Invalid Private Key

Invalid Private Key


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In Power Automate Desktop, when you use a private key file as an authentication method in the Open secure FTP connection action, you may receive the following error message:
Error message: “Can’t connect to ServerHost”.
More error details: "Robin.Core.ActionException: Can’t connect to ServerHost ---> Renci.SshNet.Common.SshException: Invalid private key file".
Here ServerHost is the FTP server host address used in the action.
This error can occur if the format of the private key file is not using OpenSSH format. Power Automate Desktop explicitly checks that the private key file format is OpenSSH, where the key should start with: 
To correct the private key file format (OpenSSH Format), make sure that the text in the file looks similar to the following:
You can also use PuTTY Key Generator (PuttyGen.exe) to convert the key file to the OpenSSH format. To do that:
Load your existing private key file in PuTTY Key Generator.
Click Conversions > Export OpenSSH key (not the "force new file format" option).
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I'm using the following code to work with Git in a Java application. I have a valid key (use it all the time), and this specific code has work for me before with the same key and git repository, but now I get the following exception:
After searching online, I've change createDefaultJSch to use pemWriter:
But still getting "invalid privatekey" exception.
o_b7 807●11 gold badge●88 silver badges●77 bronze badges
Martin Prikryl
151k●4343 gold badges●352352 silver badges●735735 bronze badges
I also stumbled upon this issue. running Jgit on mac, for some users we saw the following exception:
The root cause was discovered to be the ssh private key mismatch. The exception only happened for users with key of newer kind ed25519, which outputs this key header:
regenerating an RSA key (ssh-keygen -t rsa), made the exception go away.
Edit following comments: If you have OpenSSH 7.8 and above you might need to add -m PEM to the generation command: ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM
Natan 1,564●11 gold badge●99 silver badges●1313 bronze badges
Additionally, JSch seems to read ~/ssh/config and fails if any non-RSA and/or non-PEM files are added to the list via IdentityFile directive. – Bass Jul 27 '20 at 21:34
Recent versions of OpenSSH (7.8 and newer) generate keys in new OpenSSH format by default, which starts with:
JSch does not support this key format.
You can use ssh-keygen to convert the key to the classic OpenSSH format:
(if the key is not encrypted with a passphrase, use "" instead of passphrase)
For Windows users: Note that ssh-keygen.exe is now built-in in Windows 10. And can be downloaded from Microsoft Win32-OpenSSH project for older versions of Windows.
On Windows, you can also use PuTTYgen (from PuTTY package):
If you are creating a new key with ssh-keygen, just add -m PEM to generate the new key in the classic format:
Martin Prikryl
Martin Prikryl 151k●4343 gold badges●352352 silver badges●735735 bronze badges
extra kudos for pointing out how to convert an existing key instead of just generating a new one – sryll Mar 23 '20 at 13:25
Instead of converting the OPENSSH key format to the format, which original JSch supports, you can also switch to a fork of JSch, which you can find at
Your only need to replace your JSch Maven coordinates with com.github.mwiede:jsch:0.1.61.
The fork does support the OPENSSH key format and several more algorithms, which might become important in the future, as OpenSSH servers will restrict the allowed sets of algorithms to the most secure ones.
Matthias Wiedemann
Matthias Wiedemann 527●55 silver badges●1010 bronze badges
Martin Prikryl
151k●4343 gold badges●352352 silver badges●735735 bronze badges
You read a file named .pem and de-base64 all of it and treat the result as PKCS8-unencrypted, apparently successfully. This means the file was NOT PEM-format. PEM format at minimum MUST have the dash-BEGIN and dash-END lines to be valid, which if not removed cause de-base64 to either fail or be wrong. (Some PEM formats also have 822-style headers which must be handled.)
You appear to be using BouncyCastle, but in my versions there is no PKCS8Generator constructor that takes only RSAPrivateKey. The closest thing that works is JcaPKCS8Generator (RSAPrivateKey implements PrivateKey, OutputEncryptor=null) (i.e. a different but related class, and two arguments not one).
PemWriter is buffered, and you didn't flush it before looking at the underlying StringWriter. As a result writer.toString().getBytes() is an empty/zero-length array, which JSch rightly considers invalid.
With #2 and #3 fixed and using my input, and calling JSch directly instead of via JGit, it works for me.
dave_thompson_085 25.1k●55 gold badges●3636 silver badges●5454 bronze badges
JSch does not support this key format. It supports only RSAPrivateKey. This command works for me. Try this solution
Ananth Kumar
Ananth Kumar 31●22 bronze badges
323●77 silver badges●1717 bronze badges
Quite late to reply, but want to leave track of how to face the issue.
The point, as meny mentioned, is actually the way you generate the key and with the -m PEM option resolves.
However if, just as happened to me, you could not regenerate the key because the public part had already been installed in several servers, you can still convert your private key to a suitable format.
To do so, just issue the following command:
It will ask for input of a new passphrase. With parameters -P (old passphrase) and -N (new passphrase) you can provide them at once, if needed.
Stefano Cazzola
Stefano Cazzola 1,469●11 gold badge●1616 silver badges●3535 bronze badges
True, but that's what my answer above says already. – Martin Prikryl Sep 18 '20 at 11:15
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Invalid Private Key

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