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Однако есть и внешние инвестиции, которые также являются прямыми. Такой вариант предполагает участие инвестора в предприятиях-.

We use cookies in order to improve the quality and usability of the HSE website. More information about the use of cookies is available here , and the regulations on processing personal data can be found here. By continuing to use the site, you hereby confirm that you have been informed of the use of cookies by the HSE website and agree with our rules for processing personal data. You may disable cookies in your browser settings. The book gives in-depth analysis of historical background and the current economic relations between Russia and Japan. This article considers the notion of categories of foreign investments and foreign investor in the International Investment Law of Russia and Kazakhstan through the prism of three levels of legal regulation — the national legislation, bilateral and multilateral international treaties. National legislation governing foreign investments, despite having based on common legal structures and instruments, in the conceptual framework may differ significantly in the recipient state of foreign investment from that one in the country of origin of a foreign investor. The analysis of investment legislation of Kazakhstan seems to be very important in this context especially after its fundamental modification by the adoption of Business Code in In this paper the different types of provisions on economic equilibrium, which are presented in the latest international oil and gas contracts usually in PSA , are considered. Economic equilibrium clause is aimed at resolving the altered circumstances generated by unilateral acts of States used in the sovereign right of the entry into force of the treaty with a foreign investor. According to the mode of action, the provisions on economic equilibrium can be divided into three categories, namely, due to the economic equilibrium; unspecified economic balance, economic balance, achieved through negotiations. These categories do not create a barrier to the implementation of unilateral acts of States provide for different ways to update the economic balance, which is described on the date of entry into force of the treaty. The article is aimed at researching and finding gaps in the state regulation of information support for the attraction of foreign investments. Particular attention is paid to the causes and consequences of capital outflow, sustainability of the national currency, changes in the structure and geography of foreign economic cooperation. In many countries, including Russia, models of bilateral investment treaties or models BIT have been approved, on the basis of which specific treaties between different countries are then concluded. In this article, the author examines several «schools» of bilateral investment treaties: American, European, and Asian. The study is based on an analysis of the practice of concluding bilateral investment treaties by foreign countries. The main idea of this article is focused on the new phase of the state programs of investment treaties, which includes the analysis of new models of bilateral investment treaties and invalid old models of treaties of this kind. It ends up with an assessment of the effect which new models BIT can produce on future investment contractual relations between economic entities and the receiving investments of states. В старых версиях браузеров сайт может отображаться некорректно. Для оптимальной работы с сайтом рекомендуем воспользоваться современным браузером. RU EN Search. Advanced search. HSE University. RU EN. Higher School of Economics. Priority areas business informatics economics engineering science humanitarian IT and mathematics law management mathematics sociology state and public administration. In order to remain competitive in the labour market, university graduates must be proficient not only in professional knowledge and skills, but also in a set of universal competences UC. However, higher education systems face problems in assessing such competences due to a lack of developed approaches and methodologies. The Russian Ministry of Education and Science has approved a new nomenclature of specializations in which academic degrees are conferred in Russia. The new list includes 21 new fields, including cognitive science. Artificial Intelligence AI has become a fundamental component of many activities in economics and finance in recent years. Book chapter Инвестиции предполагают понимание С. Карпова Н. Language: Russian. Keywords: foreign investments Japanese economy. In book Россия-Япония: от политического противостояния к экономическому сотрудничеству Анализ политических и экономических факторов российско-японского инвестиционного сотрудничества. Ершова Н. Понятие и субъекты иностранных инвестиций в инвестиционном праве России и Казахстана: новеллы правового регулирования. Ерпылева Н. Законодательство и экономика. Современные методы стабилизации при осуществлении иностранных инвестиций в сфере нефтегазового комплекса. Погосова З. Известия высших учебных заведений. Уральский регион. Международные инвестиционные отношения в системе мирохозяйственных связей. Кокушкина И. Информационное обеспечение привлечения иностранных инвестиций в российской федерации. Шабров Р. Право и экономика. Иностранные инвестиции и совместные предприятия в экономике России. Shiryaev A. Social Science Research Network. SSRN, We study the land and stock markets in Japan circa Влияние японских прямых инвестиций в КНР на динамику и структуру двустороннего товарооборота. Коростелева М. Глава Переход России к открытой экономике и его последствия. Иностранные инвестиции как фактор глобализации украинского предпринимательства. Зухба Е. Днепропетровск: Днепропетровский национальный университет им. Гончара, Арбитраж и регулирование международной торговли: российский, зарубежный и трансграничный подходы. Liber Amicorum в честь летия А. Пакерман Г. Статут,

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Инвестиции предполагают понимание. С. Карпова Н. С. В настоящей работе на основе обширного аналитического материала анализируются.

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Инвестиции предполагают понимание. С. Карпова Н. С. The book gives in-depth analysis of historical background and the current economic.

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