Is It Wrong To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon Hentai

Is It Wrong To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon Hentai


Is It Wrong To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon Hentai

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From the Soma Familia to the Freya Familia, here are the 10 most powerful featured in the anime Is It Wrong To Try To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon.
In the city of Orario, everything comes down to the group one chooses to join. Though every god offers the same “gift” in theory, all Familias aren’t equal. An organization can have more money than another, more powerful members making it easier to go deeper into the city’s dungeon, or simply be an all-around better place to be.
This list will be analyzing which are the most powerful Familias and sticking to the anime , which means there could be a guild from the light novel that is not present. At the same time, this list will certainly spoil people if they aren’t completely caught up on the storylines.
Ranking dead last among all of these is the Soma Familia. They’re a “successful” business thanks to Soma, who focuses largely on creating his perfected alcohol. Because Soma doesn’t seem to care about anything other than that, his Familia falls behind.
Their Captain is a mere level two, and Hestia was able to swarm his home base without being instantly crushed with a small number of people helping her. They’ve begun working on their guild again, but since they’re business-focused rather than exploration, catching up won’t be easy.
This group was run by Apollo, a creep with a horrible habit of forcing people to join his guild. Roughly one hundred members strong, they challenged the Hestia Familia to take their member Bell from them. Filled largely with level one and two adventurers, they were hoping for numbers to help them more than anything.
But after Bell leveled up and hit level 3, along with help from three new members and one close friend of their Familia, the Apollo Familia was easily crushed.
Not necessarily stronger than the Apollo Familia, they’re here because unlike Apollo, they still exist. The organization is made up of a collection of orphans that were taken in by Takemikazuchi.
However, they’re quite skilled in overall combat, and the only thing holding them back is that they’re a small, relatively new guild. Made up entirely of level twos, they’re a good sight away from the stronger guilds.
It’s difficult to place this group any higher than this. They defeated the Apollo Familia and gained quite the sizable estate for their operations, but they’re still made up of only a couple of people. Largely, they have only three proper adventurers.
The only thing they have on their side is that they also have Bell, who can level up quickly. He’s reached level three in the anime already, and we’ve seen him fight on par with people of a higher level with the help of fellow Familia member Sanjouno’s magic.
While in the series Hermes often comes off as more of a character about being comedic relief, his Familia is no joke. On the contrary, the Hermes Familia happens to be a sizable organization. None of their members are below level 2, and a few of their members are level 3 or higher.
Their captain is a level 4, and most recently they added a member of a fallen Familia to make them stronger. Though they're far from a heavy player, the information and respect they command make them reputable.
The Hephaestus Familia isn’t seen very frequently in combat. As one might assume from the patron in question, they’re supposed to be best known for making weapons. But they aren’t only that—members of the Hephaestus Familia are incredibly powerful.
Their strongest member Tsubaki is a level 5. They also possess twenty smiths that are level three or stronger, meaning they’re easily above most groups in terms of power.
This Familia doesn’t exist anymore, but when they did it was one of the strongest of all. They had over one hundred members in their group, most of them hovering around level three.
The collection of them are best known for their work in the “red light” district of the city, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t known for their work as proper adventurers. Their Captain is a level 5 with the power to crush most threats to the Familia. They’ve even successfully sued the city, so they’re not lacking on any level.
We don’t get to see much of this Familia. We’ve seen Ganesha, who mostly does joke bits for the anime series. But doing a bit of research, we’ve seen that this Familia is the biggest one in all of the city, and has the most high-ranked adventurers with eleven level 5s.
If they gave their allegiance to any one particular guild it would make for quite the shift in power.
Led by an androgynous Loki, this is a Familia with incredible power. They hit the jackpot in terms of pretty much everything. They’re a massive guild, that makes plenty of money, and has a large number of high ranking adventurers.
They’ve got seven level-six members, and seem to have no problem gaining new members.
The Freya Familia is the most powerful Familia in the city. They seem to have the largest Familia, with over a hundred members. The group boasts a number of level five and six members, and their Captain is the highest level adventurer in the city.
They’re powerful enough to have brought down the Ishtar Familia in just one night. With Freya having designs on Bell, this is clearly the group the Hestia Familia will eventually have to beat.
Staff Writer for CBR, Sage Ashford has also written for Comicon as well as other sites such as The Gamer, and has been doing freelance work since 2014, and been working for CBR since 2017. His focus is primarily on spreading the word on obscure anime, comic books, and games whenever possible.

Follow him on Twitter @ sageshinigami, or on Twitch @ sageshinigami.
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2D Visuals, 3D Effects : There are three minotaurs near the end of S1E10 that are clearly CGI. It's almost impossible to not notice when the first two minotaurs in the series were incredibly important to the story and another (normally animated) one had been on screen not 10 seconds earlier. Achilles' Heel : All monsters have one: the magic stone at their core. One direct strike can fell any monster, although this should only be a last resort as it renders the stone worthless. Accidental Pervert : Happens to Bell in S1E11 since he's unable to keep himself balanced from his injuries, immediately plunging himself into Aiz's Marshmallow Hell . In episode S1E12, Hermes purposely lures Bell to a spot where they could view the women bathing , then knocks him into said bath . Surprisingly, they're all OK with this once they quickly realize Hermes was to blame, and several of the women are OK with it before the realization, making no attempt to hide themselves from him . Adam Smith Hates Your Guts : Non-video game example. In S1E12, both Welf and Lili are shocked at the outrageous prices being charged for substandard items in the item shop on the 18th floor, such as a really beaten bag being sold for 20k valis. Unfortunately, they don't have a choice but to buy it, as Bell was forced to drop almost all of their items just to make it to the 18th floor safely. And they would need said items to make it back to town. This trope is actually Invoked In-Universe . The people working in safe zones such as Rivira (the town on the 18th floor) know that people will buy their items for exorbitant prices if it could save their life. So, they do. (They get around the fact that Adventurers do not carry around bags of money by creating IOUs and having them pay when they get back home.) The dungeon is a lawless place. Adaptation-Induced Plot Hole : A supporter's role to an adventurer is to carry their extra gear and loot as well as carve out the magic stones from the bodies of monsters so the adventurer can focus on fighting. This is essential for making money in Orario's economy, as carving up monsters alone in the Dungeon is dangerous and time-consuming. In the anime, the monsters explode into dust the moment they die even if their magic stone is undamaged, diminishing the value of supporters like Lili. Albinos Are Freaks : Inverted . Bell's snow-white hair and red eyes remind others of the cute, but dangerous almiraj ( a rabbit with a horn on its head ) monsters that inhabit the middle floors of the dungeon — this adds to his "pure" and "rabbit-like" appearance that others find endearing and cute, while Hestia, who is head over heels for him, considers them part of his "cool looks". All Love Is Unrequited : Oooooooh boy. And how. In order: Hestia, Lily, Syr, Eina and Freya all have feelings for Bell, but Bell's too focused on Aiz to notice that they like him. Aiz has Bete, Loki and Lefiya longing for her, but the only person she might possibly be interested in is Bell . Tione likes her captain, Fynn, but the one person he showed any interest in is Lily, who as mentioned, wants Bell. All Your Base Are Belong to Us : The Apollo Familia blows up the Hestia Familia's church in their efforts to kidnap Bell . Alternate Character Reading : Episode titles of the anime are glossed with text that is completely different, but related, to the title itself. In the following, the gloss are put between parentheses. First season: Episode 1: Adventurer (Bell Cranel) Episode 2: Monster Festival (Monsterphilia) Episode 3: The Blade of a God (Hestia Knife) Episode 4: The Weak (Supporter) Episode 5: Spellbook (Grimoire) Episode 6: The Reason (Liliruka Erde) Episode 7: Sword Princess (Aiz Wallenstein) Episode 8: Wanting to be a Hero (Argonaut) Episode 9: The Blacksmith (Welf Crozzo) Episode 10: Pass Parade (Procession of Monsters) Episode 11: Labyrinth Utopia (Under Resort) Episode 12: Evil Intentions (Show) Episode 13: invoked The Story of a Familia ( Familia Myth ) Anachronism Stew : The story is mostly medieval fantasy in terms of daily technological use and setting, but several magic items in the story function closely to modern appliances. For instance, there are elevators in Babel and the streets are adorned with lights powered by Magic Stones. In addition, the gods are fond of modern Japanese tropes. Loki refers to Bete as a Tsundere and had her entire familia dress up in Sailor Fuku as part of a bet, both of which are given a Hand Wave as being part of the "perspective of the gods". Annoying Arrows : Lili's wrist crossbow isn't useful for anything beyond distracting targets. Given that she just draws it with two fingers, it's justified, as it indicates that the bow is really just a glorified slingshot. Anti-Grinding : Stat Grinding is generally limited by rule of diminishing returns and a soft stat cap at 999 (Bell breaks it though). This series' system of Character Levels , however, seems to limit the number of high-level character in the universe. An adventurer can't get a level up by fighting just any Random Encounter even if he has maxed out his stats, since a heroic feat is what's necessary for a level-up. While defeating a level Boss or, at least in Bell's case, defeating a Random Encounter that should have been too strong for him is a "heroic feat," level bosses are rare . They spawn once every 14 days , and that's on the common end of the rare level bosses. This explains why most adventurers would never get a level-up before retirement, and Level 2's are already considered elite in this universe. Asshole Victim : The adventurer that attacks Lilly in S1E06, and even goes so far as to kick her while she was down, is killed by some killer ants a few moments later. The guy who screwed Lilly over by taking away her key then throwing her into a group of monsters also meets a similar end during The Stinger for S 1 E 07 when he's killed by a minotaur who was trained by another adventurer to become an even deadlier creature. Asskicking Equals Authority : As a general rule the leader of a Familia is also their highest leveled (or equal highest) member. Probably justified because for most adventurers levelling up is a slow process so the highest levelled member is generally also the most senior member as well. Atrocious Alias : The gods love giving each other's familia members horrible titles as a way to mess with each other. Loki's members managed to avoid bad ones due to Loki intimidating the other gods. Bell's title of Little Rookie, while unimpressive, could have been a lot worse if it wasn't for Freya. Attack Its Weak Point : In S1E08, the minotaur's skin is extremely tough, giving Bell difficultly in fighting it. However, he manages to stab its arm at one point, causing it to drop the sword it was using. Bell then uses the sword to make more cuts into it, then finally stabs it again with his knife, and casts firebolts directly into its body until it explodes. Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever : The Goliath falls onto the ceiling of the 18th floor at the end of S1E12, and attacks the adventurers in S1E13. A Truce While We Gawk : A brief one occurs in S1E12 when Hestia releases her goddess form. Both Bell's companions, and the hostile adventurers they were fighting, stop fighting when they see her transform. The hostile group then runs away, not wanting to provoke Hestia. Another one occurs in S1E13, after the Goliath suffers a second devastating blow from Bell. Everyone stops fighting for a moment, and even the monsters are scared enough that they attempt to flee. Badass Crew : Several Familia. Members of the Loki Familia currently listed in the character sheet are all badasses. Take an example: why did Aiz happened to pass by a Mind Down-affected Bell in Book 3/S1E05? Turns out she, Riveria, Tiona, Tione, and Fynn finished a 46-hour crawl at the 37th floor. For fun . They are at least Level 3 (Lefiya), average at Level 5, and maxes at Level 6. To note, most adventurers are Level 1. While we were only told the strength of the Freya familia is on par with Loki's, we know the Ottar, the single adventurer with the highest character level , is in this Familia. We get to see a bit more of their strength in Volume 7. They are FREAKISHLY strong. The Ganesha Familla is noted to be on par with the Loki and Freya Famillas. Makes sense given the fact that their god is incredibly influential, and they're also a Familla of monster tamers. Being Watched : Characters recognize that they are being watched several times throughout the story. Beauty Equals Goodness : Monsters in this story are feral and mindless, regardless of whether or not they are humanoid or even human-looking. They end up looking appropriately monstrous as a result, being horrifically ugly. Xenos, meanwhile, are intelligent. While below a certain threshold on the Sliding Scale of Anthropomorphism they look exactly the same, above a certain point they begin to look as impossibly beautiful as almost everyone else in this setting. They're still not necessarily good, but unlike regular monsters they have the potential to be. Beauty Is Never Tarnished : Played straight for the more action-oriented girls, such as Aiz and Mikoto. Averted with Liliruca, who is shown getting beaten up and abused repeatedly by adventurers other than Bell. Beleaguered Assistant : Ares's assistant Maurius. He effectively has to play babysitter to Ares's spoiled little kid. Betty and Veronica : Hestia and Aiz Wallenstein play these roles for Bell respectively. Hestia is the energetic and affectionate goddess of Bell's Familia , she isn't known by many mortals and Bell sees her as family more than anything. Aiz is one of the strongest members of the famous Loki Familia with an exotic, icy personality and Bell falls madly in love with her the moment he meets her. BFS : Ottar gives one to a minotaur he's training in S1E07. It uses said sword against Bell in S1E08. After Bell successfully disables its arm, he grabs the minotaur's sword and uses it against the beast. One handed . Big Damn Heroes : Bell gets to pull this off with Lilly, Firebolts blazing in to save her from a swarm of Killer Ants. Aiz is a specialist at this, first for Bell, then Lefiya a couple times, as well as others. In S1E12, Welf and several of Bell's other companions come to help him while he's dueling against a jealous adventurer who's also using an invisibility item. Bilingual Bonus : In the Japanese audio Bell refers to Hestia as Kami-sama . This is translated as goddess, which is inaccurate. note Bell would use Megami to call Hestia goddess. Bell's use of Kami-sama would more accurately translate as G od, with a big G, and is how the Abrahamic God is referred to by Japanese-speaking followers. Bit Character : Misha Frot, who appears in order to tell the Guild that the monsters have been let out during Monsterphilia, and then promptly disappears . This is however averted in the novels, where Misha is Eina's coworker and there are frequent chats between the two. Blood Is the New Black : Whenever a fight gets intense, Bell always gets blood splashed across his face. Blood Magic : Gods of a familia will prick their finger and drop blood on the back of an adventurer to view and upgrade their status. Blush Sticker : Appears from time to time on various characters, usually Hestia. Body Horror : The Goliath boss the adventurers are forced to fight in S1E13 suffers some devastating blows, which shears off parts of its jaw, head, and later the top half of its body. Due to its Healing Factor however, it manages to regenerate the missing parts. However, once the crystal is exposed, Bell immediately launches another assault at it, finally killing
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