Into_Mary Mfc

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Into_Mary Mfc

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When you’re starting out as a *NEW* model on MFC, you’re going to want to understand important concepts such as Visitor Types, Tokens, Limiting PM’s, Show Types, Whiteboard, Topics, and CharlesBot .
GUESTS – (light grey) – They CAN NOT TIP – They do not have an account so their Guest number changes every time they log on – That makes them anonymous so they do not care what they say – It is best to mute the Guests right away because they tend to clutter your chat and chase tippers away!
BASICS – (lightweight blue) – They CAN NOT TIP – They do have an account so their name stays the same – I suggest letting Basics talk until your room gets busy unless they get obnoxious. They help keep the chat going and they are the future Premiums.
PREMIUMS – (BOLD in different colors) – They are the only ones that CAN TIP – But there is no guarantee that they have any tokens right now – After Premiums have purchased a certain number of tokens they are also allowed to change their Font, Color, and User Name.
At the top of your Chat window where it says “Mute (Unmute) Guests” “Mute (Unmute) Basics” – Click on either one of those to mute or unmute.
You can also handle visitors to your room individually that are not being nice! You can click on their username and select – “Ban from Chat Room” or “Ban & Remove Chat” – That kicks them out and does not let them come back into the room. – You can also “Kick from Chat Room” – That kicks them out as a warning but lets them come back in. – You can also “Mute this user” that lets them into your room but prevents them from chatting!
Tokens cost Premiums between 8 and 10 cents apiece depending on quantity discounts – Every two weeks MFC pays you 5 cents USD for every token that you received – MFC keeps the difference as their portion for running the site – Premiums collect 1 Point for every 10 Tokens that they have purchased. Any token amount divided by 20 is the amount in dollars that you pocket!
Regular tips are displayed in the Public chat room with a Yellow background. They can have the amount or the tipper name Hidden. Hidden tips do NOT activate a Lush. Ninja tips are displayed only on the Model’s screen with a Salmon background and they do NOT come off of any current Countdown! Tips given during Group or Private Shows do come off of any current countdown! Tips can also be given by members that are not in your room or when you are offline. A 5 token tip is the smallest amount that a tip note can be attached to!
You can add someone to your Friends List by clicking on their user name in the Public Chat room and selecting “Add Friend” or you can type “/friend [username]” (without quotes) in the Public chat room.
One of the biggest mistakes that new models make is to try to keep up with every PM that they get! It is a good idea to limit PM’s to Friends List Only to keep you from getting swamped! You do not want to spend so much time on PM’s that you neglect your Public chat room.
One very important thing, Please add me to your Friends List BEFORE you limit the PM’s so I can keep helping you. To limit PM’s to Friends List Only – Click on the word “Options” at the lower left corner of your Chat Room screen > in the Options Window > Select the “Chat” tab > Under PM Options uncheck every box except “Top Friends” and “Friends” > Click on OK > Restart your chat room.
You can add Premiums that tip, Premiums that you like, or Premiums that are helpful to your Friends List. A good starting token amount for a Friend Add is 20 tokens. Then add “Friend/PM 20” to your topic.
This token amount is more of a filter than a way to make money. You want to have it high enough to keep out the riff-raff but low enough that you do not chase away guys that you may really want to hear from.
PUBLIC SHOW – Is done in the Public Chat room – Everyone can watch but everyone can also chip in tokens for the show – This is the most common show and most of the top models make their money here – A bunch of small tips add up real fast.
GROUP SHOW – Needs at least 3 Premiums to request a show – You accept the show then you automatically get 10 tokens per minute from each Premium in the Group – Premiums can join or leave during the show at any time – There is no limit on how many can join – All Premiums in the Group can interact with the model.
PRIVATE SHOW – One Premium requests and controls the show – You accept the show then you automatically get 60 tokens per minute from him – Other Premiums can “Spy” on the show and you also automatically get 20 tokens per minute from each of them – Only the controlling Premium can interact with the model.
TRUE PRIVATE SHOW – One Premium requests and controls the show – You accept the show then you automatically get 80 tokens per minute from him – Other Premiums are NOT allowed to “Spy”.
SKYPE SHOW – A cam to cam show outside of MFC – Tokens are usually tipped in MFC before the show for an agreed upon price and show length. Use of Paypal or other services is not recommended; those transactions can be cancelled after the show!
CAM 2 CAM (C2C) – Lets you see a member’s cam in your room – You can watch for free or charge some tokens – There are no automatic tips for this – To open a Member cam click the Grey Cam Icon right behind their User Name after they turn their cam on.
One important bad thing about Groups, Privates, and Skype is that they tend to empty out your room very quickly and you have to start attracting a crowd all over again! The best time for one of these shows is just after you log on or just before you log off! Many successful models only do Public Chat.
You can have one Premium at a time be a Room Helper that can perform limited functions in your room. A Helper can modify Topics, start and modify Countdowns, mute Guests and Basics, mute, kick, and ban Premiums. To assign me as Room Helper, in the public chat room, click on my User Name > click on More Actions > then select Set Room Helper
Your Whiteboard can be used for a Complete Tip List that will not fit in your Topic, Special Offers, and Information such as Twitter and Web Site names. You can find the link to your Whiteboard at the top of your chat window to the right of “Mute Basics”. You can assign a Premium to help edit your Whiteboard by clicking on “Add Editor”.
Your Topic gives guys an idea of what things you will do in your room and for how many tokens. Guys hate to ask and seeing it can actually give them the idea to give you a tip!
A rough example for a Topic … @remain until Top Off | Spanks 30 | Flash Ass 40 – Tits 60 – Pussy 80 | Friend/PM 100 | Grp/Pvt On | No Skype
“@remain” is a system variable that displays the tokens remaining in the current Countdown.
Your Topic is limited to a maximum of 160 characters so keep it brief and easy to understand. Capitalize all Important Words for readability. Place your Countdown first; it is the most important thing, followed by other items in ascending value. Put information items at the end.
Use the vertical separator “|” (shifted backslash “\”) that MFC uses in its menus, it helps make things more readable by putting things into their own “box”. Except for the Countdown, it works best if you put the Subject first followed by the tip amount (Like items on a grocery store shelf). Everyone knows that the numbers are token amounts so you do not need to type tokens, tks, or T.
If you are camming with another Model and place her name in your Topic, spelled and Capitalized correctly, it will become a clickable link to her MENU. One important note about the Topic … It will automatically clear itself 10 minutes after you log off so it is a good idea to copy and paste it to a text file on your computer, then you can paste it back in and edit it to save a lot of retyping.
To start a Countdown you can click on “Start Countdown” at the top of your screen and enter the token amount or type: “/c 250” in the Public Chat window – To display the Countdown in your Topic use “@remain until Top Off” – When the current count is reached just edit the Topic and start the next Countdown.
It usually works best to do a sequence of countdowns … Take Off Top, Pants, Bra, Panties, Finger Play, Toy Play, Cum Show. By breaking it into pieces you can set smaller goals that are more easily reachable but still end up with the same total amount of tokens.
If your room goes Offline you will have to restart your Countdown when you log back on.
CharlesBot is a free Chat Room Bot that can perform many automatic functions for you! Displaying Messages and Ads, Token Keno, Tip Polls, Tip Wars, and Raffles. You can get more details at … and you start it by typing “/pm CharlesBot !joinroom” in your Chat Room. Then Type “!setinterval 600” to display a message every 5 minutes.
Lighting is very important when you are on cam. You always want your face to be lit better than the background otherwise the cam will make your face go dark! If there is a light colored wall behind your cam you can reflect a couple lights off of the wall, it will diffuse the light and give you soft even lighting on your face with no glare similar to a photographer’s umbrella. And do not have the cam aimed at any bright lights, they will cause a glare on cam.
Some things that MFC absolutely does NOT allow that can cause your account to be locked: No Men on cam (or even in the room with you off cam), No non-registered females on cam, No public places, No pee, No poo, No breast milk, No Sexual talk about Children, No underage role play, No use of produce as a sex toy! These are the main ones, use common sense when doing things on cam!
If you have any questions or need any help feel free to contact us!
What Is CamScore (For MFC Models) September 13, 2018 In "CamScore"
Developing A Clientele May 3, 2019 In "Developing A Clientele"
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Something went wrong, but don’t fret — let’s give it another shot.

Joel Farrelly ,
August 16th 2014

TRIGGER ALERT: The story below contains penises. If the title and that NSFW label didn’t tip you off already, consider this your formal notice. That being said, anyone expecting hardcore erotica is going to be severely underwhelmed. This is a story about people. And people are gross. You have been warned.
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Those who’ve read my earlier posts know that I seem to find darkness wherever I go. It’s a bad habit that I clearly have no idea how to break, which is why my current situation should come as absolutely no surprise to anyone who’s been paying attention. Apparently that’s a list that doesn’t include me though because, upon finding an old desktop computer tower hidden behind the water-heater in my girlfriend Alice’s condo, my first reaction was to bring the computer home and dig through its files. In my world that’s called “asking for it.”
I already had the remnants of a similar Dell model stashed in a closet at my place complete with a compatible monitor, A/C cord, etc. which made setup quite easy. I turned the computer on and was greeted by a Windows XP password-entry screen for a user named “Enid.” Apparently, the original owner of this computer was a 90 year-old woman.
Because a lot of my friends are terrible people, I knew that there were ways around Windows passwords that required little more than a thumb-drive and several dubious keyword searches. But first, out of simple compulsive habit, I typed “password” and hit ENTER. And of course it worked.
The computer unlocked to reveal a desktop with a painting of the DC villain Harley Quinn as its background. Yup, definitely a girl’s computer, though maybe “Enid” wasn’t 90 after all, but simply the victim of parents with an unfortunate taste in names.
At this point, I feel it’s worth noting that I am not a monster. I wasn’t on some mission to invade this poor girl’s privacy. I wasn’t looking to steal anyone’s identity. I was simply curious.
The maintenance guy had found the tower when he was replacing a part on the water-heater, which was located at the back of Alice’s bedroom closet. Enid was most likely a former tenant of my girlfriend’s condo who had used the closet for storage but that doesn’t explain why she had felt the need to wedge her computer behind a water-heater.
There were seven folders on the desktop along with a small assortment of program icons: Microsoft Word, Photoshop, a program for live-streaming video that I had never heard of, etc. The seven folders were labeled, from top to bottom: “music”, “movies”, “pictures”, “art”, “writing”, “video”, and finally “logs.”
Call it the power of placement, but I clicked on “logs” first mainly because every other folder had a name that was self-explanatory. The “logs” folder contained over a dozen Word documents. The name of each document was a month followed by a year, starting on “February, 2012” and ending with “January, 2014.”
The computer itself was from the mid-2000s at the latest. If my girlfriend’s condo complex hadn’t been so upscale, that fact wouldn’t have bothered me so much. But I had to wonder what someone who could afford over a grand a month on rent was doing using a computer from ’05 in 2014. I started skimming through the earliest log and it quickly became obvious that Enid was no air-traffic controller.
The following is a transcript of the first page of the earliest document.
Client requests that I position myself with my spread butt cheeks held close to the camera and stay that way while occasionally calling him a “dirty little limp-dick slave boy.”
Client requests that I urinate into a bucket. I lay a plastic sheet down on the floor in front of the camera and do so.
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower – starts: 1:24am
Client requests that I put on my Freddy Kruger hat, toy glove, and striped sweater with no panties and then play with myself while reciting lines from a Nightmare on Elm Street. As the client ejaculates, he shouts “oh god!” and I respond by holding my gloved hand up in front of my face and saying in a deep guttural voice, “THIS… is god.”*
*That made the client super happy. Think I have a new regular.
Client requests a voice chat but says nothing. It sounds like he is sobbing. I don’t know what to do so I just sit there, staring at the camera. After a few minutes, he screams “Why?! WHY?!” and then closes the voice chat.
Client requests that I kneel on the bed and expose my butthole to the camera. Client occasionally asks me to “thank daddy” and each time I say “thank you, daddy” to which he responds “good girl.”
When Joel isn't writing creepy-ass short stories, he can be found scripting and acting in subversive comedy sketches on YouTube. You can follow Joel on Twitter or support him on Patreon , if you're into that.

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Watching the hottest cam girls perform has become the new normal for those of us seeking adult entertainment during these lockdown times.
While there are thousands of cam girls who do live sex shows 24/7, sometimes it can be a challenge to find hot ones who put on a good show. Nothing is worse than wasting time and tokens on boring girls. You can relax though, because in this post we have done the dirty work and found the best cam girls online.
If you’re new to cam shows you might have wondered, are cam girls legit? Do they deliver the goods, or are they out to exploit guys? Let me introduce you to some of the most loved and lusted after webcam models who love pleasing their audience.
First Look at the Hottest Cam Girls:
Mydaisydolly started on chaturbate and has since one of the best onlyfans accounts to follow. On her Onlyfans you can catch her streaming cam shows live, or if you miss them she posts regular recordings from her chaturbate in her feed.
Her account is also 100% free to subscribe to which is very rare considering most guys pay $5 a month to subscribe to onlyfans stars like MollySims and KacyBlack18 .
Skyler Lo is an all-American, dark-haired, buxom cutie from Dallas who shot to internet fame via Instagram. She has since gained more than 400k IG followers.
On sites like and, you can find archived clips of her playing with dildos and vibrators in various stages of undress. You can also find her on PornHub, where she has uploaded some of her most popular clips.
Skyler Lo has long wavy hair, innocent brown eyes and some of the largest round breasts you’ll see anywhere. Though she was born in 1994, she barely looks a day over 20. Her hair ranges from dark brown to jet black. She has a big tattoo on her upper left arm.
Guys love Skyler Lo because she’s equal parts cute, pretty and sexy.
Kati3kat is an ivory-skinned, blue-black haired alterna hottie who loves to twaddle herself on live cam. Facially, she bears a striking resemblance to YouTube star SSSniperWolf. Kati3kat is the kind of chick that any guy wants to have in a threesome with Kissofacobra (you know, for the contrast in perfection).
She was the AVN Favorite Cam Girl in 2017, 2018 and 2019. As of 2021, she has been camming for more than six years. You will currently find her on MyFreeCams. On Twitter, she
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