Introducing Telegram Event Concept

Introducing Telegram Event Concept

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You can create events in Telegram natively.


I think it would be very useful if Telegram has its own native calendar of events. For personal use, it could give users the possibility to do without (if they wish) the digital calendars of other companies.

In social practice, it would provide the possibility that content creators, those who use Telegram to disseminate their activity and users who share common interests can organize face-to-face or virtual events that nurture their activity through the platform.

The option to synchronize the Telegram event calendar with other external calendars could also be incorporated.


  • Private events: Only you can create and see them.
  • Shared events: You will be able to create, view and share them with other users you select. You will also be able to see those events created by other users as long as they have shared it with you.
  • Group events: You will be able to create events within the groups in which you participate (as long as the option is enabled by the creator or administrator). You will also be able to see group events created by the group owner, administrators and other members.
  • Channel events: You will be able to create events in the channels where you were the owner or administrator. You will also be able to see events created in channels where you have subscribed.


From the menu of each chat. Just as you can attach documents, share location or create surveys, you can create an event.

The events created will have basic options such as: title, description, date and time (start-end and "all day" option), location (physical and / or virtual location).

At the same time, the creator of the event will be able to configure its security options: display and broadcast, for example.

When creating a new event, depending on the point of origin where it was created (one-on-one chat; group; channel), there will be options to share it or directly invite users / groups to the event.

Calls and video calls (in open round-trip or closed one-way mode) could also be linked to events

New event created / shared

When creating an event, it will appear in the chat where it has been created / shared as a new message with the creator of the event as the recipient.

The event information (or the information that the creator has configured as visible) will be displayed.

The message / announcement of the new event will show 2 buttons.

Decline: to decline participation in the event.

Accept: to accept participation in the event.

When rejecting an event. The announcement / message of the same will change for the user who has rejected it indicating their choice (they can modify their choice by clicking on the "accept" button).

Anyone who has rejected an event will not be able to enter it to obtain more information or interact.

By accepting an event, you can access it to learn more details and start interacting.

The creator of the event will be able to see within it who has rejected / accepted their participation.

This will also be visible to other users who have accepted the event as long as the creator has configured it for this purpose.

Interaction with the event

By accepting an event we are granted access to it. You will be able to know the complete information about it and interact by sending comments. The latter would work in a similar way to the comments that are currently made in a group about the posts of the linked channel.

The message options allowed in the interaction of the event will be configurable by the creator (text messages, audios, photos, videos, documents, surveys, etc.)

Track and monitor my events

Regardless of whether a user has created or accepted an event. This will be visible in the Calendar section located in the main Telegram menu (next to "New group", "Contacts", "Calls", "People nearby", "Saved messages" and "Settings").

Within this section. Each user will be able to view a (monthly) calendar where the days in which there is an event created / accepted will be indicated either by means of a color or an indicator.

Below the calendar, each user will be able to see a drop-down list in the form of an "agenda" with the next events arranged in chronological order.

From the three-point menu it is possible to configure the Calendar section, create new events or filter the agenda according to certain parameters (such as "personal events", "shared events", "group events", etc.).

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