Is Aragon cryptocurrency a good investment?

Is Aragon cryptocurrency a good investment?


Cryptocurrency investing is no easy feat, there’s no question about that. There are thousands of cryptos out there and while many of them are not worth investing in, some of them are very promising and could potentially lead to life-changing gains.

So how do you determine which cryptocurrencies are good to invest in?

What I’ve found to be most effective in identifying great cryptocurrencies to invest in, is to first identify a crypto that provides solutions to a hair-on-fire problem.

What I mean by this is, find a crypto/project that can do something important and is needed to do it. It should also have, what I believe to be, the most important attributes of cryptocurrency – decentralization and censorship resistance.

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Once you find a crypto that meets those standards, it’s important to understand its mission and purpose. You then need to dive deep into its history, its team, how it was launched and distributed, its level of development and adoption, as well as its price action and whether or not it's building a solid market structure.

If you dive deep into these aforementioned things, you will know whether or not the crypto is a good investment.

Now, for the remainder of this article, I will be diving deep into the Aragon (ANT) cryptocurrency, as it is one of the few cryptos that meets the standards of solving a hair-on-fire problem and being decentralized and censorship-resistant.

By the time you’re done reading, you’ll have a fundamental understanding of whether or not Aragon (ANT) is a good investment.

Aragon (ANT) - A Brief Summary & History

Aragon is an open-source, community-driven project with a mission to empower people to freely organize and collaborate without borders or intermediaries. Aragon provides people with the tools and means to create and manage Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) that can thrive.

Its vision is to create the world’s first digital jurisdiction with globally Decentralized Autonomous Organisations (DAOs).

Aragon’s History & Team

The Aragon (ANT) project was founded by Luis Cuende and Jorge Izquierdo in November 2016 but didn’t launch until February 2017 with the release of Aragon 0.1.

In Aragon’s early days, Luis Cuende was known as the project lead for Aragon as he helped to guide the project in the right direction before it became more community-driven with decentralized control.

Prior to founding and leading Aragon, Luis was an accomplished programmer and budding entrepreneur. He was named as the best programmer of Europe under 18 by HackFwd, received a “Best Underage European Programmer” award, an MIT Innovators Under 35 award, and was also a recipient of Forbes’ 30 under 30 recognition.

Luis also founded several startups in the technological sphere and served as an advisor to the Vice president of the European Commission.

As for Luis’s partner Jorge, he was named tech lead for the Aragon project and prior to his work with Aragon, he worked as an iOS app developer and created several successful apps.

Now, as Aragon stands today (March 2020), the project is primarily governed by the community and has a strong commitment to decentralize its own existence. Aragon’s governance system is governed by the Aragon Network Token (ANT) holders who participate in governance by voting with ANT on Aragon Governance Proposal (AGPs).

Additionally, the Aragon project is also stewarded by the Aragon Association, which is a Swiss non-profit entity with Luis Cuende and Jorge Izquierdo as its directors.

The Aragon platform and its DAOs benefit from the following features:

Decentralized and Censorship-Resistant

Aragon DAO’s are global and decentralized in that they enable people to collaborate without borders or intermediaries which makes them difficult to shut down and enables them to circumvent the boundaries of censorship and oppression.

Digital, Secure & Transparent

Aragon DAO’s reside on and are secured by the decentralized Ethereum blockchain which provides transparent and immutable transactions.


Aragon DAO’s leverage Ethereum smart contracts that provide them with an unparalleled level of efficiency and automation.

Fast, Easy, and Customizable

Aragon DAO’s can be created in under 5 and have customizable structures that are fully modular so that they can be altered with different templates and the simple click of a button. Also, users can install different dapps that enhance the DAO in different ways.


Aragon DAO’s can be created with unique governance models that feature secure and decentralized tamper-proof voting mechanisms. Entire communities can participate in the DAO’s decision-making process in unique and different ways.

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