Is Russia invading Ukraine and what will happen next? Ukraine

Is Russia invading Ukraine and what will happen next? Ukraine

Western countries have condemned the threat and are likely to impose sanctions on Moscow this week. And they have made clear that they will not send combat troops to Ukraine. The Russian president has recognised the independence of two Russian-controlled territories in east Ukraine.

First, Putin has indicated that he questions Ukraine’s right to statehood, calling modern Ukraine an artificial construct of the Soviet Union. Second, he thinks that a western-leaning Ukraine is dangerous for Russia. He has called the possibility of Nato membership for Ukraine a “red line” for the Kremlin. Third, he wants to show that popular revolutions such as the one that took place in Kyiv in 2014 do not succeed in the long run. Putin has also sent his military on a “peacekeeping mission” to Ukraine, meaning that Russia will formally occupy sovereign Ukrainian territory for a second time following the 2014 annexation of Crimea.

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That deal also contained a ceasefire agreement, which is now also void. More than 14,000 people have died in the fighting that has occurred since 2014. He points out that our digital networks are mainly cellular in structure, making it almost impossible to wipe them all at once.

  • Viktor Orban, Hungary’s prime minister, is also expected to visit Ukraine but a date has not been publicised.
  • Europe itself could restrict future gas flows by abandoning the Nord Stream 2 pipeline which would run under the Baltic Sea from Russia to Germany.
  • Sadly, however, the overwhelming concern of this Forum remains Russia’s ongoing war of aggression in Ukraine.
  • Col Yurii Ihnat, air force spokesman, said Western components had been found inside Shahed drones, proving that Russia was managing to bypass sanctions and acquire them.

Those opposing Russia's leadership have either fled or, as with main opposition figure Alexei Navalny, been thrown into prison. BBC Russian has identified more than 15,000 Russian soldiers killed in the first year of war and suggests the most conservative estimate would be at least double that, with more than 100,000 others wounded or missing. Kyiv believes Russia is also seeking to depose the pro-European government in Moldova, where Russian troops are based in the breakaway region of Transnistria bordering Ukraine. believe he will seek to extend control of the four regions that he has declared to be part of Russia, not just in Donbas, but towards the key city of Zaporizhzhia. Beyond seizing a territorial corridor to Crimea, Russia's bloody, unprovoked war has been a disaster for itself and the country it was unleashed on.

Russia's wanton destruction against Ukraine must be stopped: UK statement to the OSCE

It also called for the arrest of journalist Dmitry Nizovtsev and Anna Biryukova, the ACF’s head of public opinion research. Moscow made its army illegal shortly after launching its Ukraine offensive in February 2022. Thousands of opponents of the conflict have been censored, jailed or exiled.

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