Is My Vagina Loose

Is My Vagina Loose


Is My Vagina Loose

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We're always trying to get to the bottom of sexual health rumors, and one we've been hearing for a while really needs an investigation. This one has it that the size of a woman's vagina is related to how much sex she's had. The more time she spends in the bedroom, the rumor goes, the looser and wider her vagina will be.

“Unless you are engaging in practices that are out of the ordinary, I would say absolutely not.” says Alyssa Dweck, MD, ob-gyn in Westchester, New York and co-author of The Complete A to Z for Your V. “ The vagina is an incredibly forgiving area, very rich in nerves and blood supply . . . so traditional penile-vaginal intercourse isn’t going to cause any permanent stretching, although things stretch at the time of course,” Dr. Dweck tells Health.

Here's what she means by that. When you’re aroused, your vagina becomes naturally lubricated, and it expands and widens in order to accommodate a penis. But this all reverses once the arousal state and the sex is over, says Dr. Dweck. “The vagina is more of a potential state. The opening can be created, but you don't walk around with a gaping vagina just because you've been having sex,” she explains.

There is one exception to this, according to Dr. Dweck. After the first few times you have sex, your vaginal opening will be more open because odds are it was previously covered by the hymen, the thin membrane of tissue covering the vaginal opening all women are born with. But this isn't a given, especially since the hymen could have been broken earlier, say by using tampons or even playing sports. And even without the hymen, the vaginal canal doesn't become bigger, she adds.

So if sex doesn't have a loosening effect on the vagina, what does, if anything? Having a baby via a vaginal delivery. Childbirth can permanently stretch the vaginal canal and opening, especially if an instrument like forceps or a vacuum is used during a delivery.

“A 10-pound baby could pass through the vagina, and although things may not go back to 100% the same after that, they sure go back to almost normal ,” says Dr. Dweck. A woman who has a huge laceration during delivery or a large episiotomy is less likely to return to her pre-baby size and feel, however.

Dr. Sherry A. Ross, MD, ob-gyn at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Southern California and author of She-ology, says a well-endowed partner can also make things looser—but only at the vaginal opening, not throughout the vagina itself. But even that loosening isn't all that substantial or noticeable. “Your vagina accommodates a penis fairly well,” says Dr. Ross. “I mean to really stretch out the vagina, you need a baby coming through it.”

The size of your vagina—whether it's been widened thanks to childbirth or a partner with a large penis—isn't something that necessarily remains the same your entire life. Once a woman goes through menopause, explains Dr. Ross, the vaginal entrance can shrink and become tighter if she is not having sex as frequently as she did before. Dr. Dweck attributes this tightening to the decreased estrogen production that happens after menopause.

What about all the jokes guys make about having sex with a woman who is loose down below? Don't believe them—it's unlikely that a man can really notice the difference. “I think guys can tell when a woman is a virgin, and they can probably tell if someone's had two babies or have had a vaginal birth," says Dr. Ross. "But I don’t think they're really going to notice much of a difference . . . unless a guy has a really small penis.”

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A majority of women across the globe suffer from the issue of a loose vagina at some point in their life. Loose vaginas is a cause of concern, since it makes it difficult for women to experience heightened sexual sensations and to have orgasm owing the reduction of friction between the vagina and the penis. In addition to this, it causes lack of confidence in women. For regaining the lost confidence and to enjoy sex to the fullest, it is crucially important for the woman to employ methods that can effectively get their vag back to its pre-delivery tightness.
There are several reasons why a woman can end up with a loose or a flappy vagina, most of which are nothing to be embarrassed of. The most common culprit for flappy ladybits among women in their child bearing ages is the act of child delivery. It is important to note that this isn’t a rule, but the more a lady gives birth to a child, the greater her chances of having a sagging vagina. If you are concerned that you are stretched, below are 5 tell tale signs that you should look out for.
A vast majority of women who lose vagina tightness experience urine leakage commonly known as stress incontinence. This is an embarrassing condition that occurs when the muscles that control the release of urine and support the bladder become weak. Pelvic floor muscles can weaken as you age or after menopause owing to low levels of estrogen. Childbirth, injury to your urethra and pelvic surgery can also make these muscles weak and in result the vagina becomes loose.
Stress incontinence differs from common incontinence in that you leak urine when you do activities that can increase stress on the bladder such as lifting heavy objects, laughing and sneezing. The risks of developing a loose vagina increases with pregnancy because childbirth is the primary trigger for a feeble pelvic floor. Other factors that can aggravate the signs and increase the risk of stress incontinence include obesity, excess urine from diabetes, frequent coughing and urinary tract infection.
Simply slide your forefinger into your vagina and clasp it with the labia by contracting the muscles. Then insert your index and middle fingers to assess tightness as compared to a single finger. If you can insert your ring, middle, and index finger hold together and cannot feel anything, then it is most likely that you’re loose.
Thankfully, there are ways you can tighten it back up again. Don’t wait until your vagina is loose to take action. Do something about it today and you will see a big difference within a couple of weeks. When you employ tightening techniques, you ought to be back to normal in several months. It takes some effort, however. You can’t just perform one or two exercises in a day and expect to bounce back.
If you want to tighten your vagina and get it back to what it was when you were younger, you are going to have to put in some effort. The main thing is you should remain positive. You do not need to contemplate surgery as there are other ways to tighten the muscles that surround your vagina.
Always consider the reasons your vagina may have become loose. As we said, the main reason is childbirth, but there could be other causes too. It may even be genetic or even due to exercises that you do. No matter what, a loose vagina can be dealt with if you take the right advice from the right people and do it accordingly. Too many women have encountered this particular problem but only a few have actually taken the next step to happiness.
There are a lot causes for a flappy vagina but not all of them are true, some of them are just myths that people throughout the years have believed their whole lives without any scientific proof. It’s time to debunk those false ideas as to why these things happen and create solutions that last a lifetime.
When you realize that you have difficulties achieving orgasm, it may be a symptom that you’re loose. An orgasm, also called climax, is the peak of a sexual response cycle, and is usually the result of intense sexual stimulation. It generally requires a lengthy, sustained stimulation, particularly when you are first beginning to explore it. An orgasm is typically considered satisfying, and will be followed by contractions in the pelvic muscles.
Failing to reach orgasm shouldn’t be the case, particularly since a vast majority of women are capable of achieving multiple orgasms. The gains of a tighter vag both for you and your partner are certainly precious of note. With a tighter vag, you won’t have any trouble reaching orgasms. As a matter of fact, you will reach multiple earth shattering orgasms. In addition to this, you would also be capable of detecting and controlling orgasm whenever it approaches.
Not only is it going to be an issue for you, but it will be too for your man. If your pussy is loose, there is a huge chance that your partner is not satisfied with your sex lives and that can’t bode well when it comes to long-term relationships. Sex is supposed to be enjoyed both ways, so if both of you aren’t enjoying it then both of you will be disgruntled when it comes to the bedroom. So, make the changes that you need in order to not only spice things up but make everything special again with your partner!
When you aren’t satisfied by anything that is slithered into your vagina and you have a hard time feeling stimulated, chances are you’re stretched. Most people don’t know this, but inserting a larger object so as to feel stimulation is not a solution to their problems. While larger objects will bring you some benefits, the most crucial one being increased sexual pleasure; it will worsen the problem in the long run. There are various techniques that work to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.
The single most popular technique is vaginal exercises that can help in making you tighter. You only need to insert a finger into the opening of your vagina, and tighten the surrounding muscles. You can do this exercise repeatedly throughout the day and it will guarantee to show permanent results within a month or two. There are a few more workouts that you can do to tighten your loose vagina but we will get in on that on a different day. It is important, of course, to feel great about yourself so as to lead a happy life. No one in his/her right state of mind would want to hang around with someone who does not feel great about themselves.
You have a loose vagina if you don’t have a lot of sensation from intercourse anymore, and your partner does not seem to enjoy it. A healthy sex life is similar to having a healthy lifestyle. They both have different meanings to different individuals. What makes up a healthy sex life for one pair may be different from what another pair desires. However, all women desire to be tighter which allows ample pleasure of sexual activity.
Similarly, all men also will never be bored with a lady who is tight. As we mentioned earlier, just because a stretched vagina is a threat to your marriage does not mean that it’s un-defeatable. In contrast, with a bit of effort, this can easily be overcome. Even better, the many tightening techniques out there will help you and your partner to enjoy intercourse more. So view this as a fun activity, rather than something you must do because you are a loser. You aren’t!
If you realize that you have any of these signs, your vagina may be a bit lose but take heart. You can visit a gynaecologist for a check up to see if some tightening will be required
or if you don’t want to go through that trouble, simply just Google “how to tighten your vagina”. The internet is full of great information on how to make things more snug downstairs and you can read up on all sorts of tightening methods such as kegel exercises, vaginal tightening cream pregnancy and other great stuff that you probably didn’t know about. I once watched a Youtube video where a woman could pull a tractor with her vag! Seriously if women are capable of training their vagina’s to do something that extreme, anybody can squeeze a few inches off their saggy regions, without even breaking a sweat. Do your research and try things out, you have nothing to lose. It doesn’t take long to undo the damage and I guarantee that you and your partner will reap all the benefits after you add a few simple routines to your lifestyle.
We have reviewed and concluded that the best vaginal tightening solution product in the world today is V-Tight gel! With countless of women using the product, there is no denying anymore that it is the most effective one of them all. With all natural vaginal tightening ingredients and no possible side-effects, it is a completely safe product to use, anytime and anywhere! Check out the link right here, for our review of V-tight gel and learn more about the product before you buy.
We have thoroughly reviewed the product and accounted every single review that we have found online, it’s hands-down the best one that we have seen today. We haven’t bumped into anyone that have used the gel and not be satisfied with their results.
Also, what most women don’t know is that when you use this natural remedy with our exercise plan, you will be able to see faster, more permanent results. This is the power of the whole program, making women feel better about themselves and removing all the insecurities that are lingering in the heads. We hope that you have learned a lot from this article, enjoy and have fun reading our other articles as well about vaginal tightening and women’s health!
Well, as we have mentioned earlier, V-Tight gel effective solution to this issue. And, along with a solid exercise plan, you can kiss your loose vagina, goodbye. But, you can still add more things to your lifestyle that will be able to help you improve your tightness like eating better, reducing bad habits, staying hydrated, and many more.
Our bodies is such a complex system, that it takes more than just one thing to keep it going, and to keep it going healthily is a whole other thing. You can follow our tips and we can assure you that your body will regain its lost youth in no time. Good luck!
We offer a helping hand when it comes to tightening your vagina. focuses on bringing you the most up-to-date information on vaginal health and how to improve and tightening.
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I have been with my boyfriend for 3 years. Every now and then he says that my vagina gets loose. I'm not doing anything for it to change sizes. He thinks I'm cheating on him and I'm not. I don't know what to do. I'm so speechless when he says whats going on, why is it like this. What am I supposed to say to him if I'm not doing anything? And what makes it feel different to him?
originally written 09.19.2007  •  updated 12.13.2021  •  
You can tell your partner that he's incredibly misinformed.
You might want to check out my answer to another question about vaginal tightness . But the short answer here is that your partner is woefully confused about sexual anatomy and arousal . The vagina does not permanently change due to inserting an object or sexual activities. Heck, a baby can come through the vaginal canal and (in most cases) not cause any significant changes to it...why in the world would a penis cause changes if a baby won't? I don't know about you, but I've never seen a penis the size of a full-term baby!
While permanent changes do not occur, temporary changes do happen during arousal. When a person with a vagina is relaxed and aroused, the vaginal canal loosens and the cervix pulls up to create more room in there. So things feel loose because you're aroused and because that's the way they're supposed to be when you're inserting something into your body that you want and are into . If you're "tight," that's a good sign that you're not aroused or that you're not really wanting or ready for anything to be inserted into your vaginal canal.
If your partner thinks that you should be tight during vaginal or manual sex or that you must be cheating if you're not tight, then he's the one that's wrong here , not you. Your body is just responding the way that it should. Unfortunately, we've developed this cultural obsession with a) tightness being a good thing, and b) the state of a person's vagina as some indication of fidelity. Both of those are completely wrong.
So let you're partner in on the truth. If he refuses to believe you, you're welcome to send him here and we'll tell him the same thing! And if he still doesn't like it, then your best bet is to find a new partner who understands the way that arousal works and wants you to enjoy sexual activity.
Information on this site is provided for educational purposes. It is not meant to and cannot substitute for advice or care provided by an in-person medical professional. The information contained herein is not meant to be used to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease, or for prescribing any medication. You should always consult your own healthcare provider if you have a health problem or medical condition.
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