Is File Ids Persistent Telegram В Telegram

Is File Ids Persistent Telegram В Telegram

Is File Ids Persistent Telegram В Telegram
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Is File Ids Persistent in Telegram?

Telegram, a popular instant messaging app, allows users to share files with one another. When a user uploads a file, it is assigned a unique identifier known as a file ID. This file ID is used to identify the file in subsequent messages and allows users to download the file from Telegram.

However, there is some debate over whether file IDs are persistent in Telegram. In other words, are file IDs unique and unchanging, or do they change over time?

One way to determine whether file IDs are persistent is to try downloading a file that was uploaded a long time ago. If the file ID is still valid and the file can be downloaded without issue, then it is likely that the file ID is persistent.

On the other hand, if the file ID is no longer valid and the file cannot be downloaded, then it is likely that the file ID is not persistent.

It is also worth noting that file IDs may be changed by the user who uploaded the file. For example, if a user deletes a file from their Telegram account, the file ID may no longer be valid.

In conclusion, while file IDs in Telegram may not be completely persistent, they are generally unique and unchanging, and can be used to identify and download files in subsequent messages. However, it is always a good idea to double-check the file ID before attempting to download a file to ensure that it is still valid.

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