Interviews with the Two 2️⃣ Witnesses 👁️‍🗨️. Enoch and ➕ Elijah Speak 🗣️

Interviews with the Two 2️⃣ Witnesses 👁️‍🗨️. Enoch and ➕ Elijah Speak 🗣️

👓 Matthew Robert Payne
Interviews with the Two 2️⃣ Witnesses 👁️‍🗨️. Enoch and ➕ Elijah Speak 🗣️

Interviews with the Two 2️⃣ Witnesses 👁️‍🗨️. Enoch and ➕ Elijah Speak 🗣️

✅ We 👥⬅️ are living in strange times ⏱️ when life 🧬 on earth 🌐 is growing 💗 darker and ➕ darker, according to Isaiah 6️⃣0️⃣:1️⃣. Often, we 👥⬅️ hear 👂️ of terror attacks on the news 🆕, and ➕ we 👥⬅️ see 👀 that mankind is turning away in large numbers 🔢 from the message of Christ and ➕ Christianity.Some years ago, in 2️⃣0️⃣1️⃣4️⃣, Matthew interviewed nineteen saints, which included an interview with Elijah and ➕ Enoch, the two 2️⃣ witnesses 👁️‍🗨️ in Revelation 1️⃣1️⃣. Today, so that people 👥 don miss what they have said 💬, Matthew has republished their interviews in this small 📐🦐 book 📚️.This book 📚️ will tell 🗣️ you ➡️👤:*️⃣ What these two 2️⃣ men 👥 say 💬 is important to God*️⃣ What the future of the earth 🌐 will look 👀 like*️⃣ The importance of building 🏢 your life 🧬 on the rock 🥌 and ➕*️⃣ Insight into the thoughts 💭 of these two 2️⃣ men 👥 who will judge 👨‍⚖️ the world 🗺️.In this updated and ➕ edited version of the interviews from Great Cloud ☁️ of Witnesses 👁️‍🗨️ Speak 🗣️, you ➡️👤 will also be directed to other important books 📚️ that will teach you ➡️👤 how to be a light 💡 of Jesus to the world 🗺️, how to 🔎 find your purpose on earth 🌐, and ➕ what the two 2️⃣ witnesses 👁️‍🗨️ will do when they come ⤵️ to earth.In this book 📚️, I endeavor to share the hearts 💘 and ➕ minds of the two 2️⃣ witnesses 👁️‍🗨️. However, this book 📚️ is not ❌️ about what they will actually do on earth 🌐. For more information ℹ️ on what the two 2️⃣ witnesses 👁️‍🗨️ will do on earth 🌐, read 👤📖 Matthew’s book 📚️, Optimistic Visions of Revelation.


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