Invoice Management Software

Invoice Management Software

Are you a small medium business owner? Do you currently have an invoice management software? Do you work 12 - 16 hour days, 6 days a week? If you answered yes to all three of these questions then I have one final critical question to ask. Shouldn’t your invoice management software help you get paid faster? More than that, shouldn’t it also contain a workflow so that all you have to do is create your invoice and the system will ensure on it’s that you get paid?

To me the answer is an emphatic YES! The issue here is that most invoice management software solutions only perform the task as described in the very definition, hey only manage your invoices. They won’t help you get paid faster.

That’s why you need InfoFlo Pay. It is the only online invoice management software solution that will help you get paid faster and will allow you to focus on running your business, rather than having to chase the customer for payment.

How does InfoFlo Pay do this? Well in a number of ways actually. First and foremost is the built-in workflow. If you’re creating an estimate in InfoFlo Pay, the system will email and/or SMS the estimate to your customer. All the customer needs to do is click on the link in the estimate which will automatically log them into the customer portal. Then either on their phone or PC, they can view the estimate in PDF format with an ACCEPT button. All they have to do is click it, and InfoFlo Pay will automatically convert it to an invoice, in front of their eyes, with a Pay Now button ready to scan their credit card and process the payment. It’s as easy as that! No other invoice management software on the market offers this type of unique workflow!

More than that, InfoFlo Pay will allow the customer to save their credit card profile. This means that like Amazon, InfoFlo pay will save the last 4 digits of their credit card so that next time they need to pay, they can select previous used credit cards. How easy is that!

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