Is Dimpleplasty Worth It? The Dolly Dimple Definitely Is!

Is Dimpleplasty Worth It? The Dolly Dimple Definitely Is!

Dr Siddharth Prakash, Cosmetic Surgeon in India

Celebrities with dimpled smiles, such as Cheryl Cole, Mario Lopez, and Jennifer Garner, have always captivated audiences. They've recently inspired their fans to grow dimples of their own.

Plastic surgeons describe the dimple craze as “everyone in Hollywood has them, and everyone wants them.” Although women make up the majority of requests, men who want the “Mario Lopez” look are also interested in the procedure.

What exactly is Dimpleplasty?

Natural dimples are muscle defects in the cheek caused by skin adhering to underlying tissue. The dimple may be permanent or only appear when someone smiles. While some dimples persist into adulthood, many fade away as a child grows older and the defect disappears as the cheek muscle matures.

The Dimpleplasty procedure is the most recent cosmetic surgery trend. Cosmetic surgeons are now performing four times as many dimple creation surgeries as they were just a few years ago.

What is the Dimpleplasty procedure?

The doctor creates dimples by making a tiny incision inside a patient's cheek. On the outside of the face, there are no cuts. A small portion of the cheek muscle is removed, and the remaining muscle is sutured to the skin's underside with dissolvable suture. The dimple is formed by an incision on the inside of the cheek that leaves a permanent indentation in the skin.

The entire out-patient procedure takes about 30 minutes and only requires a local anesthetic. You can expect minimal temporary swelling and that the dimples will be deeper at first but will look natural after a few months. While the dimples may appear at all times at first, they gradually fade and are only visible when the patient smiles.

What are the advantages of using the Dolly Dimple?

The “Dolly Dimple,” which is only available at Ambrosia Aesthetics, is an updated version of the original procedure that has been made more predictable, according to Dr. Siddharth Prakash, one of the few cosmetic surgeons who offers the service. Dr. Siddharth added, "Dimples can be more personalized." “Patients can select designer dimples; they can be long, short, deep, shallow, and so on.” The patient can also specify where they want the dimples to appear on their cheeks.

Dimples have always been thought to be cute, and they brighten a person's smile. In some cultures, they are even considered lucky.

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