Is Fisting Safe

Is Fisting Safe


Is Fisting Safe
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Two anonymous women talk about what it's really like to fist and be fisted.
Have you only tried fisting with a serious partner, or in a casual relationship as well?
Woman A: Serious partner (male) — my first adult, long-term(ish) relationship. I don't think I'd want to/be able to with a casual partner.
How old were you the first time you did it?
Were you the fister or the fistee? Or have you done both?
And whose idea was it — yours or theirs?
Woman A: I think it was mutual — I really liked being penetrated by several of his fingers at once, and he might've suggested we try fisting since it seemed like something I'd enjoy. And then he went off and researched it, being that kind of person.
Woman A: We needed a lot of time and used water-based lube and latex gloves. Also trust, as having someone's hand inside you is fairly intimate! That relationship was quite sexually adventurous, for me at least, and fisting was at the apex of that. Oh, and you don't have your hand in a fist when you're entering your partner: more like a beak shape. Lots of fingering and gentle stretching helped.
Woman B: Foreplay — normal kissing, touching, fingers penetrating, etc.
Did it feel good? (Or conversely, did it hurt?)
Woman A: Getting there hurt. Neither I nor my partner had fisted before (that I know of, for him) and there were some very painful false starts getting there. Using gloves, different positions, a lot of lube, and much talking helped — "Is this OK?" "Now I'm going to go in a bit further," etc. — as did getting it right once because I knew when I got there again, it'd feel amazing. It's very, very, very intense, with your entire vag feeling stretched/pressure.
Woman B: It felt intense and slow and gentle and loving.
Woman A: The fisting itself didn't give me an orgasm but my partner playing with my clit while his hand was inside me did, over and over. Very intense as I said above!
Who enjoyed it more, you or your partner?
Woman A: I think I enjoyed it more. But while being fisted I wasn't really in a headspace to notice much else.
Woman B: I think we both enjoyed it as a very intimate thing. I enjoyed it the most when it was done to me rather than when I was doing it. I don't know which role she enjoyed more.
How do the sensations compare to other penetrative sex acts?
Woman A: Very intense and a lot of pressure everywhere inside you. It was different in that, once his hand was inside, he only moved it gently (not thrusting as with a penis or dildo or what have you). Also it could go on for a long time, until I'd had enough or his hand started to cramp. It was a bit removed, bodily. Normal penis in vagina sex you can be quite close and in fisting he was halfway down my body and a bit away. Also, I was sore afterward for a few days.
Woman B: It feels much more intimate. It isn't something I'd do with someone I didn't feel safe with and really connected to.
Is fisting a regular part of your sex life now? Why/why not?
Woman A: It isn't, mostly because I haven't brought it up with my current partner. I keep on thinking about it and then chickening out on asking. It requires trust and patience and lube and gloves and most importantly time, which isn't something I have a lot of. Writing this is making me think about it though!
Woman B: No. It takes a while to work up to it. It's not an every-night-25-minutes-of-sex type of thing. It's more like something that you do after having sex for an hour or two, once intensity is building up.
Do you have any advice for people who might want to try it? Or whose partners want to try it?
Woman A: Yes! Take all the time you need; use all of the lube. Gloves also help for letting things slip in a little easier — and don't be discouraged if it takes a few goes. And if you or your partner is hurting or doesn't think it's going to work, it's fine to stop. You might take a few goes or decide it's not for you. I would only consider fisting again with someone I trusted and was probably in a relationship with, but your mileage may vary. Also small/slender hands are a plus, and trim your fingernails.
Woman B: Make sure you feel safe and trust the person you're doing it to or having do it to you. To me, it feels very intimate. I think it would hurt if you weren't tuned into each other.

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You think you know, but you have no idea.
If your idea of fisting is having someone shove their clutched fist up your vagina , then you've got it all wrong. Instead of that punch to the vag approach, fisting actually consists of your partner entering his or her fingers into your love tunnel one by one—until all five digits are past the threshold.
“Fisting [is the] sexual practice in which someone’s entire hand and all five fingers are inserted into the vagina or rectum,” says Ian Kerner, Ph.D., sex therapist and author of She Comes First.
As you might imagine, there’s a lot of potential for things to go wrong with this intense move. If you rush into it, your partner’s hand can damage your vaginal muscles and cause scraping and scratches, says Kerner. Eek!
However, when done in a safely with a partner you trust, fisting can provide a pleasurable sense of fullness and lots of vaginal stimulation , says Kerner. So if you and your S.O. want to give fisting a whirl, here’s how to do it the right way.
Safety First
Because your vagina is about to experience some seriously stimulating "fullness," Kerner recommends keeping lots of lube on hand to use throughout the experience. Hygiene is another major factor when getting hands-y, he says. To prevent scrapes or bacteria from entering your lady bits, make sure your partner’s hands are clean and their fingernails are short. Having latex gloves, or finger condoms, if you will, isn’t a bad idea either. They act as a barrier and can make entering easier, says Kerner.
Foreplay Before You Finger
Getting five fingers in your vagina is no easy task! The key to proper fisting is to stay in the mood. The more aroused and relaxed you are, the better chance you have of nailing this act says Kerner. So start slow with some touching, kissing, massaging, oral, or whatever, before you go deep.
Start Slow
“The general technique is start by entering two fingers to the vagina,” says Kerner. “And you want to start feeling comfortable with those fingers.” Then, once you’re feeling good, your partner can slowly add a third finger. He'll want to bundle his fingers together to form a beak-like shape as he continues to maneuver his hand in, says Kerner. At this point, you can encourage your partner to use his thumb to hit the clitoris for stimulation (because yessssss), while his three fingers stroke the G-spot.
Take It Further
For many couples, having three fingers inside the vagina is enough. But, if you’re feeling A-OK and are ready to take it up a notch, grab more lube and have your partner continue on by inserting his pinky and thumb into the beak formation with the rest of his fingers. Then, slowly and gradually he can move deeper, inserting his knuckles and eventually the wrist.
Once his hand is fully inside you, he can try to expand his fingers to provide different types of stimulation such as using his knuckles to hit the G-spot or turning his hand if it feels good, says Kerner. However, if you’re aiming for an orgasm , then you’re going to want to hit the clit. “The clitoral stimulation is going to be a big enhancer [with fisting],” says Kerner. He suggests calling in backup such as a sex toy, his other hand, or even oral to hit the spot.
Talk Him Through It
You've gotta keep communicating about what feels good and what doesn't, says Kerner. As he’s entering you, describe the sensation and maybe give him advice on what to do next. Kerner says to have him focus on slower, gentler movements as opposed to thrusting like a penis.
Scratching or too much thrusting in your vagina can be dangerous, says Kerner. And if you're feeling anything more than slight discomfort, shut it down. If you're just slightly uncomfortable, add more lube .
You should know: The answer above provides general health information that is not intended to replace medical advice or treatment recommendations from a qualified health care professional.
Is fisting "safe sex"? the reason I ask is that I never heard anyone saying if it is safe or not. I am a bisexual male and I did unprotected, lubricated, insertive fisting with a male partner whose HIV status I do not know. Apart from that we had protected oral and anal sex. Am I at a high risk of having been infected by HIV? Thank you for your time.
In terms of the risk of fisting, it depends on whether you're at the receiving end or the giving end. If you're at the receiving end, normally you're NOT being exposed to any body fluids from your partner (just their fist), so this would actually be low risk for HIV and other Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD's).
If you're the insertive partner, you're almost certainly being exposed to the blood of your partner (bleeding is a common occurance during fisting). If you have any open cuts or abrasions on your hand where the virus can enter your bloodstream, then you would be at risk of infection. If there were not any openings for the virus to get into your bloodstream, then your risk would be small. So the key here is, were there any openings on your hand that would have allowed HIV to enter your bloodstream? Without any cuts or open sores on the hands, the skin provides an excellent barrier against infection. But if there were cuts/abrasions, you would be at risk of infection. In the future, the best way to reduce your risk would be to wear a latex glove on your hand. These are widely available at many retail stores. Also, after fisting a guy, it's really important to wash your hands thoroughly, not only to remove any blood on your hands, but also to remove bacterial and viral infections that you may have been exposed to (like Hepatitis A).
If you have further questions, please feel free to call the Centers for Disease Control at 1.800.232.4636 (Nationwide).
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Communities > Sexual Health > What are the medical risks of anal fisting?

I am 16 and female.  My boyfriend enjoys me fingering him. I enjoy to finger him. I have gotten four fingers in him, and he has gotten four of his own fingers inside of himself while masturbating for me. (His fingers are much larger since he is male and a lot taller than me.) I am 16 and he is 17. (We live in South Carolina where the age of consent is 16) I have been fingering him for a while, and he wants me to try to fist him. I am thrilled to try, but I have concerns about hurting him. is it dangerous? I have read several opposing stories of how it can damage the sphincter muscles. Can anyone share personal experiences of it harming or not harming them? We use coconut oil (and lots of it!) as lube. Thanks for taking time for my questions. I just want to be sure it's safe before we try it.

Hey everybody, I'm on a long distance relationship and haven't had sex with my gf for about 8 months. Is it possible that my penis won't ...

l got fingered then when l reached home l had blood on my pants.
I did feel a sting of pain during the fingering process buh it wasnt my...

My wife and I have a pretty good sexual relationship. I make sure to give her orgasm first .I try to give clitoral orgasm. But she sudden...

Last month I (20, male, no health issues, gay) was having sex with my boyfriend (receptive anal sex). For no apparent reason, my pelvis s...

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No - it is not dangerous and you will not cause permanent harm IF - and I do mean IF - you go slow and use excessive amounts of lube.  Make sure your nails are trimmed, no cuts in your hands, wear gloves if you can/will, be patient.  When you hit the limits of him being comfortable pause there and just hold the pressure for 20-30 seconds then slowly withdraw your hand.  You do this repeatedly and over time you will slip inside him - and from personal experience you will both be amazed at the pleasure it will provide.  

It is and can be safe.... use plenty of lube, go slowly and wear latex gloves.  As a gay man, many men who practice this have no problems

It also tears the tissues inside the victim to the point if done to the anal opening enough the victim will end up wearing diapers because they can no longer hold their poo in. Stretching a vagina out unnaturally is also tearing the tissues inside and could cause blood clots which can work their way to the brain or heart and if you are a man and the vagina is all stretched out you will find there is no longer any pleasure or sensation left with that person and you will either throw her away or have an affair with someone else who has a tight vagina. So isn't this fun what we can do to a woman, use her getting our rocks off and when we are done we throw her away and find another and that victim is ruined for life but who cares there are so many new women and young men coming into BDSM there is a never ending supply and as us, the Master we just have our fun at the victim's expense. This Master will never do that to his sub/slaves ever and will not allow it to be done to them by anyone else I will protect my property.

I agree - I have heard stories of people shoving pretty large objects up there & later having trouble controlling their defecation. That does NOT sound like fun...

Just go slow, use lots of lube, wear a glove, and always have a safe word. If you do that then things will be just fine!

maybe try something else freaky and equally exciting but i'd stay away from this kinda thing for a while  just not a good idea with all kind of diseases floatin around  not worth it if u ask me  plenty of other ways to experience sexual pleasure    its just to risky      oh and if u are going to do it anyway cause when i was ur age i never took good advice  or what i now consider to have been good advice  just make sure u research the crap out of it    dont have cuts on your hands  wash hands very good before and after    heck use gloves and discard immideatly afterwords    i dont know its just not a good idea  to risky in my opinion but you are ur own person  so you have evryright    just don screw up ur whole life because of some sexual act.  and make sure you really know the persons health history and just if this person is really someone you want to share this with  and if you really trust the person not to hurt you  idk seems to complicated to me but goodluck in w/e u choose  

There are 4 types of prostate massage. One of them is Anal peripheral prostate massage. This massage can be done on male and female. This would be safer and beneficial than random fingering and fisting.. Google prostate massage for details.

Not from personal experience, but I recommend using just a single finger.  That's enough for the feeling.  More isn't better in this case, and one would want to avoid any future problems.  

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Hey everybody, I'm on a long distance relationship and haven't had sex with my gf for about 8 months. Is it possible that my penis won't ...

l got fingered then when l reached home l had blood on my pants.
I did feel a sting of pain during the fingering process buh it wasnt my...

My wife and I have a pretty good sexual relationship. I make sure to give her orgasm first .I try to give clitoral orgasm. But she sudden...

Last month I (20, male, no health issues, gay) was having sex with my boyfriend (receptive anal sex). For no apparent reason, my pelvis s...

John C Hagan III, MD, FACS, FAAO Jun 08

John C Hagan III, MD, FACS, FAAO 12/20

John C Hagan III, MD, FACS, FAAO 04/18

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