Инвестиционная компания а1 официальный сайт

Инвестиционная компания а1 официальный сайт

Инвестиционная компания а1 официальный сайт

🔥Капитализация рынка криптовалют выросла в 8 раз за последний месяц!🔥

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✅Всем нашим партнёрам мы даём полную гарантию, а именно:

✅Юридическая гарантия

✅Официально зарегистрированная компания, имеющая все необходимые лицензии для работы с ценными бумагами и криптовалютой

(лицензия ЦБ прикреплена выше).

Дорогие инвесторы‼️

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г.Красноярск , Взлётная ул., 7, (офисный центр) офис № 17

ОГРН : 1152468048655

ИНН : 2464122732





‼️Вы часто у нас спрашивайте : «Зачем вы набираете новых инвесторов, когда вы можете вкладывать свои деньги и никому больше не платить !» Отвечаем для всех :

Мы конечно же вкладываем и свои деньги , и деньги инвесторов! Делаем это для того , что бы у нас был больше «общий банк» ! Это даёт нам гораздо больше возможностей и шансов продолжать успешно работать на рынке криптовалют!




Инвестиционная компания 'А1'

Business Manager is a Facebook tool that helps you organize and manage your business. Coworkers can only see your name, work email address and the Pages and ad accounts you have access to. You need a Facebook profile to create a Business Manager account. You use your Facebook username and password to sign into Business Manager. Note: You can create only 2 Business Manager accounts. If you need more, please work with someone else in your organization to create additional Business Manager accounts. Business Manager uses a 2-layer permission system that makes sure each person has the access they need. The first level is where you add people to your Business Manager. You can assign them either admin or employee access. Then, use task-based permissions to grant access to your assets. With the task-based permissions system, you can see the specific activities you allow each person to perform. Task-based permissions help you safeguard your Facebook information. We recommend that you share the least amount of access that still allows people to do their work. When you add people to your Business Manager , assign them admin or employee access. For example, ad accounts, Pages, pixels or catalogs. For each person and asset, you can grant access to specific tasks. For example, you can add someone to your Business Manager as an employee, then grant them permission to create ads and view Page performance, but not publish to the Page. Tasks for each asset are divided into 2 categories:. Note: Only Pages assigned to a Business Manager use task-based permissions. Pages not associated with a Business Manager use role-based permissions. Business Manager. Manage ad accounts, Pages, and the people who work on them — all in one place. Why choose Business Manager? You need more than one ad account. Create separate ad accounts for every client or business you serve, pay for ads with different payment methods, and organize by objective for reporting. You need to request access to Pages or ad accounts. If you have clients you can request access to their Pages and ad accounts to become an analyst or advertiser. You need to assign permissions to a lot of people working together. You need business-level insights and reporting. See the performance of your ads across different ad accounts and get reports of the assets and people your business is responsible for. What do you get with Business Manager? Stay up to date with your business When you sign into Business Manager, see alerts and insights about the Pages and ad accounts that matter most to your business. Add everything connected to your business In Business Manager settings, add your Pages, ad accounts and more. Then add people to the assets they need to work on. Access audiences and more across your business Gather your audiences, images and other items people in your business will use to build ads and Page posts. Common Questions. Using Business Manager. Create a Business Manager. Before you begin Make sure that you have a personal Facebook account to confirm your identity. Click Create Account. Enter a name for your business, your name and work email address and click Next. Enter your business details and click Submit. Was this information helpful? Permalink Share Related articles. Using your personal Facebook username and password to sign in to Business Manager. Visit the Business Help Center to find what you need. Can people still access my Pages after I transfer them to Business Manager? About Business Manager Roles and Permissions. Add people to your Business Manager When you add people to your Business Manager , assign them admin or employee access. Employee access: We recommend you add people as employees. They can only work on assigned accounts and tools. Admin access: Admins have full control over your business. They can edit settings, people, accounts and tools. Finance analyst: They see financial details like transactions, invoices, account spend and payment methods. Finance editor: They can edit business credit card information and financial details like transactions, invoices, account spend and payment methods. Admin Access : In this section, you only have one option. Toggle on admin access to allow the person to manage the asset and perform all available tasks. To learn how to get the most out of Facebook advertising tools and build your best campaigns, visit Blueprint for a series of in-depth online courses. Report a Problem.

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