IronX: A Blockchain Startup Venture

IronX: A Blockchain Startup Venture



IronX is a blockchain startup venture that will convey the universe of crypto cash to a superior heading. IronX has an emphasis on taking a shot at cryptographic money trades by giving world-class trades to better and enhanced crypto exchanging. Right now, IronX is moving its tokens with a hardcap focus of 50 million USD. At the point when this article was made, IronX has gathered in excess of 24 million USD from ICO deals. IronX is a reliable task that manages it, in particular Estonian FIU and has been examined by Hosho Secured and Hacken. 

IronX team up of two vast organizations to be specific IronFX and EmurgoHK. By consolidating two fruitful organizations and numerous licenses and clients, IronX will get numerous clients from the two organizations. IronFX is a cash or forex exchanging organization that has numerous clients spread all through the world and has in excess of 30 distinctive dialect bolster 

Our Vision 

Our vision is to make a crypto-trade, made considering the interests of the customary dealer. That is the reason we consolidated the best in the conventional IronFX exchange with the best in crypto-EmurgoHK to make a world-class crypto trade. 

We need our trade to offer the administrations that dealers are utilized to, and consolidate them with the upsides of exchanging the cryptographic money showcase. We additionally need to acquaint crypto brokers with the points of interest offered by customary exchanging. 

Favorable circumstances

 One of IronX's favorable circumstances over other trade stages is: 

IronX works completely for its clients by giving 24 hour/multi day bolster and in addition giving dialect support to all the more likely achieve clients in different nations. Assume that I myself am from Indonesia, I incline toward trades that help my dialect since it is less demanding to get it. 

IronX bolsters subsidizing as fiat cash and cryptographic forms of money. This makes 

IronX a financing stage that has numerous options and is put away on an online wallet. 

IronX has clients who are individuals from two stages specifically IronFX, which has more than 1.2 million clients, and EmurgoHK, which has in excess of 300 thousand dynamic clients. This will positively expand the liquidity of IRX tokens quicker. 

IronX has full control and allows to work in Estonia. This full permit must give a positive route to the venture to extend its adaptability all-inclusive. 

Issue Statement 

There are such a large number of digital money trades existing on the planet today, and a considerable lot of them acknowledge crypto-to-crypto exchanging sets. Here are a portion of the issues confronting the crypto trades of today, for example, 

High Trading Fees: Popular trades can charge between 0.8% to 3% in expenses. 

Poor Security: such a large number of Exchanges don't have a solid security to ensure clients resources. 

Poor User Interface: There are such a large number of crypto trades that have a poor User-interface, which makes it troublesome for clients to Navigate through the stage. 

Low Liquidity: such a large number of Popular trades offer Low liquidity, which in otherwords defers exchanging exercises on the stage. 


High Security: IRONX will utilize cutting edge innovations, for example, Smart Contracts security inspected by the pioneers in blockchain security Hosho and Hacken so as to offer clients with the best security. IRONX trade stage offers clients with choice security, and utilizations 2FA Google Authenticator, rate constraining, and simultaneous association limits. 

FIAT and Crypto Funding: Unlike other conventional exchanging stages, IRONX stage makes it workable for clients to exchange specifically shape crypto to Fiat and the other way around. And furthermore FIAT and CRYPTO wallet subsidizing alternatives will be accessible. 

Day in and day out Support Services: The IRONX trade bolster administrations are constantly accessible for clients of the IRONX stage and answer any inquiries or enquirers made by clients. 

Present day User-Interface: As found in the picture over, the IRONX trade has an all around planned User interface that makes the exchanging background agreeable and helpful for Traders. 

Exchanging Orders: Users of the IRONX trade stage are permitted to make orders, and too alter or drop orders 

Multi-Lingual help: The IRONX trade will bolster both English and different dialects, for example, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese, German, Italian thus some more. The Default dialect of the stage will be English.


Token Symbol: IRX

Platform: Ethereum (ERC-20)

Type: Utility

Price: $0.42 USD

Total Supply: 500,000,000 IRX

Soft cap: $18,000,000 USD (Achieved)

Hard cap: $50,000,000 USD

Tokens Available for Sale: 180,000,000 IRX

Accepting: ETH,BTC, WIRE

Minimum Investment: $100 USD

Public Sale: Ongoing (01.11.2018- 15.01.2019)

Public Sale Token Supply: 82,308,213 IRX


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Author: abeexy

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