

by nobody

People keep asking me to read their irises but i do not have time to do it for FREE. So i wrote this article to teach YOU, the reader, on how to do it yourself.

Keep in mind my iridology understanding is not as good as Aajonus and he even said himself that he developed his own iridology because other iridologist would be wrong all the time. My knowledge is from reading some iridology sources and then listening to Aajonus Vonderplantiz Q&As and back tracing and confirming some of the iridology things Aajonus Vonderplantiz talked about. So keep that in mind. I will also include some snippets from the Q&A. Whatever i got from Aajonus Vonderplantiz i will mention, so you can see which parts are right and which ones can be up for interpretation.

What cool about knowing iridology is that you can install see how healthy or sick someone is based from the knowledge. Whenever i meet any people i instantly analyze their irises and know their health state.

A good book that could give a simple understanding is called: Iridology Simplified by Bernard Jensen, however AV developed its own iridology because other people where wrong. So don't take it too seriously. Its just something that helps have a general understanding.

There is few things that add up that let's you see a whole picture in iridology. First of all the amount of fibers that are in the Iris. The more of them there are, the better constitution, which means you are better overall. The less the poorer constitution, the less alive cells there are. You could hear in certain Q&As Aajonus mention how much alive cells in percentage his clients would have. He would use the fibers to say.

This is a picture of iris with the fibers. You can see them going from the center of the eye to the sides. The more of them there are, the better you are

Sometimes in certain areas of the iris there is parts that there is no fibers or they are not as dense. That means that area is weaker, and probably has toxicity. Then you look at the iris in lower images, overlay them on your iris and you can see which part of the body is weaker.

The fibers are also layered, meaning, there is more then a few layers of them. And the higher the layer the better that area is. The more deeper holes, i will call them lesions, the worse that area is. And probably has toxicity, dead cells, ect.

Acute is the least worst lesion, degenerative is the lowest(worst lesion).

From iridology simplified-Bernard-jens

Now here is a picture of the iris chart. You use it to overlay over your iris and you know which part is weaker, which is stronger, which has toxicity. Here are some areas that i confirmed from AV who are correct in this chart: skin, stomach, gut, brain. This chart is more in depth and specific one but there is more general charts as well.

A more simpler chart

Here how the chart basically works. The inner ring around the pupil is the stomach and then the gut. If stomach area has a halo ring around the iris it means that person is overacidic (heard that from AV) and needs more veg juices.

According to AV there is basically two types of real eye colors, amber and blue. Everything else and in between just means that the body is toxic and eventually with doing the diet long enough the iris would go to their natural color.

What marks that the specific area is toxic is discoloration, brown, black spots. And different discoloration means that different heavy metal or toxin is stored there. Here are some snippets from AV Q&A:

2008 04 26 CH workshop 05:18:00 "Q: What if you have blue eyes, what does discoloration mean, like a brown spot ?
A: It is toxicity stored in that particular area of your body. It could be a penicillin injection if you got a brown spot, if it is black under the brown it is vaccines or other ingestion, or where mercury is stored and your body is used oxidized iodine or iron to seal it, sometimes your body would use a lot of iron or iodine that is oxidized, they would call it rusting, to destroy penicillin molds, it is like unnatural chemo therapy. And it could cause a lot of problems, it could cause anemia, because it causes a great loss of iron in the body."
2008 04 26 CH workshop 05:16:00 " Penicillin is grown on grain mold. Penicillin is grain mold. They sterilize it, it destroys the RNI and DNI which tells the fungus to go to into hibernation, so when you are injected or given penicillin, that fungus will live in you body forever, unless you know how to get rid of it, and i have not seen one person eyes in 30 years, that did not have a sign of penicillin growing profusely in their bodies. I have seen some people with a smaller amount then others, and some people with the massive amount. And the people who had the largest amount where the people who had fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. They usually have heavy metals all over the body or having raging penicillin growing everywhere, trough out the tissue, if you have yellow color in your eye you are full of it, if you are supposed to be blue but are green your eyes are full of penicillin. People with brown eyes are loaded with it too. Brown eyes should be amber, not dark brown or black."

Now i will list some examples to help you understand the whole concept better.

An example iris. You can see the gut area is all toxic and the toxicity is spilling from the gut to the rest of the body. Irises like these are very common. It seems we all are mainly poisoning our self the most to what we put it to our mouths and eat. There is a black ring around the iris, it means there is toxicity in the skin. So hot baths

Activity rings are these rings that you can see in your iris and it basically means you are producing excess hormones and you need to use them up trough exercise or other activities. Here is some AV snipped about activity rings.

"Usually, I can gage an individual's activity level by the number of activity rings in her/his irises. The more activity rings that a person has, the more active, including exercise, s/he must be. Usually, 1 activity ring equals one hour of activity or 1/2 hour of exercise daily. Amongst iridologists, those activity rings are commonly called "stress rings". Usually, I call them "worry circles". I call them worry circles to remind people that if they are not active enough, they will utilize those hormones in anxiety, worrying about anything or everything. There are two doors from which to choose: Activity or Anxiety. Which do you choose?"
Example iris of activity rings

This iris should naturally be blue but is brownish from all the toxicity. Limbal ring

Limbal ring means that there is toxicity stored in the skin. If person has limbal rings he should do hot baths to clear it up (info from av).

Lymphatic congestion can be seen by these small white dots around or nearby the skin area. The person needs to do Aajonus hot bath regime to fix it.

More information about the primal diet can be found on

Or by reading Aajonus books: We want to Live, and recipes for living without disease

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