Inurl Aspx Intitle Mature Intitle 5

Inurl Aspx Intitle Mature Intitle 5


Using the taskbar at the top of Digimind you can search inside the DCF, for alerts generated by your agents, and inside your folders for stored information.
You can combine your search terms with operators to get closer to the information you need.
intitle:keyword will generate results that contain your keyword in the title of the article. For example:
This operator will bring back information only if it comes from a page that contains your keyword in its URL. For example:
Using inimage:keyword will give you results that contain your keyword in the captions for images. For example:
This operator will find information only if the keyword is in the main text of the article. If the keyword is in the URL, but not in the text, the information will not come back. For example:
This looks for your keyword in the first 25% of the information only. This will give you results such as:
The best results are often acheived by combining these operators with the filters that are built into Digimind and / or with other operators.
These results were generated with this query:
 You can also use the NOT operator in combination with the others :

intitle:(GAFA OR "Google" OR "Amazon" OR "Facebook") NOT (Job OR Emploi OR Emplois OR Jobs )
intitle:(GAFA OR "Google" OR "Amazon" OR "Facebook") NOT intitle:(Job OR Emploi OR Emplois OR Jobs )

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intext:"Powered by GetSimple"
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inurl:old "index of" "wp-config.php"
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intitle:"SQLiteManager" + intext:"Welcome to SQLiteManager version "
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nd=m_fundraising_detail "login here"
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