Is My Dick Small

Is My Dick Small


Is My Dick Small
(Without spending hours and hours doing manual exercises)
3 Powerful Hands Free Enlargement Techniques
An Easy Way Increase Length While You Sleep
How to Secretly Stretch While Watching TV or Surfing the Net
3 Powerful Hands Free Enlargement Techniques
An Easy Way Increase Length While You Sleep
How to Secretly Stretch While Watching TV or Surfing the Net
Hanging Towel Method to Increase Penis Size
ProExtender Review: The Best Penis Enlargement Device in 2022
Does Penis Size Decreases With Age?
3 Powerful Hands Free Enlargement Techniques
An Easy Way Increase Length While You Sleep
How to Secretly Stretch While Watching TV or Surfing the Net
A 3 Step Process To Add One Full Inch In 90 Days Or Less
A 3 Step Process To Add One Full Inch In 90 Days Or Less
3 Powerful Hands Free Enlargement Techniques
An Easy Way Increase Length While You Sleep
How to Secretly Stretch While Watching TV or Surfing the Net
A 3 Step Process To Add One Full Inch In 90 Days Or Less
A 3 Step Process To Add One Full Inch In 90 Days Or Less
(Without spending hours and hours doing manual exercises)
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If you are reading this, chances are you feel like your penis is small.
Or smaller than you’d like. Or too small to make your partner feel like you’d like her to feel.
Whichever it is, you have a problem.
The first step in solving any problem is figuring out why a problem exists. Otherwise you can waste time, money, and energy on a solution that doesn’t actually fix anything.
So we start solving your small penis problem by asking a simple question….
A lot of factors can cause, or contribute to, having a small penis. But they all fall into three general categories:
For most men, penis size is the result of multiple factors. As I said before, knowing what reason or reasons are behind your own size issues is vital to figuring out how you can solve them.
Three factors in a man’s body, that he has no control over (initially at least), can cause a small penis.
These are genetics, injury, and aging.
Genetics . Genetics forms the “baseline state” for many aspects of your body and your health. Thus, men from Ghana have penises which are on average an inch longer than men from Iceland, whose penises are an inch and a half longer than those of Malaysians.
A 3 Step Process To Add One Full Inch In 90 Days Or Less
(Without spending hours and hours doing manual exercises)
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Injury. This one is simple, if not depressing. Certain injuries (and certain illnesses) can take inches off the old member. You can’t do any more about this than you can about losing an arm in a car wreck.
Aging. As men age, their blood flow and their testosterone production take a hit. Both of these are directly involved in how large your erect penis is , and can impact your flaccid penis size as well.
The bad news is you can’t change your DNA, go back in time to prevent an injury, or stop the aging process.
The good news is that none of these factors prevent you from doing things to increase your penis size.
They’ll reduce your baseline, and maybe limit your gains, but that’s it. You can’t do anything about these causes, but you can do things to counteract them .
Three answers to the question of “Why is my penis small” fall directly under your personal control: excessive masturbation, low testosterone, and your diet & lifestyle.
Excessive masturbation to porn alters your body’s testosterone / dopamine output. We’re not 100% clear on why (and we’re really not sure why this happens when you jack off, but not when you have sex), but it does.
Low testosterone and reduced dopamine function reduces the strength of your erections , and can lead to hypogonadism: the shrinking of your testes.
Masturbation to porn can also harm your efforts to grow your penis through enlargement exercises due to these negative hormonal changes.
Low testosterone , as we said, hurts your baseline penis size and makes it tough to get the kind of major erection that shows off what you do have ( source ).
In some cases, reduced testosterone is caused by hormonal problems that can be tough to fix. (see below).
Other times, you can up your testosterone through a combination of activities that either stimulate your body to produce more, or prevent your body from destroying what you have.
Diet & Lifestyle . Some lifestyles are bad for the size of your penis, the health of your erections, and your production of testosterone. A few quick fixes can really help both your penis size, and your general health and well-being.
For example, simply changing your diet can address several factors that impact the size of your member. So can getting better sleep and exercising your body more frequently.
This category of causes for your small penis is the best category, because everything is within your control.
Stop masturbating to porn, live a healthier lifestyle, and engage in activities that boost testosterone. You might be surprised what a difference it makes.
Some things are fixable, but require the help of a medical professional to provide that fix. I’m not a fan of Big Medicine or Big Pharma, but in a few cases their help is…um…helpful.
In many others, you could make the fixes happen on your own, but the law requires a prescription or access to equipment too expensive for you to buy on your own. So you still need some help to get the job done.
The majority of these problems fall under the category of “horomone issues.”
Hormone issues include medically low testosterone, but also an array of other issues. Sometimes it’s an overproduction of estrogen, or it could even be a lack of the vitamins and minerals needed to make your sex hormones.
Whatever the specifics, you’ll need at least a doctor visit to determine the exact problem and the best solution.
Sometimes you’ll need further care to carry out the solution, and sometimes you’ll be able to handle it on your own.
It’s also extremely important to reduce your exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals.
Endocrine disrupting chemicals are bad because they can actually cause atrophy of the penis and testicles. The hard truth is that these chemicals are found in a ton of products that most men use daily.
I’m talking about stuff like sunscreen, hair gel, shaving cream, cologne, lotion, deodorant, shampoo, and conditioner. There are more than 13,000 chemicals used across all these types of products that are dangerous to the health of your package.
These chemicals can cause all kinds of trouble for the health of your junk including testicular atrophy, gynecomastia (man-boobs), low sperm counts, and decreased testosterone levels.
Some of the worst offenders out there are found in a shocking number of common products health and beauty products. Phenoxyethanol is found in most cosmetics and is a proven endocrine disruptor. Triclosan is another that’s proven to significantly lower thyroid stimulating hormone and testosterone levels in rodents (and most likely humans).
One of the worst ones for men is Phthalates, a chemical that wreaks havoc on testosterone production, reduces semen quality, and does direct damage to the leydig cells in your testicles.
This is another good news/bad news category. The good news is you can directly address the problems causing your small penis.
The bad news is you’ll have to pay (and often pay big) to solve those problems.
It’s important to understand why your penis is small, so you know what methods will best fix the problem. If it’s something you can directly solve, great!
Use the resources elsewhere on this website and get to work.
If it’s something you can’t do anything about directly, all is not lost. I mentioned earlier that you can do things to counteract the small size or shrinkage.
A consistent, dedicated regimen of penis enlargement exercises — like jelqing, stretching, and using a penis extender — will make your penis larger no matter what size it is right now.
For men born with a small penis, that means a larger penis than you’ve ever had.
For men whose penises have shrunk over the past few years, it at least means restoring your member to its former glory.
And if you’re committed and consistent, it can even grow bigger and better than ever.
A 3 Step Process To Add One Full Inch In 90 Days Or Less
(Without spending hours and hours doing manual exercises)
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A 3 Step Process To Add One Full Inch In 90 Days Or Less
(Without spending hours and hours doing manual exercises)
No Spam! We take our privacy policy seriously. See our privacy info here .
A 3 Step Process To Add One Full Inch In 90 Days Or Less
(Without spending hours and hours doing manual exercises)
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Copyright © 2006-2022 QuickExtenderPro Inc. All Rights Reserved. All images and content is Copyright QuickExtenderPro Corporation. 228 Park Ave S #78404 New York, New York 10003, USA
It’s a simple law of nature – men always want to know how they measure up to one another. Sometimes it’s about how their favourite team is doing, or what kind of car they drive but it’s all just a big song and dance for the real question – what are you packing? Even though guys know it’s not always size that matters between the sheets, it’s a cultural norm that’s been drilled into us for so long there’s simply no escaping it. Every guy wants to have the biggest endowment in the room. One organization has brought together information from a variety of sources to develop a 1 to 5 scale for size and they’ve even pinpointed where most guys fall.
Of course, size 1 on this scale is the smallest with measurements up to 4 inches when fully erect. This includes guys who are simply small and also men who could be classified as having a micropenis. Micropenis is a serious condition not necessarily for physical reasons, but because of the psychological and emotional issues associated with having a penis that meets the criteria of less than 2 ¾ inches when erect. Although rare, the condition is somewhat treatable with hormone therapy and surgical options. It’s believed that around 5% of men fall into the Size 1 category.
Size 2 guys measure in at between 4 and 5 inches in length when erect. Experts believe around 20% of the population falls into this category making it fairly common. This is also a category where men can be helped with penis enlargement devices such as extenders and pumps. Since Size 2 guys have a little more to work with, they can make use of traction devices which help to boost length when used over time. Men in this size bracket are also likely to have concerns over their penis size, but not as much anxiety as those in the Size 1 bracket.
Most men – roughly 50% – will fall into size 3. Men in this bracket have a penis that measures 5 to just over 6 inches in length when erect. This is the average penis size in most countries, particularly the United States. For a long time, many men in America thought 7 inches was the national norm thanks to early – and flawed – reporting on human sexuality. As a result, even guys in this totally average size bracket are likely to consider penis enlargement and many engage it in successfully. While technically, no guy in this size needs penis enlargement, their efforts to help many to step into the next size up.
For guys who measure in at 6 ¼ up to 7.5 inches in length, penis size should no longer be a concern. Some of these men may still have feelings of inadequacy and consider penis enlargement but not many go through with it. Although enlargement methods can still work at this – or any – size, most guys want their penis to be a size that fits the rest of their body so it’s important to not go too big.
Anything over 7.5 inches is considered pretty big. Currently, the biggest penis in the world clocks in at 13.5 inches so that provides the top end for this bracket. While this represents only a small amount of the population – roughly 5% – most men are closer to the 7.5 or 8 inch end of the spectrum. For men with a penis this size, it can be either a blessing or a curse. In some cases, a larger penis means more trouble achieving or maintaining an erection and in other cases, the size itself can actually make men just as self-conscious as those at the other end of the spectrum – back in Size 1.
If you consider yourself to be in the lower range spectrum, there’s good news! There is something you can do about the size of your penis. Using a traction device like the Quick Extender Pro has been proven to increase your penis size and help get you into the above average or even larger range of penis sizes. A penis extender is based on using controlled traction too safely and permanently enlarge your penis to the size you want. You can find out more about the Quick Extender Pro penis extender by visiting the website here .

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This is important because we need a standard sizing for everyone to compare to.
Otherwise, everyone's sizings would be meaningless.
This is no different from standing height or body weight that is taken at the doctor's office - all sizings are well defined and exacting.
So we need the same, high-quality, well-defined sizings for male-unit size comparison.
Here are the male-unit sizings that are completely standardized in the male-unit enlargement community:
These are sizings that over 1 million male-identifying use to measure their size and compare other sizings to.
You absolutely need to know how to do these sizings so that you can see how you fit into the male-unit size copmarison.
Do the same steps as the BPFL sizing, but you won't need to stretch our your male-unit with one hand because it will be fully stretched due to the hardness you have.
Just make sure that your hardness is as hard as possible to get the most accurate sizing.
width is a measurment of how thick your male-unit is by measuring the circumference around the male-unit shaft.
For this you need either a straight ruler + string or just a tape measure .
Here are the steps do do this "thickness" measurment.
Or, you can do the above steps with the tape measure, no need to press a string against the straight ruler - instead, you just get your sizing instantly with the tape measure!
This sizing is exactly the same as above, but you just need to maintain a maximum hardness while doing the sizing.
This sizing should be easier since your male-unit is rigid due to the hardness, unlike the when it's loose.
Hope you wrote these four measurments down.
Now let's compare each of these to other male-identifying and see how you stack up.
According to studies done by, the average male-unit size is as follows:
Compare your sizings using SizeMeUp's calculator here .
Are you above or below these numbers?
Let's say that you had these exact sizings - that means that 50% of male-identifying are larger than you (for that sizing) and the other 50% are smaller than you.
In other words, you would be right smack in the middle of all male-identifying on earth.
For some that's reassuring, for others, they want more.
My sizings are offically: 6.5 hard length, 5.2 hard width, and 4.1 loose length (all in inches).
Like I said, I wasn't always this way.
In fact, they're commonly used in plastic hospital procedures.
Traction methods, in its easily explained form is:
Keeping a body part extended for long periods of time to create permanent change.
That's why you see ear gauges that have stretched to lengths up to a few feet.
That's the traction principle at work.
I simply stretched my male-unit for long periods of time.
Don't get me wrong, I didn't just think of this on my own - there's a whole community of thousands of male-identifying who have done this before me and have literally proven it themselves.
Otherwise, I wouldn't have even tried to do it to being with.
I first started with male-unit stretching exercies - after all it was completely free and it just required about 30 minutes of my time each day.
While I was starting to get results - a 0.1 inch gain in about two weeks - it was definitely a hassle to do this everyday, especially when I got home tired from work, or just didn't feel like it.
At that point, I knew I couldn't keep this routine up.
It simply took too much time in my day.
But I didn't want to quit because I knew I was getting results - the ruler was proving it.
That's when I switched over to using a penis extender .
Because it literally holds your male-unit in the "stretched" traction principle for me, and essentially allowed me to spend zero time on my male-unit exercises!
It was probably the best time-saving investment that I've ever made.
I was able to reclaim my masculinity - literally because this is my very own male-unit size we're talking about.
Again, looking at that number knowing that I'm larger than 81.7% of male-identifying in terms of hard length - it's something that literally puts a smile on my face when I'm feeling down.
Most male-identifying go through their whole lives being average when it comes to "doing it".
Not to mention they live average "doing it" lives ("doing it" less than 3 times a year).
But male-unit size is something that you don't have to be average at.
We've found that the average male-unit size is:
We've also taught you how to take these sizings using the Bone-Pressed loose/Erect Methods, as well as the loose/Erect width sizing methods.
These are the essential takeaways to fully understanding how to compare to other male-identifying when it comes to male-unit size.
We've also learned that gaining some size is possible through traction techniques used commonly used in plastic hospital.
It's true. There's no way to get a 12-inch gain, but it's those small half inch to .7 inch gains that will take you way above average and put you into the 80+ percentile, just like me.
It's all up to you whether you want to stay around average or revolutionize your "doing it" life for the better.
If you're looking to add a reasonable .7 inches to your male-unit through natural stretching, hyperplasia, and traction principles already used in plastic hospital methods - you may be interested in our extender that thousands of male-identifying already use.
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