also the potential for big returns. As an example, let’s say we bought total goals in a soccer game. Although it’s rare, high scoring games are always a possibility. Six, seven or even more goals has the potential to give us a nice return on our money, perhaps five times our initial stake or higher. If we only bet on the over/under with a traditional bookmaker, then we’d have just won at the appropriate odds. That would almost certainly have meant a lower payout.
Having more betting options is ALWAYS a good thing, and spread betting definitely gives you that. There are all kinds of different markets as we discussed earlier, and this makes it much easier to find good spots for placing a wager.
Identifying value in fixed odds soccer betting markets can be extremely difficult. The bookmakers are very good at setting their odds at just the right levels, so that it’s not at all clear where the value lies. While the same general principle applies to spread betting, there still seems to be more opportunities to easily spot value. This is probably because the people who set the spreads are more likely to take positions based on their own opinions, which means you’ll often see spreads that are significantly different than the rest of the market. If you have a strong opinion yourself, you may be able to take advantage of these off-market spreads.
Being able to close positions early is one of the biggest advantages of all. This is actually possible with fixed odds betting these days, thanks to the “cash out” feature that most bookmakers offer, but it usually comes at a cost. The amount of a
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